7 Weeks Pregnant: What To Expect

7 Weeks Pregnant: What To Expect

By week 7, your baby is rapidly growing inside your body; however, it may not be very evident from your tummy at this juncture. This is the period of very important developmental changes, as your body is preparing to nurture the growing foetus. Most women come to know about their pregnancy around this time. Although you may not have started to gain weight, you may feel bloated. You may also start to feel the morning sickness.

Your Baby’s Growth During Pregnancy – Week 7

Your baby’s legs and arms begin to emerge by this time. Your baby also has a small tail which is more like an extension of the tailbone. However, this will disappear as the pregnancy progresses. The foetus has almost doubled in size in the past one week. Your baby is making rapid developmental changes. Both the hemispheres of the brain are forming. The tiny liver begins to function by forming red blood cells, till the bone marrow is formed. The digestive organs like pancreas and appendix start to form too. At this stage, your baby may technically be called an embryo.

What Is The Baby Size

Your baby is approximately the size of a blueberry by this time. The 7 weeks pregnant baby size is almost quarter of an inch. There has been tremendous development from the time of conception as your baby has grown almost 10,000 times since then. At this time, the growth is mostly concentrated in the generation of brain cells.

Common Body Changes

Your external body might not hsow that you’re pregnant but there is a lot going inside your body.

Your body changes during pregnancy and you may experience the following changes around 7 weeks of pregnancy:

  • Nausea and food aversions: You may experience nausea and food aversions by this time. Some odors or smells may trigger nausea. On the other hand you may also find yourself craving for food such as pickles.
  • Excess formation of saliva: You may notice the formation of excess saliva in your mouth. Try chewing sugarless gum to avoid pooling of excess saliva in your mouth.
  • Changes in breast: Your breast size may increase this week. This is due to the increase in blood flow and fat build up around your breast.
  • More frequent bathroom visits: There is an increase in blood flow around your pelvic region because of hCG hormone, resulting in frequent urination.
  • Skin breakouts or acne: You may also notice acne on your face. This is due to the hormonal changes happening in your body.

Symptoms Of Pregnancy At Week 7

There may not be evident physical signs by 7 weeks of pregnancy, but you may notice the following symptoms at this week:

  • You may start to feel sick in the mornings (nausea and vomiting). You may also experience headaches and other pains. Fatigue and lethargy may be noticed too.
  • Your breasts will become tender and the areoles will become darker than usual.
  • You may crave certain food items and develop aversion for some.
  • You may not fit too well into your favorite pants or jeans. This is not due to weight gain but due to bloating.
  • You may also experience mild pelvic cramping. There might be occasional spotting too.
  • One of the important developments in your body during this time is the development of your mucous plug.
  • The mucous plug helps seal the cervix and protects the opening of the uterus till the birth of your baby.
  • You may find yourself battling with changing moods. This is due to the changing hormones in the body.

Belly At 7 Weeks Of Pregnancy

Your belly at 7 week pregnancy does not make you look pregnant though you may feel a lot changing within your body. Your baby is too tiny at this point of time to help you flaunt your baby bump. All that you feel is bloating around your belly by week 7 of your pregnancy. Most mothers-to-be start to show the baby bump by the middle of their second trimester. However, if you are carrying twins or more babies, then your belly may start to show earlier than the standard time.

7 Weeks Ultrasound

By 7 weeks, you may be ready for your first ultrasound scan though many doctors may wait till 8 to 10 weeks of pregnancy for the scan. It majorly depends upon your medical history and the recommendation of your doctor. An ultrasound will help the doctor take various measurements of your baby, and determine the development of the foetus. Though your baby is too tiny for you to spot in the ultrasound scan, the embryo is generating almost one hundred brain cells per minute. The embryo is developing its heart, kidneys, arms and leg joints. If you are carrying twins, the scan will show two gestational sacs in the ultrasound scan. You will also be required to give urine, blood and cervical cells samples for various tests. The blood samples of the mother carrying twins or multiple babies may show increased level hCG hormone, this increased levels of hormone may result in more morning sickness.

What To Eat

It is very important for you to eat a healthy and balanced diet in pregnancy. Your 7th week pregnancy food should include the following:

  • It is recommended to have 3 to 5 serving of vegetables in day. A healthy mix of green, red, yellow and orange vegetables is good for your body. Spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, red peppers, pumpkin, carrots, yellow peppers and corn are some of the fresh vegetables you may include in your diet.
  • It is suggested to opt for fresh fruits over canned or preserved food as preserved food may contain harmful bacteria which can be harmful to you and the baby. You should take 3 to 4 servings of fresh fruits in a day.

  • You should consume milk, cheese, yogurt and other milk products to meet the calcium demands of your body. 3 servings a day is recommended.
  • You should include 2 to 3 serving of protein in the form of eggs, meat and poultry in your diet. Lentils, beans, seeds and nuts are excellent sources of protein for the vegetarian moms-to-be.
  • You should opt for whole grains instead of refined food products. Whole grains provide fiber to your body. It is suggested to have 3 serving of whole grain food items in a day.

Tips & Care

The morning sickness and nausea can take a serious toll on your health during this time. Following tips and care regarding dos and don’ts may help you during this time:


  • Eat bland food and eat often as it is easier to digest
  • Keep yourself hydrated
  • Drink lemonade or eat watermelon to ease nausea
  • Take adequate rest throughout the day
  • Wear a good bra to ease breast soreness
  • Take prescribed vitamin supplements


  • Avoid spicy food
  • Strictly skip alcohol and smoking
  • Avoid skipping meals

What You Need To Shop For

Your shopping list by 7 week of pregnancy may include following:

  • Pregnancy journal: for penning down your feelings and emotions during pregnancy.
  • Good lotions: You can buy good lotions or oils to moisturize your skin as it may become drier than before.
  • Comfortable brassier: Now that your breasts are tender and swollen, wearing a comfortable bra may be helpful.

  • Comfortable bottom wear: You should buy comfortable bottom wear. It is recommended to opt for stretchable fabric as your size will constantly be changing in the coming months.
  • Good pregnancy books: You may buy good pregnancy books to know more about pregnancy.


There are many changes happening in your body and in your baby by 7 weeks of pregnancy. Your uterus has also doubled in size since conception. You may feel nauseous, fatigued and lethargic. It is recommended to get in touch with your doctor as soon as you notice any discomfort or unusual symptom.

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