Does Zinc Affect Your Fertility?

Does Zinc Affect Your Fertility?

Quite contrary to popular opinion, there are many people out there who are already aware of the benefits of zinc for fertility. It is important to note that zinc is quite essential for women and men both, to keep your fertility levels to a good level.


Role of Zinc in Female Fertility

There is an essential need to maintain an intake of zinc to help get pregnant, especially for women. The role that it plays in supporting the fertility in females is monumental. Any presence of a deficiency can make itself felt evident too.


1. How Does Zinc Help Improve Fertility in Women?

For women, the inclusion of zinc in their diet is absolutely necessary. The presence of zinc ends up impacting a number of areas within your body that are connected to your reproductive health.

Hormone imbalance can result in quite a massive impact on your fertility and play folly in matters where conception can be easily attained. The levels of testosterone, estrogen and progesterone need to be optimal for fertility to be at its peak. Zinc plays a major role in making that happen.

Fertility in women because of zinc

Once the eggs are produced by the body, they need to travel via the fallopian tubes successfully and reach the uterus, so that the implantation can take place once fertilized. For this journey through the tubes, there is a necessity of maintaining proper levels of follicular fluid. Zinc helps carry out the function effectively.

While all of this might be attained, there does need to be a substantial amount of egg production within the body in the first place. These ought to be mature and healthy so that a sperm can fertilize them successfully. Zinc helps in maintaining proper egg quality too.

2. What If There is Zinc Deficiency?

Many women tend to complain of infertility due to a variety of reasons. A popular one amongst those is the presence of fibroids. Zinc can help keep these fibroids in check. But if a deficiency occurs, these can get inflamed and obstruct the natural cycle of pregnancy.

Similarly, many reports have established a link between zinc deficiency and miscarriages. Zinc plays an important role in the early development of the foetus, helping it to survive and develop the core organs necessary to grow ahead. A deficiency at such a crucial stage can be fatal for the child, and lead to a miscarriage.

Role of Zinc in Male Fertility

On lines similar to female fertility, knowing how much zinc for fertility in men is important ought to be known as well. Current lifestyles have made it even more necessary for this awareness to be present and help boost fertility.

1. How Does Zinc Help to Improve Fertility in Men?

The male reproductive system depends on the presence of zinc to quite a strong degree, in order to function optimally.

One of the key factors that zinc plays in matters of male fertility is the formation of the sperm themselves. Not all sperm can reach the egg successfully and their potential depends highly on their structure and shape. The aerodynamic form, combined with a tail, helps them achieve the strength and speed to reach the uterus in order to fertilize the egg. Zinc helps in creating strong sperms that improve chances of conception.

Fertility in men because of zinc

But what’s also important is to have sperms that have been developed the right way internally. A sperm might have the best structure but any presence of defects in the chromosomes it carries can be detrimental to the embryo that forms. Such sperms may fertilize the egg, but the embryo that forms may not implant successfully or lead to a miscarriage in the early stages of the pregnancy.

2. What If There is Zinc Deficiency?

Zinc deficiency in men leads to the presence of numerous disorders, many of which affect the reproductive system itself. The sperms that are generated in the absence of zinc, lack the proper structure of head and tail for swimming through the vaginal tract of the woman. This leads to many sperms getting destroyed before reaching the egg itself.

Similarly, zinc deficiency leads to a large chance of DNA related errors within the information held by the sperms. This has become quite common in recent times due to lifestyle changes, but can be easily corrected with the intake of zinc supplements.

Recommended Daily Intake

Understanding the right zinc dosage for male fertility as well as for women can help restore the fertility levels to a good amount and help with achieving successful conception without hindrances. Both men and women have a specific zinc intake that they should adhere to on a daily basis, although this does depend on the age of the person as well. The approximate amounts have been mentioned below.

For Men

Men should generally resort to having around 11mg of zinc on a daily basis. This can be achieved by correcting your diet and choosing foods that are rich in zinc. However, if you have been already diagnosed with sperm-related problems or structural anomalies, you might have to increase that intake to nearly 35-50mg per day.

Zinc capsules

For Women

Women need to generally have around 8mg of zinc on a daily basis. This requirement, however, increases when pregnant, reaching around 11mg, which further needs to be around 12mg after childbirth and during lactation.

Zinc-rich Food Sources

Knowing the zinc-rich foods for fertility improvement should be your first step when adjusting your diet. Whether you are a strict vegetarian or a non-vegetarian, there are a bunch of foods to be included in your diet without fail.

  • Seafood such as shrimps, prawns and oysters
  • Sesame seeds or pumpkin seeds
  • Meat items such as turkey, lamb, beef
  • Probiotics like yoghurt and vegetables such as green peas

Zinc rich food sources

Should You Consume Zinc Supplements for Fertility?

Zinc supplements are usually recommended for people already suffering from a major deficiency or failing to reach a healthy level even with a proper diet. 15mg of supplements are good enough, while doctors might suggest a higher dosage if required.

The best zinc supplement for fertility is a proper diet. While a better lifestyle always ensures a good level of fertility, balancing it out with supplements and doctor’s advice can help you achieve optimal fertility levels quickly.