In this Article
You have successfully stepped into the 29th week of your pregnancy. It’s the third trimester and you must be anxious and equally excited as you are one step closer to the birth of your little bundle of joy. This would be a good time to think of your baby’s nursery and how you will decorate it
Don’t get overwhelmed by the advice that you get from almost everyone around you. Relax and keep track of what’s in store during this stage.
Your Baby’s Growth During Pregnancy- Week 29
Your baby is growing and those tiny kicks and nudges you have been longing for are finally here. Your baby weighs more now, as the size of the head grows steadily with the development of her brain. The baby’s lungs and muscles start to mature and and the development of the skeleton begins. The bones become harder and stronger and the baby requires more calcium.
What Is the Baby’s Size?

When you are 29 weeks pregnant the baby’s size is usually 15.2 inches long, and she weighs around 2.5 pounds (1.1Kg), that’s roughly the size of an acorn squash. The baby’s length might increase a little during the next 11 weeks, but the weight might double or triple during this period.
Common Bodily Changes
At 29 weeks, your belly is considerably noticeable, and you might be unable to bend over completely. One of the significant bodily changes during pregnancy is weight gain. You should have ideally gained around 8 Kg to 11 Kg, but the figure varies from person to person. You might want to consider the following:
- Your breasts get bigger and heavier, so it is advisible to wear a supportive bra (a sports bra or a nursing bra should do fine).
- There are many options for maternity underwear, ensure you choose the one that makes you feel the most comfortable.
Symptoms Of Pregnancy At Week 29
These are the few symptoms that you will experience at 29 weeks:
- You will continue to experience heartburn.
- You may have difficulty in breathing as the growing baby exerts pressure on your lungs.
- Constipation and hemorrhoids (swelling in the rectal area) may be caused by the increased baby-weight.
- Lightheadedness or memory lapses and concentration problems may be experienced due to the increase in production of hormones.
- You also might experience back and leg pain.
- Itching in the belly area due to the stretched skin.
- Discomfort while sleeping due to the large baby-bump.
- Frequent urination.
Your Belly at 29 Weeks of Pregnancy
At this stage, your belly is considerably big and still growing. The baby now makes discernible movements, and you can place your hand on your stomach and feel your little one move.
Ideally, the baby is pretty active at this stage and feels cramped inside the uterus. Keeping a count of kicks is essential. The baby should kick about ten times in 2 hours. If you notice reduced foetal activity, do not panic. Give a gentle massage on the belly or drink some ice water and lie down on your side. If you feel no activity, call your doctor or visit the hospital emergency room.
The Ultrasound at 29 Weeks
This week, the ultrasound will show you how quickly your baby is growing. Those kicks and jabs are getting more frequent and stronger as the baby has little space to move inside. Occasionally, you might feel sporadic twitch-like movements inside you. This is your baby having hiccups.
Your baby might look a little chubby on the ultrasound this time, now that she is getting some white fat under the skin which is different from the brown fat she already had, and her wrinkled skin is smoothening out. Fat is essential for regulating the baby’s body temperature (brown fat) and is also a source of energy for their activities (white fat).
The baby is in her developmental stage now, and significant changes in the baby’s overall growth take place. Her brain, vital organs and teeth start developing. It is essential to eat healthy food and follow a nutritious diet. Your baby’s genitals start evolving and could be more prominent on an ultrasound now.
Kick count is an important activity now. You need to keep a track of the kicks or even movements of the baby every day. Since the foetal kicks are stronger, both you and your partner can experience these little movements and bond with your baby.
What To Eat?
Eating right is the secret to a healthy pregnancy. It is imperative to know what you can and what you cannot eat. Your baby is growing at a rapid pace, and so you should also cater to her growth requirements. The food in the 29th week of pregnancy should include iron, calcium, and vitamin C.
As your baby’s bones continue to harden, your calcium intake should be around 200 mg per day. Try to include lots of iron-rich food in your diet so your baby can take the required iron for making red blood cells. Green leafy vegetables, lean meat, and fortified cereal are good sources of iron.
You might have some cravings for sweets, cakes, chocolates and other fast foods but it is advised not to indulge in them on a regular basis, though occasional treats are allowed.
Food rich in vitamin C is also very good for the baby as it makes the connective tissue that is needed by the blood vessels. Grains, mangoes, sweet potatoes and carrots are some foods that are rich in vitamin C.
Eating a regular, balanced meal along with some mild physical activity is a good regime to follow during your pregnancy.
Tips & Care
Here are a few simple ways you can manage those pregnancy pains.
- Take plenty of rest when you can, and enjoy this magical period.
- Limit standing or sitting for a prolonged period of time as it reduces the blood flow through your body.
- Sleep on your left side as it helps in blood circulation.
- Use a good moisturiser for dry and itchy skin.
- Eat plenty of energy-rich healthy food.
- Drink lots of water and watch out for UTI(Urinary Tract Infections) symptoms.
- Prop up your legs when you can.
- Follow simple exercises.
- Do not suppress hunger, it is important to eat when you are hungry.
- Avoid crossing your legs as it might cut off blood circulation to your legs and cause swelling or varicose veins.
- Avoid lifting heavy objects or undertaking physical stress.
- Do not wear tight-fitting clothes to avoid discomfort.
- Avoid over-eating as it might cause excess weight gain.
- Do not sleep flat on your back as it may limit blood flow to the baby.
What You Need to Shop
What better than shopping to beat those pregnancy blues!
Here are some fun things you can shop for:
- Comfortable and pretty clothing, sleepwear as well as underwear.
- Essential items for decorating the nurser(the baby’s room).
- Diaper, baby clothes, towels for your maternity bag.
- Maternity clothing.
The baby will be due in a few short weeks now and, you can use this information to keep yourself healthy and prepare a comfortable abode for the baby, once born.
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