Is Eating Pineapple during Breastfeeding Safe?

Is Eating Pineapple during Breastfeeding Safe?

Most women are aware that eating fruits during pregnancy and while breastfeeding their baby is quite important, as fruits are extremely nutritious and babies also get the taste of a variety of nutritive elements that support their growth. Including pineapple in a pregnant woman’s diet is recommended, especially in the last stage of pregnancy, as it is known to induce labour. However, when it comes to consuming this fruit while nursing, it cannot be surely stated that it is safe for a baby. Since what you eat and drink is ultimately used to form the milk in your body, it indirectly will be consumed by the baby. Therefore, being informed about the safety of eating pineapple is of utmost importance.


Can a Breastfeeding Mom Eat Pineapple?

A mother who is breastfeeding can make pineapples a part of her diet, but only after she has been breastfeeding her baby for about 5-6 months. There are various studies that strongly indicate that a higher presence of citric fruits in the diet of a woman can be harmful to the baby’s body. This also tends to include pineapple, since it has a pretty strong flavour and an acidic content, which could be quite strong for the baby.


Nutritional Value of Pineapples

Pineapples are a pretty important fruit for breastfeeding moms since they are immensely rich in numerous vitamins and a few elements that are very specifically found only in itself. A simple cup full of pineapple chunks contains a nutritional distribution as follows.

Element Percentage of daily value required
Pantothenic acid 7%
Folate 7%
Fibre 8%
Vitamin B1 11%
Vitamin B6 11%
Copper 20%
Manganese 67%
Vitamin C 105%


Benefits of Eating Pineapple for Nursing Moms

While the evidence of pineapple juice increasing breast milk in a lactating woman might not be conclusively proved, there are many other benefits of consuming this fruit for a mother and her baby.

  • The presence of various substances in pineapple that contain antiemetic and diuretic properties are quite useful for new mothers.
  • Regular consumption of pineapples is also known to bring about a substantial reduction in the pain experienced in joints and various muscles of the body.
  • If a mother has an infection of any sort and is not healing, the recovery period can be accelerated by eating pineapples.
  • The content of fibre and numerous elements help in stimulating the digestive process and treating various disorders of the stomach, as well as constipation, consequently reducing haemorrhoids.
  • Since consuming pineapples helps in controlling hypertension by diluting the volume of blood as well as removing any blood clots, the health of the cardiological system is improved and the heart remains in an optimal condition.
  • Any bouts of an extreme headache, dizziness or sleeplessness are highly reduced when including pineapples in your diet.

Benefits of Eating Pineapple for Nursing Moms

When and How to Introduce Pineapple to a Breastfeeding Mom’s Diet

Before you eat pineapples in the breastfeeding stage, it is essential to get a confirmation from your doctor. Usually, mothers are recommended to wait for their baby to be at least 5-6 months old before consuming pineapples. This is because the immunity system of the baby is still developing early on, and the probiotic organisms are in a vulnerable stage of growth. The introduction of the strong elements of the fruit to the child could cause an allergy or even indigestion, ruining the thriving nature of those bacteria.

Hence, it is best to eat a small portion of a pineapple in the form a pulp in beginning. Once the baby shows no adverse reactions to your milk for a week, you can continue eating pineapple chunks in controlled portions. However, refrain from consuming it on an empty stomach.

Is Canned Pineapple Safe for Nursing Mothers?

While canned pineapples seem juicier and better looking than actual fresh pineapples, they should be strongly avoided by nursing mothers. Not only does the canning process rob the fruit of its important nutritive elements, but the long storage also increases the amount of sugar and calories already present and other chemicals too, which could be harmful.

How to Choose Fresh Pineapples

When going to the supermarket to purchase pineapples, there are certain aspects of the fruit that need to be examined before buying. This ensures you pick only the best and fresh ones every time.

  • Hold a pineapple close to your ear and tap on it. The sound should be dull or almost absent.
  • The crust of a fresh pineapple is generally elastic and a bit soft. The tail is also green and separates easily from the fruit.
  • A ripe pineapple has a peel that has a consistent shade of yellow-brown colour all over, without any blemishes or spots.

How to Prepare, Eat, and Store a Pineapple Safely

To avoid consuming any bacteria or germs that can harm the baby while breastfeeding, it is essential that you clean, prepare, and store a pineapple in a safe and hygienic manner. Here are some tips to keep in mind when consuming pineapple.

  1. Wash your hands and rinse the pineapple thoroughly under running water. This helps in getting rid of any microbes and germs on the surface.
  2. Cut the skin of the pineapple cleanly and cut it into your desired shape and size.
  3. Store the pineapple chunks in an airtight container and refrigerate.
  4. Consume the pineapple within 2 days of refrigeration.
  5. Avoid buying cut pineapple from vendors, as you cannot be assured of the hygiene practices kept in mind while cleaning and cutting it.

The connection between pineapple juice and breastfeeding might not make sense early on since every fruit seems to bring only benefits to the one who eats it. By knowing the right time to eat it and the right way to consume it, a nursing mother can derive benefits from it while ensuring the well-being of her child.