Learning and Engaging Activities For 10 Months Old Baby

A 10 month-old baby playing with a bunny

Contrary to pregnancy, time flies after your child is born. Before you know it, your baby will be ten months old, which is an important milestone. By the time your baby hits the ten-month age you will notice numerous changes. From the helpless newborn you brought home from the hospital, your child will have grown into an independent, slightly manic person. You can gauge your baby’s personality- whether he is a quiet child or an assertive one, or whether he is calm or adventurous.


Let’s take a look at a few activities you can do and also what you can expect from your child at this age.


Ten-Month-Old Baby Milestones

At the ten-month mark, there are a few things that you can expect from your child:

  • He will be able to play hide and seek.
  • He will be able to comprehend certain words.
  • He will be able to pull up into a standing position and also sit down in a controlled manner.
  • He will also be able to walk using supports, like the edges of furniture or the wall.
  • He might try to feed himself with his hands or a spoon. You should always let him do this on his own, even if he is very sloppy.

Babies at that age would be curious about everything, and you should always foster this curious trait. He will try to touch and feel, maybe even taste all things around him. Don’t restrict his actions, unless he is doing something that may be harmful.

Fun and Interesting Activities for 10-Month-Old Babies

There are many 10-month-old baby games which help your child grow and learn. Some may help him develop his sensory skills, while some help develop muscles and motor skills.

1. Making Stacks

Making Stacks

Building towers are a great activity for babies, as it helps them develop their motor skills.

How to Play:

Initially, you may have to make a stack yourself and let the child knock it down. Soon, you will find the baby trying to build the tower up on his own, so that he can knock it down. At the start, try using larger blocks, so that the task of building the tower is easy for your child. However, you can use smaller blocks as time passes, so that it becomes more challenging.

Skill Development:

Improves motor skills and dexterity of the child, along with his memory, problem-solving and cognitive abilities.

2. Stick ‘Em

This might be a frustrating game at first, but it will be fun once your child gets the hang of it.

How to Play:

You need a hard floor and some items like books or toys that stick well. Cut out contact paper in the shape of the bottom of the item, and stick the paper to the floor. Now, stick the corresponding item to the top surface of the contact paper. Try to make your baby understand the problem by pretending to pull the item unsuccessfully. Now, make your baby crawl over to each spot and lift the toy from the floor. Remember to ensure that no paper comes in contact with her mouth at this time.

Skill Development:

Cognitive abilities, problem solving and memory, are improved in this exercise.

3. Obstacle Course

A fun game to play with at home with your 10-month-old baby, this is sure to be great to watch as well!

How to Play:

Mock up an obstacle course at home using everyday items, like solid boxes, stacks of large books, pillows or even chairs for your baby to traverse. While setting up the track, make sure that your baby cannot just crawl around the obstacle. Keep your baby at the starting point, and encourage him to go through the obstacles by crawling or walking, calling his name out from the end point.

Skill Development:

This helps improve motor skills, navigation, hand-eye coordination, memory and cognitive abilities of the child.

4. Gift Boxes

Gift Boxes

This one makes use of the curious trait in children at this age and helps them explore the world around them.

How to Play:

Take empty gift boxes and fill them up with things that your child would love, like toys. Now place one box near him, and make sure that it is closed. Encourage your child to open it and explore the items within the box. After he finishes playing with the items, put them back in the box and close it. Now make him open the other boxes. As time progresses, you will see that the baby will learn which toys go into which box.

Skill Development:

Problem solving and memory of the child are greatly improved in this game.

5. Reading Out Loud

Your baby might not understand the words yet, but reading sure does help!

How to Play:

Read simple picture books with your child, even though he might not understand what you are saying. However, you should always read in the tone of the dialogue, so that the baby can associate your tone with what is being implied, at a future stage. After around ten months of doing this, you will find that your child is able to answer your questions and understand what you are saying, in bits and pieces.

Skill Development:

Vocabulary and memory of the child are also improved.

