Amla During Pregnancy – Benefits, How to Eat & More

During pregnancy, every action of the mother has a direct or indirect impact on the baby. A mother’s eating habits greatly shape the health and development of the baby in the womb, and therefore, a well-balanced diet rich in nutrients is very important. Before making any food item a part of the mother’s diet plan, it is necessary to have a detailed understanding of the benefits and the harmful effects (if any) it will have on both, the mother and the baby.

Is It Safe To Eat Amla When Pregnant?

Yes, it is safe to consume amla, or Indian gooseberry during pregnancy. Amla is a super fruit which looks like a lemon, has a sweet-sour flavour when ripe, and is bright green in colour. The fruit is very high in nutrients, especially Vitamin C, which makes it a very good anti-oxidant. Amla is a key ingredient in most Ayurvedic medicines and is also a recommended food for pregnant women. Its high vitamin and fibre content make it a power food for pregnant women.

Benefits Of Eating Amla During Pregnancy

Amla is commonly available throughout India and can be preserved in the form of powder without losing its medicinal and nutritional value. Eating amla during pregnancy has a wide range of benefits for the mother and the child. Discussed below are some of the benefits of consuming amla:

  1. Immunity enhancement: Amla is a great anti-oxidant and gives a boost to the immune system. Its high Vitamin C content helps in fighting infections like common flu and urinary tract infection which are common during pregnancy. A bonus benefit is that it even aids lactation after delivery, thus ensuring that your baby gets immunity-boosting breast milk
  2. Helps in preventing constipation: Due to the high fibre content, amla helps in regularizing bowel movements and preventing constipation during pregnancy.
  3. Enhances digestion: Amla helps in reducing problems like indigestion and acidity formation as it stimulates gastric juices in the stomach and helps in the digestion of food.
  4. Helps in maintaining blood pressure: The abundance of Vitamin C in amla helps blood vessels dilate which in turn helps in maintaining and sustaining normal blood pressure.
  5. Provides relief from fatigue and stress: The sweet-sour taste of amla helps in controlling the feeling of nausea which is common in the first trimester of pregnancy. Drinking amla juice or eating it raw reduces morning sickness and re-energizes the body.
  6. A good source of calcium: Amla is a good source of calcium. Calcium is important for the development of the baby’s bones and teeth.
  7. Helps in controlling oedema: Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, amla helps in reducing swelling in hands and feet (known as oedema) which might happen during pregnancy.
  8. Body detox: Amla is a great anti-oxidant and its high water content increases the frequency of urination. This helps in flushing out radicals and toxins from the body.
  9. Restricts gestational diabetes: Even mothers with no diabetic history can experience a condition called gestational diabetes during pregnancy. This happens when pregnancy hormones interfere with the insulin in the body. Amla has anti-diabetic qualities which help in restricting the chances of gestational diabetes in the mother.
  10. Boosts the baby’s memory power: Consuming amla juice helps in enhancing memory power of the baby.

How Much Amla Can You Eat In Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, it is safe to eat one or two pieces of fresh amla fruit per day. In case you are taking amla in powder form, one teaspoon of powder is ideal.

What Are The Side Effects Of Amla During Pregnancy?

Amla is a fruit with a lot of benefits for pregnant women. However, overeating it can lead to indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea, and also leave you dehydrated with an upset stomach. It is therefore advised to consume amla in limited quantities only.

Can You Drink Gooseberry Juice When Pregnant?

It is safe to drink gooseberry or amla juice during pregnancy. However, you should avoid packaged amla drinks as they may be sweetened or contain added preservatives and this is not recommended for pregnant women. You can extract amla pulp at home and mix it with water to drink. About 5 ml to 10 ml of amla juice per day is an ideal quantity to consume.

Is Cooked Amla Safe For Pregnant Women?

It is best to eat raw amla in order to be able to make full use of its nutrients. Cooking amla usually depletes its nutritional value and hence is not recommended. In case you cannot eat raw amla, it is best to consume fresh amla juice or mix amla powder with water and drink it.

When To Avoid Amla In Pregnancy?

While amla has no side effects if consumed within limits, it is best to avoid the fruit if you are suffering from cold or a cough. Amla has a cooling effect on the body and this might aggravate the cold.

Also, amla must be avoided if you are suffering from bouts of loose motions as the laxative nature of amla will only worsen the problem.

Ways To Incorporate Gooseberry (Amla) In Your Diet

Some women might find amla tasty enough to be consumed raw while some might not like the tangy taste and prefer to consume amla indirectly. Here are a few tips to incorporate amla in your diet:

  1. Pickled Amla: You can have pickled amla as your mid-morning snack as its tangy flavor will keep your cravings at bay and stop you from overeating. You can also have pickled amla along with your food.
  2. Amla Salad: Mixing a few chopped pieces of amla in your usual salad will also help mix and match the overall taste.
  3. Fresh Juice: Extract the pulp from the fruit, mix it with water and drink it in the form of juice. You can also grind the amla in a juicer and garnish it with mint leaves to enjoy a refreshing amla drink.

  1. Dessert: You can also consume amla with honey after your meal and turn it into a nutritious and healthy dessert. You can also have it as amla murabba in pregnancy.

  1. Hidden Amla: In case you don’t like to consume raw amla, you can also add it as an ingredient in your dishes like sambhar, vegetable curry or korma and get the same benefits from the fruit.

Is Packaged Amla Juice Good During Pregnancy?

It is best to avoid packaged amla juice as it might contain sweeteners and preservatives. If you cannot consume fresh amla juice and have to opt for a packaged one, then pick up a good brand which has a long shelf life.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I consume Dried Amla in Pregnancy?

You can consume amla pachak or amla supari during pregnancy which is a dried form of amla. This has almost all the benefits of a fresh amla. You can make dry amla at home easily.

2. Can I eat salted Amla when Pregnant?

It is best to limit salt intake during pregnancy and avoid salted foods as they can adversely affect the fluid-electrolyte balance and cause stomach issues.

Amla is a superfood with several benefits for pregnant women. Just keep the prescribed precautions in mind, and you can enjoy eating this fruit when you are expecting.