10 Pregnancy Care Tips During Winter Season

Pregnancy sometimes becomes a little difficult during winter months for some expectant mothers. They become susceptible to infections, cough, and cold, and the chill in the air leads to pains and aches as intake of medicines is restricted during this period. Breezing through it is definitely possible if pregnant ladies prepare in anticipation on how to face the harsh climate during pregnancy.


Video: 10 Pregnancy Care Tips During Winter

How to Survive Winter During Pregnancy

The onset of winters warrants special care. Pregnancy care during this season should invariably include adequate protection by wearing the right type of garments, eating the right kind of food, keeping the skin hydrated and above all elevating the immunity level of the body.


Some practical tips are rounded up here to help pregnant women sail through this season without facing the severity of the winter season.

1. Wear a Winter Jacket

Being comfortable and warm is the most essential thing in the winter season. Buying a new jacket to wear is a good idea as it will help in keeping the body warm. Instead of hitting the thrift store to buy a maternity coat to wear only for a few months, it is a wiser option to buy a winter jacket and keep the body cosy and warm by zipping it up properly. Though it may be tempting to wear the regular coat that you own, a new jacket that fits well will help you stay healthy and survive easily when the winter elements get hard.

2. Drink Plenty of Water

Winter, with its chilly weather, makes one avoid or subconsciously forget drinking water, which is not good for pregnant women. As the winter air is dry, the body needs extra water during winters. It will not be conducive if you try to substitute water with beverages. Though coconut water and juices are excellent options, water is the best way to keep the system hydrated. If you feel that you need reminders for drinking water, there are options to set reminders on your mobile phone these days. You must also know the quantity of water that you must drink each day. Dehydration can lead to preterm labour and a host of other problems.

3. Get a Flu Vaccine

It is advisable to get a flu vaccine as the immune system takes a hit during pregnancy. It has been declared by The Centre for Disease Control that the flu vaccine is safe for expectant mothers and unborn babies. A quick poke in the form of a vaccine will help you avoid the complications that can occur from flu, thereby keeping yourself and the little one safe.

4. Be Snugly Attired

As the winter becomes severe, pregnant ladies need to wear layers of clothing so that you can add or take them off as required. It has always been a baffling question as to what to wear during pregnancy in winter. There are a number of options such as wearing a tank top or t-shirt, a cardigan, a buttoned shirt or a lightweight scarf to get through the weather changes. There are ways to be creative to look cool and stay warm at the same time.

5. Regular Exercises

When it is severely cold, it is not easy to go for a walk as the ice-cold and chilly air makes the lungs feel like they are filled with icicles. For pregnant ladies, it is even more difficult. Some indoor exercises can be an excellent substitute to keep yourself fit and safe. You can go to a local indoor pool, join a gym, go to a local mall or buy a yoga mat and yoga DVD to stay fit and active during peak winters during pregnancy.

6. Wash Your Hands Regularly

Washing your hands regularly is the best way to avoid germs, especially during pregnancy. After running errands, it is quite important to wash your hands before coming in contact with any family members or friends. If there isn’t a sink nearby, use a hand sanitiser. After every bathroom break and before eating anything, you must wash your hands properly, keeping in mind the safety of the baby in the womb.

7. Stay Indoors as Much as Possible

When you are pregnant, your body becomes more sensitive and vulnerable to diseases. It can be very harmful if your body is exposed to extreme weather conditions, and the germs can harm the mother and the baby. Some women suffer from common cold and cough due to extreme weather conditions. The sensitive body during pregnancy takes time to adjust to the changed atmosphere of chilly winds outside after leaving the warm and cosy house. All outings should be postponed until the weather improves, and it is safer for you to step out.

8. Get Checked for a Cold

Most pregnant ladies are apprehensive and fear that it might affect the baby if they take any counter medicine. The fear is reasonable and understandable, but if you suffer from cold and flu for more than three consecutive days, you should visit a doctor and get treated for the ailment. It would be best if you also discussed the precautionary measures for it. You must trust your doctor as they will always prescribe medicines keeping the well-being of the baby in mind.

9. Use Moisturiser for Your Skin

During pregnancy, the skin shows a lot of changes due to hormonal changes. The skin becomes dry when coupled with the harsh winter breeze, which steals away the moisture content leaving it dry and lifeless. Dry skin becomes flaky and itchy, and so the skin requires special care during winters, especially if you are pregnant. Use lukewarm water for bathing and avoid hot baths no matter how tempting it may seem. After taking a bath, you must immediately moisturise your skin as the open pores will take in the moisturiser, leaving the skin feeling soft, smooth, and supple. Apply a generous quantity of moisturiser on your elbows, hands, belly, and chest. Your body will feel grateful for the pamper shown during pregnancy, and you will be able to manage the skin troubles women often experience during pregnancy.

10. Watch Your Diet

Winter is fraught with various diseases, and it is synonymous with flu and a runny nose. It is that time of the year when fruits should be included in the diet mandatorily. If you are pregnant and steering clear of the off-the-counter medicines, it is advisable to add a lot of fruits in the diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables are sure to strengthen your immune system to fight the diseases and keep your body hydrated as well. Including saffron in the diet or milk will keep your body protected and warm.

Winter, as you know, can be a little daunting on you, but with proper care, you will undoubtedly feel safer during pregnancy. If the temperatures plummet down, some good walking shoes can also come handy if you tread all the way to work. Order grocery from the warmth and comfort of home from stores where items are home delivered. Surviving a winter pregnancy is easier than you think if you take care of yourself and keep these precautions in mind. Preparing for the changing weather will help in overcoming the dangers that lie between the blasting heat and icy streets.