Preparing for Twins – Here’s Your Handy Checklist
A rush of thrill, excitement, joy and bliss followed by an unsettling nervousness about being able to cope with this overwhelming milestone, are the...
How to Perform Vinegar Pregnancy Test
Pregnancy can be a hard time to get through, but for couples who are trying to conceive, the time of conception can be harder....
Expressing Milk (Colostrum) before Birth – Benefits and Risks
Pregnant women are likely to notice some milk leaking from the breasts towards the conclusion of their pregnancy often referred to as colostrum or...
How To Naturally Increase and Decrease Amniotic Fluid During Pregnancy
Your baby rests inside a fluid-filled sac in the uterus. This is the amniotic sac and the fluid in it is known as amniotic...
Immunizing Your Newborn: Vaccination In The First 24 Hours
Vaccination is a simple yet extremely important responsibility of parents towards their babies. It can be simply explained as providing a newborn with virulent...
How to Trim Baby Nails
When it comes to preventive measures for your baby’s health, the best precaution that a parent can take is cleanliness in their baby. By...
Febrile Seizures
A paediatric febrile seizure is one of the most common childhood disorders related to convulsions. Febrile (meaning "feverish") seizures are convulsions that can happen...
Potty Training for Boys
Someone has very rightly said, ‘Having a kid is like continually having to clean-up after a party you didn’t attend’ and that clean-up starts...
7 Years Old Behaviour Problems and Disciplining Strategies
Your seven-year-old child is becoming more independent and can easily perform daily tasks such as bathing by himself, dressing on his own or even...
Typhoid in Children – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Your child’s mental and physical well-being must be your top priority. And we are sure you must be doing everything you can to keep...
Impact of Television (TV) on Children – Positive & Negative Effects
Television is an important part of every child's life. From witnessing the magic of superheroes to tuning into horror weekends, children go through an...
11 Tips on How to Motivate Children
Children need a supporting hand to guide them as they learn how to grapple with the world. A child must engage with his/her world...
21 Weeks Pregnant with Twins or Multiples
When you are pregnant with multiples or twins at 21 weeks, you can tell yourself that you are pretty much in the final league...