Vitamin E for Fertility – Benefits and Supplements

Vitamin E for Fertility - Benefits and Supplements

If you as a couple want to conceive, then a regular intake of vitamin E could be the solution. It protects the cell membranes from oxidative damage, working as an antioxidant. In addition to this, this nutrient is instrumental in protecting red blood cells and nerve cells, preventing neurological disorders, anaemia, and infection from a virus. It has been observed that immunity improves as well, after the consumption of this vitamin. Free radical damage is prevented as well, thanks to the antioxidant properties that this nutrient has.

Benefits of Vitamin E for Fertility

This nutrient has several benefits. A powerhouse of antioxidants, it can help fight toxins. It does this by fighting compounds like lead, benzene, carbon tetrachloride, and mercury, to name a few. Also, hormonal balance is positively affected.

Benefits of Vitamin E For Men

Reasons, why you should take vitamin E for men’s fertility, include:

  1. Improves motility of the sperm: Motility refers to the ability of an organism to move around by itself. Good motility of sperms is a necessity, as sperms have to cross over a certain distance, in order to fertilize an egg. This nutrient aids in the same. It does this by counteracting the damage of reactive oxygen species (ROS) on sperm motility.
  2. An increase in the sperm count: One of the most common causes of infertility in men is a low sperm count. Ideally, the count is considered less if one millilitre of your semen consists of less than 20 million sperms. In most cases, a decrease in the sperm count is due to infections and damage – something that this nutrient can protect you against. It can prevent infections, damage and act as a protective barrier.
  3. Boosting your sex drive: Research suggests that to increase the levels of testosterone in your body, you must consume foods that are rich in vitamin E. An increase in this hormone can boost sexual interest and sexual stamina. Since a depressed sex drive can also cause infertility, incorporating this nutrient into your diet can improve your sex drive.
  4. Better IVF results: Research suggests that men who had a regular intake of this showed an increase of up to 29% in the rate of fertilization, as opposed to men who had an insufficient consumption of this nutrient. It does this by improving the quality of sperms.

Benefits of Vitamin E For Women

Here are a few reasons why you should take vitamin E for women’s fertility:

  1. Thickening of the uterine lining: A thin uterine lining can be a major causal factor of infertility in women. Consuming close to 600mg a day can increase the blood flow in the radial artery, thereby increasing the thickness of the uterine lining.
  2. Treats fibrocystic breast disease: Fibrocystic breast disease is a condition where breasts develop benign tumours, that during menstruation, become swollen and painful. This nutrient can help in the reduction of these tumours.
  3. Treat polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): Polycystic ovary syndrome is a common condition that affects close to one in every ten women. This syndrome causes a hormonal imbalance and slows down the rate of metabolism. It can help in reversing the effects of PCOS.
  4. Protects the amniotic sac: The amniotic sac, which contains the amniotic fluid, is what protects and contains the foetus in the womb. In some cases, the amniotic sac suffers from the rupture of the amniotic sac. With this mineral, the membranes are made stronger, thereby preventing the likelihood of an amniotic sac rupture.

Romantic couple in bed

What is the Recommended Dosage

Anything in excess is bad, so being aware of the right dosage is imperative. Vitamin E has several benefits, and the ideal intake would be 500 to 1000 mg a day. Vitamin E for fertility dosage shouldn’t exceed more than 1000 mg a day, as excessive consumption of this can cause diarrhoea, nausea, flu, and abdominal pain. Make sure you consult the doctor before you go ahead with the consumption of Vitamin E if you’re taking supplements.

Which Vitamin E Supplements Should You Consume

The best part about this is that it is found in several foods. Make sure you are eating a balanced, healthy diet, devoid of junk, unhealthy fats, and toxins. In addition to that, here are a few foods that are rich in vitamin E supplements for fertility that you should consider consuming –

Dietary Supplements

  • Make sure you incorporate green leafy vegetables into your diet as they are rich in this. A few examples of green leafy vegetables are kale, cabbage, and spinach. Kale has vitamin E and folic acid for fertility.
  • Nuts are another great source of the same. Apart from nuts, consume seeds like sunflower seeds and sesame seeds.
  • Egg yolks have a high content of this nutrient, as does seafood and poultry.
  • Avocado has proven to be one of the healthiest fruits. Low in saturated fats and low in carbs, this fruit is packed with nutrients that your body needs.
  • Tomatoes, rich in vitamin E, K, and iron, folate, and potassium, works as an antioxidant.
  • Use wheat germ oil in your cooking, as this is another good source of this vitamin. One spoon of wheat germ oil consists of close to 20 mg.
  • One papaya can easily give you close to 17% of the daily intake. Make sure you consume this fruit regularly for some of this nutrient.
  • Olives are another excellent source of the same. You can add this to some of your dishes to get your daily load – olives will give you 20% of the same.
  • Apricots are a rich source of vitamin E and edible fibre. This means that your metabolism is kept in check as well when you have apricots. This fruit is great in keeping your cholesterol in check by regulating it. It also helps in digestion. Try to have one or two apricots after dinner or before you go to bed, every night.
  • Kiwis are known for their high source of Vitamin C, but this fruit is also a great source of vitamin E. It can help boost immunity, in addition to aiding with infertility.
  • Red bell peppers make for great antioxidants, rich in vitamin E, C, and iron. This vegetable can help in treating anaemia as well. Red bell peppers will give you 12% of your daily intake.
  • Love topping your pizza with oregano? Then maybe you should load up on more of this herb, as it is chock full of this nutrient.
  • Legumes like beans and peas are another rich source of vitamin E that you should incorporate into your food.
  • Raspberries constitute a high level of this health supplement. A total of 100 grams of raspberries constitute about o.9 mg, which means you will get a daily value of 6%.

Other Supplements

Sometimes, especially if the vitamin E levels in your body are extremely low, consuming this nutrient via your daily food intake might not be enough and tablets may be required. However, do this only after your doctor has prescribed the same. These supplements will be available at the local drugstore.

Planning to go the family way is a huge step, for both you and your partner. Sometimes, conceiving can be difficult, owing to several reasons. Here, the first thing you should do is get down to the root of the problem and find out what exactly is wrong. vitamin E is a natural solution to infertility, however, make sure you consult your doctor and get the go-ahead before you consume this nutrient.