11 Unanticipated Reasons for Irregular Periods
Monthly periods are not the most exciting thing that happens to women, and no one really looks forward to it. However, they are an...
How Soon After Giving Birth Can You Get Pregnant
Pregnancy after giving birth is a much-misunderstood phenomenon. Some misplaced theories and false notions exist with regards to this question. This article does away...
How to Teach your Baby during Pregnancy
Your womb is a sensory play field for your baby. There is a growing body of evidence that suggests that your child starts learning...
How to Deal with Bell’s Palsy during Pregnancy?
Pregnancy is a tough but rewarding time, all the more so when you are holding your bundle of joy in your arms. However, there...
Dairy Products for Babies – Health Benefits and More
Your little one needs vitamin B12, D and calcium for healthy development of his bones and other organs. Besides being vital for cognitive and...
Sensorimotor Stage of Development – How Parents Can Help
Sensorimotor stage is the first stage of development out of four stages as per the theory of cognitive development by Piaget. This is the...
Type 2 Diabetes in Children
A few years ago, children were seldom diagnosed with type 2 diabetes; this medical condition was quite a rare occurrence in young children, but...
14 Months Old Baby Food – Ideas, Chart, and Recipes
If your baby is going to turn 14 months in a couple of days, you must be looking for some food items that can...
10 Best Back-to-School Movies for Kids
School is about to start, and kids usually feel bittersweet about their vacation ending and the new school year starting. Students look forward to...
20 Easy Mother’s Day Card and Craft Ideas for Kids
Mother’s Day is a holiday dedicated to motherhood and is celebrated in different ways across the world. Mother’s Day 2018 will be observed on...
Hypothyroidism in Kids: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
The thyroid gland is one of the most important glands in the human body, and plays a vital role in your overall development. Proper...
7 Years Old Behaviour Problems and Disciplining Strategies
Your seven-year-old child is becoming more independent and can easily perform daily tasks such as bathing by himself, dressing on his own or even...
How to Make Your Child Interested in Studying
As parents we expect our children to do well in all spheres of life. However, we may put our child under the burden of...