17 Months Old Baby Food – Ideas, Chart, and Recipes

17 Months Old Baby Food - Ideas, Chart, and Recipes

Feeding a toddler is not an easy job. By the time your toddler turns 17 months, he will throw a lot of tantrums and feeding him will become a challenge for you. If you constantly wonder what to feed to your 17-month-old toddler, then worry no more. You are not alone in this. All new moms face this situation in life as their babies grow. Taking care of a toddler is not an easy task but slowly you will learn to take care of him. Meanwhile, here are a few tricks and interesting recipes that can turn the tables in your favour and maintain your toddler’s health at optimal levels.

Nutrient Requirements of a 17 Months Old Child

While putting together some great breakfast ideas, parents should remember that the nutritional requirements of their 17-month-old child should be met appropriately. Here is what your child requires at the age of 17 months.

  • Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates make it possible for the little one to carry out all the activities of a day. Apart from giving energy, carbohydrates also promote brain development in toddlers. A toddler should consume around 135 grams of carbohydrates daily.

  • Proteins

Proteins are another essential requirements for a baby. Hence, you need to make sure that your child’s protein intake is not compromised.

  • Iron

Once the baby is weaned, his iron consumption may be affected. When a baby is breastfed, he gets enough iron from the breastmilk but later it may be compromised and as a result, it can affect the growth of the baby. Hence, when a baby is 17 months old or above, you should include iron-rich foods in his diet. Around 7mg of iron intake is necessary at this age.

  • Sodium

Sodium is rarely considered essential, primarily because most of our salts and other food items do contain sodium in the required quantities. Families that follow a very unique dietary pattern do need to ensure the presence of sodium in their meal choices.

  • Calories

The appetite of your child might not be as high as before, but that also poses a risk of them not getting enough calories required to stay active in the day. Maintaining a range of 1000 to 1400 calories on a daily basis is a great way to keep them healthy.

  • Dietary fibre

Most parents wonder which food items or vegetables can provide the required amount of fibre to a child. While there are numerous whole wheat food items, choosing some simple fruits that are fibrous in nature can be an easy way to keep your diet balanced.

  • Water

You may fail to keep a track of your toddler’s water intake as he runs around the house. But, you must not take it lightly. Make sure that your child drinks enough water during the day.

How Much Food Does a Toddler Need at 17th Month?

The food requirements of a kid vary according to size, weight, metabolism, and many other factors. Some kids may be more active than others and may need more food. However, in general, they may need around 1-1.2 kilocalories on a daily basis.

Best Foods for a Seventeen-month-old Baby

Whether you are putting together some kickass lunch ideas for your toddler the following food products have been known to satisfy substantial nutritional requirements of kids.

1. Eggs

Eggs are the best multipurpose option you can go with at any time of the day. The perfect balance of protein and low cholesterol makes it great for the entire family itself.

Eggs omelette

2. Milk

The inclusion of milk in a young kid’s life is irreplaceable, be it breastmilk or full-cream milk from the dairy. If your child is lactose intolerant, you can opt for soy milk as an alternative. Ensure that it is fortified with all the necessary nutrients your kid needs.

3. Other Dairy Products

While milk is essential for a child’s development, other products derived from it are just as important. Yoghurt provides probiotics, cheese provides protein, and butter just makes everything tastier than it already is. So, include dairy products in your baby’s daily diet.

4. Seafood

Most parents may not consider seafood as a safe food choice for a 17-month-old baby and they are not wrong. Fish such as shellfish and swordfish should be strictly avoided. Consuming safe fish can provide tons of additional elements like DHA and omega-3 acids to a baby in a healthy proportion.

5. Meat

Avoid giving heavy meat items such as turkey, steak, or lamb to a baby. Instead, stick to poultry items as that meat is easy-to-digest and provides good proteins to the child. Grilled meat that is fresh and organic remains the healthiest choice in this matter.

6. Nuts

While nuts are extremely beneficial for kids, it is essential to check your little one for the presence of any allergy before starting him off with them. If your child has no allergy, you can give him some chopped almonds or walnuts regularly with his meals.

Almonds and walnuts

7. Fruits

Choosing fresh and organic fruits over any commercially available juices is always the right decision. Citrus fruits can provide numerous vitamins that a child needs, while some fruits like avocado can provide a good proportion of healthy fat in a single serving.

8. Vegetables

Almost all vegetables are safe to consume for a toddler at this age. If your kid is throwing tantrums and refusing to eat vegetables, get a little creative. You can chop and steam the vegetables and then serve. You can also give vegetables in the form of curry.

9. Grains

Quinoa is quite an interesting choice that should definitely be tried out since it is rich in proteins and iron. Similarly, millets and rice should be included regularly in a child’s diet.

10. Oil

Although oil is not specifically a food item, it is necessary to prepare the meals in healthy oils to ensure that your baby gets enough fats and nutrients from it. While preparing any snacks, use olive oil.

