
Best Yoga Asanas for Normal Delivery

Yoga comprises a set of exercises that can be customised to suit almost any need. It is especially suited to the needs of a pregnant woman as it offers a combination of physical exercises and breathing techniques. Here, we discuss some yoga postures which may assist in achieving a normal vaginal delivery.


Yoga Exercise during pregnancy

Practising yoga is one of the best ways of exercising in pregnancy. Yoga not only keeps the body healthy during this time, but it also prepares your body for the upcoming labour. The various asanas and breathing techniques are extremely useful during the process of labour and birth. You may practise yoga during pregnancy for normal delivery, as yoga helps in building better flexibility of pelvic bones and muscles.


Prenatal yoga asanas are the asanas which you can perform safely during your pregnancy. The main aim of doing yoga in pregnancy is to reduce any pregnancy-related complications or problems and have a smooth sail through the entire pregnancy and the birthing process. You may practice yoga during pregnancy for normal delivery, as yoga helps in building better flexibility of pelvic bones and muscles.

Though the yoga postures are extremely beneficial for an expecting mother, however, you should still consult your doctor before performing any yoga postures.

Benefits of Pregnancy Yoga for Normal Delivery

Yoga has immense health benefits for a mother-to-be, and it helps in normal delivery too. Here are some benefits of yoga for normal delivery:

Helps in labour: Yoga not only helps improve the overall health of the mother but it is also excellent for the foetal development. Yoga also helps in increasing the muscle strength and energy that aids vaginal delivery.

Helps in relieving pains: As the pregnancy process progresses, you may experience back pain, headaches and other pains. Yoga helps in easing pains through proper blood circulation, better muscle strength, and improved breathing techniques.

Helps in getting good sleep: Yoga reduces stress, anxiety and pain, thus relaxing the mind and body. Practising yoga helps you sleep better.

Helps in building stamina: Yoga helps you build stamina, which may be required during the labour in case of the long labour hours.

Helps in better birth position for your baby: Yoga helps in improving the flexibility of pelvic muscles and bones and aids in the ensuring the best birthing position of for the baby.

10 Effective Yoga Poses during Pregnancy for Normal Vaginal Birth

We shall discuss various yoga asanas for all the three trimesters that may prove to be beneficial for the expecting mother to have a normal delivery:

Yoga Poses during the First Trimester

You may do almost all basic yoga poses in the first trimester of your pregnancy. But it is very important to pay attention to the needs of your body. If you feel tired, lethargic, or are unable to perform yoga, then you should not push yourself. Following are some of the yoga asanas that you may do in the first trimester:

1. Virabhadrasana or The Warrior Pose

These asanas help in strengthening back, thigh, shoulder and arm muscles. This asana also helps in increasing the stamina.

2. Vrksasana or The Tree Pose

This asana helps in the conditions such as heartburn. It also helps to improve posture and relieve back pain.

3. Utthita Trikonasana or Extended Triangle Pose

This asana helps in stretching the hips, hamstring and groin muscles. It helps relieves stress and backache. This asana also helps improve digestion during pregnancy.

Yoga Poses during the Second Trimester

By the second trimester, the pregnancy bump starts to show. In most cases, the morning sickness goes away by this time. Following are some of the yoga asanas that you may practice in your second trimester:

1. Vajrasana or Thunderbolt Pose

This asana is very effective in improving digestion. It is also effective in keeping other stomach- related problems in pregnancy at bay.

2. Tadasana or Palm Tree Pose

This asana helps in strengthening the spine and maintaining good physical and mental balance.

3. Manjari Asana or Cat Pose

This asana is extremely beneficial for the reproductive system. It also helps in bringing flexibility to shoulder, spine and neck.

Yoga Poses for during Third Trimester

In the third trimester, the various yoga asanas help to prepare for the labour and birthing process. Here are some asanas that you may do in your third trimester of pregnancy:

1. Poorna Titli Asana or Butterly Pose

This asana helps in relieving fatigue from the inner thighs and legs.

2. Ardha Titli Asana or Half Butterfly Pose:

This asana is very good in loosening hip joints and this helps during the delivery process.

3. Supta Udarkarshan Asana

This asana is very beneficial for getting rid of-of constipation and it also gives relief from any strain or stiffness in the back.

4. Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

This asana is very good to use for strengthening thigh and pelvic muscles.

Precautions to take While doing Yoga in Pregnancy

Yoga provides immense health benefits to a woman during pregnancy. But it is equally important to exercise caution while performing various yoga asanas. Here are some  points that you should remember while doing yoga in pregnancy:

  • You must practice yoga in consultation with your doctor.
  • It is very important to practice yoga asanas and various breathing techniques in the correct way.
  • You should not practice lying down yoga postures that require you to lie down after your first trimester is over.
  • You should also refrain from holding your breath for longer durations.
  • You must exercise caution while doing balancing yoga postures.
  • It is recommended to pay attention to your body’s nutrition and hydration needs before and after the session of yoga.
  • You should wear comfortable clothes for yoga.
  • You should refrain from over-stretching.
  • You should rest after the session of yoga.

Yoga has many benefits during pregnancy. It not only keeps the would-be-mother healthy through pregnancy but is also beneficial during labour. However, you must seek medical guidance before performing or practising any yoga asanas.

Published by
Mahak Arora