Apple Cider Vinegar During Pregnancy – Is It For You?

Pregnancy is a time when extra care and precaution mus be exercised. . A woman’s health goes through various changes like hormonal imbalance and a weak immune system. During this period, it is vital that you take care of yourselves by utilizing any tricks or remedies at your disposal. One of the most beneficial trick available to pregnant women is consumption of apple cider vinegar.


What Is Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar (AVC) is one of the most common types of vinegar available. It is made from cider, a type of concentrated apple must that has been left to ferment over a period of time. The cider first ferments to alcohol before finally transforming into acetic acid. It is safer to consume pasteurised vinegar as it is free of harmful bacteria that can cause E. coli in pregnancy.


This versatile ingredient can be used in salads, sandwiches, and mixers. However, it is most beneficial to drink a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar every day. Remember that unfiltered, unpasteurised apple cider vinegar is extremely potent and can burn your oesophagus if consumed raw. It is recommended to dilute a teaspoon of vinegar with a quarter glass of water before consumption.

Is Having Apple Cider Vinegar Safe While Pregnant?

Drinking apple cider vinegar while pregnant is safe as long as it is pasteurised or diluted. Consumption of raw apple cider vinegar during pregnancy is not recommended due to its potency, its potentially harmful bacterial content, and a weakened state of the immune system during pregnancy. The bacteria in unpasteurized ACV are considered healthy for people who are not pregnant because of the overall strength of their immune systems and the requirement for bacteria of this nature. Pregnant women, on the other hand, must be cautious as a foetus has requirements different to that of a fully developed baby. Another consideration is the antibodies that support the immune system are overworked during pregnancy and may fail to combat the adverse effects of this kind of bacteria.

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Consuming ACV during pregnancy is highly recommended because of its numerous immunity-boosting and health benefits like:

  • Preventing Urinary Tract Infections – Apple cider vinegar is known to have enzymes and minerals to help with prevention and treatment of UTIs. It is recommended to dilute the apple cider vinegar; the ideal ratio would be 1 teaspoon of ACV and 1 glass of water. It is recommended to consume that ratio twice a day.
  • Regulates Heartburn – Pregnant women are commonly afflicted by heartburn around the 12th week of pregnancy . Apple cider vinegar is considered one of the quickest acting natural remedies for heartburn.
  • Controls Blood Sugar – The enzymes in ACV aid in controlling blood sugar levels. Women who have blood sugar issues during pregnancy often struggle to bring it under control and it could adversely affect their pregnancy.
  • Moderates Blood Pressure – ACV has minerals that work in cohesion with the enzymes that help control blood sugar to help moderate spikes and drops in blood pressure that are common during the second and third trimester of pregnancy.
  • Helps Combat Cold – Cold and blocked nose are very common during pregnancy. ACV mixed with warm water helps clear the nostrils, prevents sinus infections and combats viruses like the common cold.
  • Streamlines Blood Circulation – Apple cider vinegar is known to regulate the circulation of blood. This helps keep you active and energized, especially helpful during pregnancy, as the body feels heavier and more lethargic often during the second and third trimester.
  • Reduces Swelling & Bloating – A common problem with women during the final trimester of pregnancy is bloating. ACV has medicinal properties that help prevent, manage, and relieve bloating. Anti-inflammatory properties of ACV help reduce swellings as well.
  • Combats Acne – Another common problem during pregnancy is an acne breakout, especially if you had acne before pregnancy. ACV is known to help keep the skin healthy and clear and helps combat acne.

Apple cider vinegar combats a lot of conditions that pregnant women often are challenged with. ACV is also an excellent source of natural immune boosters.

What Quantity of Apple Cider Vinegar Is Good During Pregnancy?

It is recommended that women who are pregnant consume between 1-2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar a day, diluted with a half or a full glass of water. The frequency can be up to 2 times a day, or as per convenience.

Unpasteurised or Pasteurised Vinegar?

A general rule of thumb would be to go with pasteurised consumables during pregnancy as they eliminate potentially harmful bacteria. T. Pasteurised ACV is recommended as it has lower risks and higher rewards.

Possible Risks Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Risks of consuming apple cider vinegar are minimal. Drinking undiluted apple cider vinegar can be harmful to various parts of the digestive system as it contains acetic acid which can burn through the oesophagus. Apple cider vinegar can also erode teeth if consumed raw, due to the same acidic properties.

ACV can interact badly with drugs like insulin as well as some diuretics. Seek advice from your primary healthcare physician to see if the drugs you are on can react adversely when combined with ACV.

Tips For To Be Mothers

Here are some tips when using apple cider vinegar:

  • Take precautions when consuming apple cider vinegar capsules or supplements. Run it by your doctor first.
  • Moderate the dosage of consumption of ACV based on an in-depth discussion with your physician.
  • Don’t combine ACV with other vinegar when consuming. It can increase the acidic potency.
  • Do not use ACV as a substitute for medication unless your physician says otherwise.
  • Take precautions when trying to consume ACV mocktails.
  • To maximise the benefits of ACV, buy organic.

Conclusion: Apple Cider vinegar is beneficial for your body, especially during pregnancy. It has multiple health benefits and is quite safe. Pasteurised apple cider vinegar is recommended for pregnant women. The consumption can be once or twice a day, a tablespoon of vinegar mixed with a glass of water, depending on the dose advised by your doctor.