12 Important Pregnancy Questions to Ask Your Ob-Gyn

A pregnant woman talking to her gynaecologist

Pregnancy brings up a variety of emotions in a woman, as well as tons of questions that we indeed have no answers to. You will have tons of pregnancy-related questions for the doctor on your first visit to the obstetrician. That is usually done around 8-9 weeks of being pregnant. It’s best to list down the questions you have on a notepad or your phone so that you will have a ready list of questions to ask the obstetrician during your visit. Here’s a list of a few common ones.


Questions that you must ask Doctor during Pregnancy

A pregnant woman having a discussion with her doctor

Answers to some questions can put you at ease during pregnancy. Here are some questions that you can ask your doctor:


1. Are Over The Counter Medications Safe for Me?

Any medications that you have, ongoing and new ones, should always be confirmed with your doctor. These could be as simple as vitamin and mineral supplements to as complex as thyroid tablets. Your doctor may recommend you to stop them or switch to a better pregnancy-safe alternative.

2. How much Weight Gain during Pregnancy is Normal for Me?

Putting on weight is especially a touchy issue for most women. Using your BMI index prior to pregnancy will allow the doctor to track your weight again for each trimester. On a general level, 11-15 kilograms of weight gain is considered healthy for a person with a normal BMI. For underweight or overweight women, the healthy weight gain varies around it.

3. Can I keep Working during the course of my Pregnancy?

This is always on the list of questions to ask the doctor when pregnant in the third trimester. Most women can continue working right until their delivery. In case your job requires physical exertion, your doctor might advise certain precautions or restrictions that you would need to undertake to keep your baby safe. Beyond that, undue emotional stress and work pressure can also affect your baby, so it’s best to have a discussion with your employer regarding your workload as well.

4. Is it Necessary to have a C-Section?

It has been observed that out of 3 women, 1 woman undergoes a caesarean delivery. Many women wish to have a normal delivery and your doctor is the best judge to ensure if that is a possibility for you. Certain factors such as having a larger baby than most, obesity, gestational diabetes, older age, or previous deliveries could necessitate a C-section delivery as the safest option for both the mother and the child.

5. Can I Continue having Sex while being Pregnant?

Many women ask these pregnancy questions in the first trimester of their pregnancy. Many partners fear that sexual intercourse will harm the baby or even the mother. However, most doctors will tell you to not worry about sex as long as there aren’t any medical complications and you do whatever is most comfortable. As your pregnancy progresses, you may have to try out different positions to figure out which one works the best for you.

6. What Exercises Should I Undertake during Pregnancy?

Most pregnant mothers are advised to have a walk every hour or two since they are more susceptible to forming blood clots. Any exercises that you would regularly undertake prior to pregnancy should be reviewed by your doctor. Any strenuous exercises for your abs or extreme yoga poses are a strict no-no. Relaxing workouts such as wading in the swimming pool or simple stretches are good for your joints. Avoid any exercises that push your pulse rate beyond 140.

7. Any Dietary Restrictions Needed while being Pregnant?

The follow-up question to this is always primarily about coffee. A certain amount of caffeine, about 200mg, is considered fine. However, caffeine can also be a constituent of many other food items ranging from beverages, chocolates, and tea. Generally, fruits, dairy products, and grains are great foods to focus on. Do stay away from raw meat or even packaged meat, and greasy fried foods.

8. Should I use Supplements for Breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding comes with tons of benefits for the baby as well as the mother. Skin-to-skin contacts and keeping away any pacifiers further stimulates the same. In case you are facing lactation problems or the baby’s demands are erratic, the doctor will primarily recommend using a breast pump and storing the milk to be fed later via a feeding bottle. Any additional supplements or formulas should be given strictly after consulting with the doctor.

9. Is Indigestion and Acidity Normal during Pregnancy?

In the list of questions to ask the doctor when pregnant in the second trimester, most women start feeling these symptoms. A variety of changes in your body’s hormones can result in your digestive system feeling out of place. This can cause acid reflux or indigestion, and it is completely normal. Consume enough fibrous food items in your diet and avoid acidic foods. Try sleeping upright with extra pillows as well.

10. What if I Feel Like Pooping during Delivery?

Delivery of a baby is a private activity and done under the supervision of expert doctors and nurses. You don’t have to feel ashamed or awkward if you feel like pooping during delivery. The uterus is located right above the rectum and full bowels might further make you feel like that. It’s best you focus on delivery the baby and let the medical professionals worry about the poop.

11. What if I Fall Asleep during Delivery?

As weird as this question may sound, it is a legit fear most women have. You may think you might not notice your water breaking. However, if you can sense that you might have accidentally peed your pants, you can most definitely know when you break your water. As for the actual delivery and contractions, the entire process is termed as “labour” for a very specific reason. It is laborious and taxing and you will be tired, but will not fall asleep for sure until it’s done.

12. Should I Run Certain Genetic Tests for My Baby?

Certain doctors recommend running tests on the baby while it’s in the womb, to check for any abnormalities. However, that’s usually done only if you or your family members have a history of such defects or susceptible to them at a higher risk. Generally, only 3-5% babies have birth defects so unless the doctor really feels like it, you don’t need any tests.

As beautiful as pregnancy might be, it’s natural to feel anxious and worry about a safe and healthy delivery. It’s best to clear your doubts and fears by having frank conversations with your doctor and take their advice to continue having a great experience and a healthy baby.