Your 7 Week Old Baby – Development, Milestones & Care


Your baby is 7 weeks old now and you may still be trying to figure out various things related to your little one. You may be loaded with tonnes of questions if you are a first-time mommy of a 7-week old baby. Here in the following article, we shall discuss what is happening with your 7-week old baby in terms of growth and development.


7 Week Old Baby Development

Babies grow rapidly in the first few months after birth and by the time your little one is 7 weeks old, you will find a remarkable change in your baby. Your baby may have gained approximately 200 grams weight per week and thus your 7-week old baby weight may have increased by 2 to 3 pounds. However, if your baby has gained lesser or more weight than this, there is no reason to feel stressed as every baby’s 7-week old baby growth spurt may vary.


Your little may begin to grab things but this grabbing is more instinctual and automatic rather than intentional. Your baby may begin to bat at various objects, therefore now is the time to put away any dangerous objects out of reach of your baby. It is good time to begin talking, singing and humming to your baby. Though he may understand any of it his brain is starting to make sense of things around. You will notice that your baby’s eyes are changing too. He may be able to track objects also.

Seven Week Old Baby Milestones

Here are some common milestones that you may notice in your seven-week-old baby:

  • Your baby will be able to track objects with his eyes.
  • Your baby starts exploring things at around this age and thus you may notice him putting everything in his mouth.
  • Your baby’s head is stronger now and he is even able to turn his head.
  • Your baby may reach out to various objects and toys that may gauge his interest.
  • Your baby is becoming more social by this age. He may smile at known faces and may feel uncomfortable with strangers.
  • Your baby starts enjoying play time, bath time other such activities around this time.


Your baby at around this age may have developed better feeding skills. Your baby is now more aware of how to suck and also swallows more efficiently. He may have also adjusted to a pattern of feeding that suits his needs. As a feeding mom, you may also find your breasts lighter by now as your milk supply may have tuned as per your baby’s needs and demands. As your baby is growing rapidly, your 7-week old baby’s feeding increases or your baby may be requiring more frequent feeds now. If you are worried about whether you will be able to meet up to your baby’s demands, then you should not. It may take a couple of days for your milk supply to adjust to your baby’s increased demand.

However, if your baby is bottle-fed, then it is suggested that you may increase the amount of milk in each feed o meet your baby’s growing feeding needs.


If you are wondering whether you will be able to get your eight hours of beauty sleep at night, the answer is that this dream may seem a bit far-fetched at this stage. However, if your baby is well-fed in the past 24-hour cycle then your 7-week old baby sleep may extend up to six hours of uninterrupted sleep at night. The good news is that your baby may have more predictable sleeping pattern by week 7 or your seven-week-old baby sleep pattern may become more structured by this time. But on an average, your baby will be sleeping 5 to 6 hours at stretch every night. To induce better sleep you may try feeding your baby half an hour to one hour prior bedtime. It will be a good idea to start making a bedtime routine so that your baby knows that it is sleep time now. If your baby wakes up at night, try soothing him by patting on his back and without lifting him up. If he doesn’t feel settled you may offer to feed him.


Your baby may start expressing by this time. Get ready to hear those adorable coos and brace yourself to be greeted by adorable toothless smiles. You may talk and even sing to your baby though he may not be able to make much sense out of it, he will surely enjoy listening and this will help to stimulate his little brain.

It is recommended that you plan for a little tummy time every day. Make your baby lies down on his tummy and sees him lift and hold up his head. Though he lifts it head for a longer duration than before his neck is still not strong enough. Make sure you place cushions or soft blankets under your baby.


There may be a considerable change in your baby’s crying too. You may notice a shift from mewing high-pitched crying to louder crying. You may notice different types of crying for different reasons. The cry for hunger, tiredness, restlessness and the need for diaper change may be all different. You may find some crying sessions tolerable but others may want an immediate response from you. As a parent, you know best, what your baby wants and how is your baby feeling. Go by your gut feeling and take the necessary action.

7 Week Old Baby Care Tips

Here are some care tips for your seven-week-old baby:

  • Your baby is growing at a faster pace and may demand feeding sessions than before. Meet your baby’s demand by offering him to feed as and when he demands.
  • Your baby may sleep for up to 6 hours at night, make sure he is well-fed and sleeps in a safe and clean environment (no smoke). Make sure you do not cover his face while sleeping.
  • Give everyday tummy time to your baby but make sure you place anything soft under your baby or he may harm himself.
  • It is recommended that you talk to your baby. Your 7-week old fussy baby may feel comforted and it will also help in developing his listening skills.
  • Change your baby’s diapers regularly as babies are very prone to having diaper rash. Keep his groin area dry and clean.
  • In order to refrain your baby from throwing up, feed at regular intervals, keep your baby calm and offer a little amount of milk or formula at each time.
  • Do not jolt or shake your baby as it may cause permanent damage to the brain.
  • After every meal burp your baby to help him release any trapped gas.
  • Refrain from consuming alcohol until the time you are breastfeeding your baby.
  • Stick to your baby’s feed and sleep schedule to avoid any unnecessary fussiness and crankiness.

Tests and Vaccinations

When you take your 7-week old baby for the routine check-up, your doctor may do the following:

  • Check your baby’s head and his fontanel.
  • Test his ears to see how your baby responds to the sound and also to check any kind of infection.
  • Check your baby’s eyes for any blocked tear ducts or to see if there is any congenital eye problem.
  • Your doctor will check your baby’s mouth for thrush or any mouth-related problems.
  • Your doctor will examine your baby’s heart and lungs to check for any abnormality in the heart and to check for any breathing troubles.
  • Check your baby’s body to test his reflexes and muscles and to examine any skin rash.
  • Check your baby’s genitals for any rash or infection.
  • Examine your baby’s stomach to check any enlarged organs or symptoms of a hernia.
  • Move your baby’s legs and hip joints to check the flexibility.

Your doctor may administer following vaccination to your baby at around this age:

  • DTap
  • Hib
  • Polio
  • Pneumococcal
  • Rotavirus

You may check with your doctor about your baby’s vaccination schedule.

Games and Activities

Your 7 week old has better hand and eye coordination and also responds well to the noises around him. You can engage your little one in various games and activities to help him develop his fine motor skills, listening skills, cognitive skills and various other skills. Following are some games and activities that you indulge your baby in:

  • Wiggling a toy: to help his listening skills.
  • Singing to your baby: help his language and listening skills.
  • Massaging your baby: for better bonding and body awareness
  • Reading to your baby: better understanding of language and cognitive development
  • Giving your baby vibrant and colourful toys: for improving sensory skills

These are some of the activities that you may engage your baby at weeks of age.

Consult a Doctor if

Every baby may achieve the above-mentioned milestones at his own pace. However, sometimes there may be developmental issues and other complications that you hinder with your baby’s normal growth and development. Therefore, you should not neglect such signs and seek your doctor’s advice as soon as you notice any of the following symptoms in your baby:

  • Your baby not responding or reacting to loud noises.
  • Your baby is not alert at hearing various sounds.
  • Your baby is unable to lift up his head while lying down.
  • Your baby is unable to grasp things with his hands.
  • Your baby does not recognise his parents or the people he sees on daily basis.
  • Your baby is not making any cooing or gurgling sounds.

If you establish any of the above-mentioned symptoms, check with your doctor. A close attention to the little changes can help your little one stay out of danger.