6. The Scarf Box

This activity aims to develop a sense of curiosity in the child.

How to Play:

Initially, you have to take a lot of colourful scarves and tie them one after the other at the ends. Now, stuff this into an empty tissue box and leave one tip of the final scarf poking outside, so that the curiosity of your child is stimulated. Encourage him to pull it out, and watch your baby look amazed!

Skill Development:

Cognitive skills and memory of the baby are improved.

7. Copycat!

A simple game, yet it has far-reaching implications.

How to Play:

Your baby might already be looking at adults in order to copy them, so make a game out of it. This imitation game can help develop various skills in your child. Start off simple, with a combination of nods, shakes and finger actions. As the game progresses, make sure to make it more complex by adding whistles, singing and even counting. Also, remember to watch what you are saying and doing around the baby after the game- your baby might still be watching you!

Skill Development:

Memory, motor skills and cognitive abilities are improved with this game.

8. Chase me!

A fun activity to do with your child, it also helps the baby bond better with you.

How to Play:

Place the child down at a distance, and crawl towards him on your knees saying ‘here I come’ or with a playful growl. Once you reach the baby, kiss him, tickle him or make him laugh. Once your baby understands the game, you will see that he will try to evade you when you crawl to him. You can even switch roles, with you hiding beneath the bed or around the corners and peeking, so that the baby can see you. When he catches you, make sure that you praise him!

Skill Development:

Emotional and social skills also improve, along with motor skills.

9. Hand over Hand

This is a simple game that you can try anywhere, without much effort. Also, your baby is guaranteed to laugh!

How to Play:

Place your palms on top of your baby’s palm, one at a time. Do this so that he gets a gist of what you are trying to do. You will see that he places his other palm on top of your hand (maybe with some encouragement at first). Once done, pull your hand from the bottom and place it on top of his palm. Continue this until he is bored and stops giggling.

Skill Development:

Social and emotional development takes place, along with improvement in motor skills.

10. Walkers and Riding Toys

Walkers and Riding Toys

This is great to improve your baby’s walking skills and balance in a harmless manner.

How to Play:

If you think that the baby has enough balance and is ready to walk or be more mobile, buy him a riding toy. This might be a wheeled walker or a bicycle-like toy with 4 wheels, so introduce him to the toy and encourage him to take it for a spin. Be careful about the environment in which he rides, and also support him the first few times. Soon, you will see your baby moving around quicker than before.

Skill Development:

This improves the movement, motor skills and hand-eye coordination of the child.

11. Blanket Ride

This game is entertaining and your little one is going to love it. Make sure to keep your baby safe.

How to Play:

Place a large blanket on the floor and make your baby sit right in the middle. Slowly pull one end of the blanket across the room, while your baby tries to keep his balance. This game is fun, as long as you keep your baby safe. Use a thick blanket and keep checking on your baby. You can even sing songs as you pull him around the room.

Skill Development:

This game improves balance and coordination.

12. Playing With Balloons

This game is simple and self-explanatory, and super fun for your baby.

How to Play:

Blow a balloon and give it to your baby. Let your baby play with the balloon however he wants. You’ll also see him crawling after the balloon when it flies out of his hands, which is super cute to watch. Keep a few extras ready, in case the balloon pops.

Skill Development:

Grasping and hand-eye coordination are improved in this activity.

Things to Keep in Mind about your 10 Month-Old Baby

  • This is the age when the child starts to explore the world around him, with his curiosity piqued.
  • The child can now sufficiently explore all the five senses. His brain has developed enough for that.
  • You have to teach your child what is right and what is wrong, as his cognitive skills are only developing at this age.
  • You should not restrict the actions of your child. Encourage him to be independent, unless he is doing something dangerous.

Motor and sensory activities for a 10 month-old baby can have huge benefits on his overall growth and development, so parents must encourage these as much as possible. However, you must remember to set up a safe, baby-proofed space for these activities, so that they don’t cause any harm.