16 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect

At the onset of the 16th week of pregnancy, your body expands and changes in terms of size as well as functionality. This is yet another exciting part of your pregnancy as you should be able to feel your baby move any day now.


Since you will still experience some bloating, you may not be able to tell the difference when your baby moves. The good news is that there will most likely be a pattern, so watch out for it. Another huge development is that your baby is likely to start recognising voices, so you and your partner can start talking to your baby in the belly.


Your Baby’s Growth During Pregnancy – Week 16

This week is the real deal as your baby is likely to have fully formed genitals, eyes that are still fused but sensitive to light and as already mentioned, will start recognising voices. In addition, your baby can yawn inside your tummy now!

The tiny muscles and backbone have gained strength, which means that your baby can now straighten their head and neck further than the last few weeks. Your baby’s facial features have matured, thereby enabling the him/her to frown or squint. However, your baby’s skin is still transparent.

What is the Baby’s Size?

This is probably the most exciting part as your tummy is now home to a 4-5-inch foetus that weighs around 100 grams now. The other exciting part of your baby’s size is that your doctor will now know if your baby is a girl or a boy as the genitals are fully formed. Let’s just say that your avocado-sized baby is as good as a fully functional human being. Keep in mind that at 16 weeks pregnant the baby size may also vary more depending upon different medical factors.

Common Body Changes

Since your baby’s body and weight have already changed at the onset of 16 weeks, it is hardly a surprise that you will face certain body changes during pregnancy at the end ofthis week. For starters, you will be curvier than before and will certainly have to wear bigger clothes.

You should definitely be sporting a baby bump as your uterus is about to reach its full glory. In addition, you may have noticed that you have fewer mood swings, a beautiful glow and you feel less nauseated. Your biggest worry at this point will soon be stretch marks, besides the well being of your baby.

Symptoms of Pregnancy at Week 16

By this time, you are likely to get adjusted with the usual symptoms of pregnancy. It is, of course, safe to say that some symptoms are likely to continue until the end of pregnancy, while new ones will develop as each week progresses.

  • You may have backaches now owing to the weight of the foetus.
  • Your breasts will certainly be bigger and will continue to be sensitive.
  • Your eyes will be more sensitive owing to the changing hormones.
  • You may end up being constipated more often.
  • You may also be forgetful owing to the hormonal changes that your body is constantly undergoing.

Belly at 16 Weeks of Pregnancy

At times you might struggle to catch your breath. This is beacause your baby is growing, gaining weight and generally feels free to move around your belly. Your belly will certainly be unmistakable and can be quite noticeably large. More importantly, there will be quite a bit of activity inside your belly as your baby might have started kicking or simply moving around, and you might want to be careful because muscle twitches and gas are still common symptoms of 16th week of pregnancy.

16 Weeks Ultrasound

The ultrasound at the 16th week will definitely be packed with surprises and show the maturation of organs. First off, your baby’s taste buds are forming, as are the eyebrows, hair, and eyelashes. Since your baby can now identify voices and sounds, it indicates that the tiny bones of the ears, as well as the tympanic membrane, have developed.

It is likely that your urine will be tested during this week, in addition to an ultrasound. This tests for diabetes and other diseases. Besides that, the usual signs of your baby’s growth such as heartbeat, maturing organs, movement and sensitivity towards light can all be charted.

What to Eat

Apart from the well being of your child, the other thing you will mostly worry about at the 16th week pregnancy is food. While most of you may have overcome the aversion or cravings for certain kinds of food and smells and started eating in the usual manner, some may find it difficult even now. Listed below is a suggestion of what you should be eating. Ensure that you eat at regular intervals so as not to starve or make your baby starve.

  • A bit of chocolate may do you good, but as a regular practice , continue eating fruits and yogurt which aid digestion in addition to providing necessary nutrients.
  • String cheese is an excellent choice for those craving salty foods as it is rich in calcium and proteins.
  • Include a range of vegetables in your diet to make sure your baby gets the nutrients essential for growth.
  • Make sure you consult a doctor and take proper vitamins supplements. These ensure that you get the nutrition which food cannot alone may not suffice
  • Lean meat, little red meat, fish, eggs, pulses are all good choices to include in your diet as they contain easily-digestible proteins.
  • Make sure you include iron, vitamin C, and calcium in your diet to supplement it.

Tips & Care

This is the time when you should start taking extra care of yourself. Eating properly will benefit your weight gain, as it is important to have the strength to bear the weight of your baby. Make sure you do not perform any task in excess as this may have a negative effect on your to-be-born baby.


  • Exercise or walk to relieve your back ache or leg cramps.
  • Remember you aren’t eating for two! You are simply providing nutrition to and your baby. So, go for mindful eating and not overeating!
  • Get plenty of rest and adequate sleep .
  • Stay hydrated without increasing soft drink consumption.
  • Think positive and stay cheerful as that will go a long way to improve mental health.


  • Quit any bad habits you have as it will reflect poorly on your baby’s health.
  • Drink too much caffeine as it can have a negative impact on your baby’s overall health.
  • Expose yourself to contaminated areas.
  • Overdo heavy workouts as it may exhaust you.
  • Starve yourself or your foetus.
  • Stay in an unhygienic state.
  • Ignore oral health.
  • Stress yourself out.
  • Shy away from asking for help as and when required.

What You Need to Shop for

You can be pregnant or you could be stylishly pregnant! Shop for bright maternity dresses that keep you comfortable, as well as stylish. Invest in good shoes, preferably with soft padding that will relieve the muscles of your feet. Get a good anti-stretch mark cream or oil because your skin will keep expanding. Do buy some lotions and creams because your skin will feel dry. Don’t forget to invest in a practical handbag that can stock up your essentials. Also, purchase eye drops that provide a cooling effect which can help relax your eye muscles. . Oral care products are important too. Finally, don’t forget to purchase good parenting books.

A thorough idea of what to expect during pregnancy can keep you ready to overcome the challenges that you may likely face during this period.

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