17 Month Old Baby Food Chart/Meal Plan

The meal plan mentioned below for a 17-month-old toddler will prove useful if you want to give different foods to your child every other day.

Day Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner
Monday Waffles with blueberries and milk Watermelon chunks Grilled salmon and beans Banana smoothie Red rice with black lentils
Tuesday Banana oatmeal Papaya milkshake Rice with Meatballs in tomato sauce Milk and cornflakes Spaghetti and cheese
Wednesday French Toast Chopped grapes Cooked chicken with carrots and beans Whole wheat biscuits Cheese Omelette
Thursday Pancakes with maple syrup Banana pieces Brown rice with lentils and cooked mea Milk and veggie kebabs Pasta with tomato soup
Friday Cottage cheese sandwich with juice Blueberry smoothie Chicken and hummus wrap Honey and cinnamon porridge Peas and onion couscous
Saturday Eggs on whole wheat toast Strawberry chunks Pasta Alfredo Yoghurt Mix veggies
Sunday Peanut Butter and jam on toast Apple chunks Spinach and Cheese quiche Carrot and cucumber with yoghurt dip Chicken and red kidney bean wrap

While dinner ideas amongst many other meal options might be easy to come up with, snacks can get quite tricky and repetitive after a few weeks. Here are a few interesting snacks recipes that you can try for your toddler.

1. Toast with Avocado

Fats are essential for kids and including avocado in his diet through this recipe can make sure he gets the right amount of it. So, try this tasty recipe for your baby.

Avocado toast


  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Cheese
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Banana
  • Avocado

How To Prepare

  1. Take an avocado and separate the seed. Mash the fruit properly in a bowl so that it forms a creamy paste.
  2. Add some salt and pepper to it to enhance the flavour.
  3. Toast the slices of bread and arrange them on a plate. Spread the avocado mashed mix on the slices. Add banana pieces over it and shred some cheese on top.

2. Banana Oatmeal

Breakfast time is the perfect time to ensure that a child gets the most of nutrients. This recipe can provide enough fibre and vitamins in a single go, as well as keep your child satisfied for a long duration.

Banana oatmeal


How To Prepare

  1. Cook oats in a pan. Make use of water or even almond milk as a base for it. Stir the oats intermittently so that they are cooked properly.
  2. Once the oats are softened, add cinnamon powder to enhance its taste.
  3. Turn off the flame and let it cool.
  4. Transfer it to a bowl and mix some banana pieces in it and the dish is ready!

3. Mediterranean Salad

A toddler may not show much interest in eating salad but if you garnish it with cheese, he sure will eat it. Try this salad recipe for your baby.

Mediterranean salad


  • Cheese
  • Black pepper
  • Salt
  • Coriander
  • Black olives
  • Tomato
  • Bell pepper
  • Onion
  • Vinegar
  • Olive oil
  • Quinoa, cooked

How To Prepare

  1. Dice the vegetables in small pieces and put them in a bowl.
  2. Take a pan and add olive oil to it. Put onions, bell pepper, tomatoes, and coriander and sauté them.
  3. Add these vegetables with cooked quinoa in a large bowl and garnish with cheese.

4. Tasty Risotto

When looking for a dish that is light on flavour and heavy on nutrition, go with this choice.



  • Cheese
  • Lemon juice
  • Butter
  • Frozen peas
  • Carrots
  • Vegetable stock
  • Rice
  • Olive oil
  • Spring onion

How To Prepare

  1. In a pan, add butter and spring onions, and saute them until they soften.
  2. Add peas and rice and cook it well. Follow up with the vegetable stock, and stir it until it is absorbed fully. Add more stock thereafter till the rice softens. Cover the pan with a lid.
  3. Once the rice is cooked, grate cheese over it and serve fresh.

5. Pumpkin Dip

Not only will this add great flavour to your snack, but it is a great source of vitamin A as well.

Pumpkin dip


  • Lemon
  • Pepper
  • Salt
  • Pumpkin, canned

How To Prepare

  1. Make pumpkin puree and add pepper, salt to it.
  2. You can also add a few drops of lemon.
  3. Serve with digestive cookies or even various fruits.

Feeding Tips

Feeding your toddler won’t be a difficult task anymore if you keep the following tips in mind.

  • Let your child handle plastic cutlery by himself.
  • Allow judicious meal times for your kid to eat calmly.
  • Focus on trying out variety instead of finishing the food.
  • Keep the diet balanced at all times.
  • Talk to your doctor before introducing a new item.
  • Make sure your kid drinks water after a meal.
  • Use colourful bowls to make the food look appealing.
  • Cut fruits and foods into tiny pieces when giving it to your baby.
  • Don’t let your kid eat without your supervision.
  • Don’t scold your kid if he spits out any food he doesn’t like.

Meals always constitute a larger portion of your child’s food but snacks for 17-month-old baby are what tend to do the trick many times. Offering a variety can help your kid warm up to food items he hated earlier and you never know he may start eating them.

Also Read: 5 Indian Winter Foods for Babies with Recipes