11 Weeks Pregnant with Twins or Multiples

11 Weeks Pregnant with Twins or Multiples

Making it through the initial phases of pregnancy is one of the toughest things for a woman. If you have reached a stage where you can call yourself 11 weeks pregnant with twins or multiple babies, then be proud of yourself and relax. You are approaching the completion of the first trimester and soon troublesome nausea will be on its way out of your life, and you will find yourself with a lot more energy than before. Many women at this stage even start hearing the heartbeat of their babies prominently as their stomach makes space for the little ones inside.

The Growth of the Babies at 11 Weeks

Once you reach the 11th week of your pregnancy, the growth of your twins or multiples will progress rapidly like never before. If compared to women pregnant with a single baby, the size of your twins will be comparatively smaller than theirs, and the size of the multiples will be even lesser. This is a completely normal fact, given the space within the uterus, and don’t worry as your little ones will catch up pretty soon.

The genitals of the babies are already formed by this time, but it won’t be possible to tell them apart yet. However, their bodies are already responding to their sex by developing the respective hormones or internal bodies. Testosterone production in a baby boy takes off to a great start and the ovaries begin to form right away in a baby girl.

The tiny hair that was initially spotted a week ago, begins to grow all over the body as well as on the head as well. The beds for the nails also emerge properly on the fingers and the toes begin to create around this point.

One of the key developments that babies go around this point is the formation of a diaphragm, though it is not of much use while they are within the womb. Some babies tend to have hiccups while they are inside and along with these internal movements, the little ones even begin to roll around and flip inside the amniotic fluid quite often. You may not feel their movements as they are not strong enough to be felt, but their movements can surely be observed in an ultrasound.

What Is the Size of the Babies?

Most babies tend to weigh around 8 grams or so, and the length, when measured from the head down to the buttocks, is around 5 centimetres or so. At this stage, their head is the largest and usually half of the entire body size. Though the little ones might be as large as a fig, the sizes might be a tad smaller in case of multiples being present in the womb.

A baby at 11 weeks is as large as a fig

Common Bodily Changes

The belly is one of the strongest reminders for a woman that she has entered the 11th week of her pregnancy. A woman pregnant with twins or multiples will notice a few shifts in the way her body functions.

  • The enlarged uterus will now leave a very little space in the abdomen as the bladder and other organs are all squeezed together now. This puts pressure on the muscles of the pelvis and the sphincter and can make it difficult to control them properly. Many women tend to realize this when they accidentally pee in their pants if they sneeze or end up laughing heavily. All it causes is an embarrassment and there’s nothing to worry as you can strengthen your pelvic muscles with a few kegel exercises.
  • One of the common changes in the body that women notice late into their pregnancy is a substantial growth of hair and nails, which is at a far quicker pace than before. However, you might start noticing it at the 11th week itself, finding your hair or nails to be larger and shinier than they usually are. All of this is a result of elevated hormone levels in your body, which also help counter any sort of hair loss that you might be experiencing earlier.
  • The increased circulation of blood can cause you to feel warm at random times, and could even result in instances where you find yourself sweating for no particular reason. In most cases, these are signs of hot flashes, which is a result of boosted blood circulation for the babies and is totally normal. If sweating is at specific times around the evening or accompanied by a fever and a feeling of illness, you can ask your doctor to take a look.

Symptoms of Twin Pregnancy at 11 Weeks

The signs of a twin pregnancy at 11 weeks might be on their way out as you are close to completing the first trimester. Therefore, you might be experiencing these symptoms randomly or they might be unchanged for quite some time.

  • Exhaustion would usually be on its way out as your body adapts itself to all these changes happening within. If not, these would be just the last couple of weeks until you get your mojo back.
  • The same goes for morning sickness and perpetual nausea as well. If you have seen other women feel better and you are still stuck with your sensations, let time do its thing. Your moments of peace are on their way soon.
  • The shiny hair and glowing skin are all a result of hormone elevations, and so are your mood swings. If constant interaction with people gets you irritated, keep aside some time for yourself where you can relax or meditate.
  • Ligament cramps can occur as the uterus expands, but this week might also signal the beginning of random leg cramps. You will feel leg cramps usually at night but these can be kept in check quite easily by ensuring a substantial consumption of water and other fluids.
  • If you are happy that that unwanted nausea is gone, then don’t be too happy as acidity and constipation will trouble you often. Combined with gases and bloating, these can make you feel full and lead you to fart quite often. All of these are a result of hormones and relaxed muscles that slow down the entire digestive process. There’s nothing much that can be done, however, if you follow a healthy diet that is rich in fibrous food items and drink lots of water, then you can feel relief to an extent.
  • The discharge taking place through your vagina could get stronger around this week. Wearing thicker panties or using old underwear can be beneficial for you around this time. Similarly, you might suddenly notice the presence of a dark line running down your stomach, if not earlier. That’s totally normal, too. So, don’t panic!

Twin Pregnancy – Belly At 11 Weeks

It is the 11th week of pregnancy that makes a woman feel that she is finally pregnant, as it is this time when her belly starts having a pretty prominent bump and the infamous curved pregnant belly starts showing its initial presence. The uterus nearly fills the pelvic region substantially now, which can also be felt by the firmness of your stomach when you touch it.

Some women may also feel movement within them and attribute it to an excited baby. However, your twins are still too small to make you feel anything, and all that movement might probably be gas.

11 Weeks Twin Ultrasound

Most ultrasounds at this stage are done to check if the babies are developing in the right manner and to rule out any disorders in the child. In cases of twins and multiples, your doctor may also tell you if you have identical or fraternal babies, depending on the placenta sharing. Any pregnancy issues will also be nipped in the bud at this checkup.

What to Eat

A good look at a pregnant woman’s diet is highly suggested when she reaches the 11-week mark. The presence of proteins, iron, iodine, carbohydrates in your diet is important for a healthy twin pregnancy. However, you should not overdo the consumption of foods rich in these, as it can result in gases and constipation, which can disturb the baby.

Giving into cravings for fatty food products is a strict no-no. Go for healthy vegetables, cheese products, porridge, which are much healthier options than anything else. And just like always, make water and other juices your best buddies through the pregnancy.

Foods rich in protein

Pregnancy Care Tips

With the first trimester completion in sight, there are some basic care tips you can keep in mind to ease yourself into the coming months.


  • Try to relax as much as possible in these few weeks. Your body needs the time to recover from the initial tough phases and your stress levels need to be minimal to help it through.
  • Interact with other pregnant mothers over a social network or at any pregnancy classes you might be visiting. Talking to them can provide you with support and put you in touch with women who have the experience of a prior pregnancy.


  • Do not overeat as it can result in irreversible consequences.
  • Similarly, don’t try to combat overeating with extra exercises. Both can make things difficult for your body and your pregnancy.

What You Need to Shop for

You can choose to invest in a tiny baby monitor amplifier that can help you listen to the heartbeats in your womb. Similarly, get some nice incenses to get you through these last stages of morning sickness.

Housing twins at 11 weeks in the womb successfully is a feat that needs to be rewarded. Have a nice dinner together with your partner and dream about how you will raise a family together. A healthy body and a healthy mind can work wonders in keeping your little ones happy in the womb.