15 Amazing and Simple Paper Crafts for Kids

Butterfly paper craft

Everyone these days is obsessed with technology, be it phones, computers or televisions. Children learn by observing what people in their environment do, so it should come as no surprise when children start to develop the habit of looking to the same for entertainment. If you are looking for a more creative form of entertainment for your children, then paper crafts can be super fun!


Easy Paper Craft Ideas for Children

Paper craft

Here we have a great selection of simple paper craft ideas for kids:


1. Paper Lanterns

This festive creation is sure to be fun around Diwali.

What You Will Need

  1. 2 sheets of coloured papers
  2. Scissors
  3. Pencils
  4. Rulers
  5. Stapler

How to Do

  1. Take one sheet and cut two long strips lengthwise. Keep them aside.
  2. Take the other sheet of paper and fold lengthwise.
  3. Take the ruler and pencil and start to draw guide marks breadthwise from the folded part.
  4. Start cutting based on the guide marks and ensure that you do not cut all the way through.
  5. Unfold the paper and then roll it, still lengthwise. Staple the ends together.
  6. Take the first paper, roll it up and slide it into the centre of the other paper. Staple it into place.
  7. Use the two strips of paper that you cut out in the beginning to decorate the lamp.

2. Stained Paper Kites

A bit of prep involved for this but your kids will love decorating them.

What You Need

  1. Black construction paper
  2. Different coloured tissues
  3. Clear contact paper
  4. Ribbons or yarn
  5. Scraps of colourful construction paper

How to Do

Start with the construction paper by cutting out a kite shape with a one-inch frame.

  1. Keep a piece of clear contact paper on a table, sticky side up and tape it there.
  2. Place the kite frame on the contact paper and begin decorating it using the different coloured papers.
  3. When the kids are happy with their designs, take another piece of clear contact paper and carefully place it over the kite.
  4. Cut out the kite shape.
  5. Staple a piece of ribbon to the end of the kite to make the tail.

3. Cardboard Menagerie

If your little ones love animals, they will really enjoy making this cardboard menagerie!

What You Need

  1. Cardboard
  2. Craft paint
  3. Paintbrushes
  4. Pipe cleaners
  5. White glue

How to Do

  1. Take the cardboard and draw the animal shapes and cut them out.
  2. Cut out the tusks and tails from the pipe cleaners.
  3. Cut slits in the animals to insert the tusks and tails wherever required.
  4. Paint the animals and tails accordingly and let it set aside until it is dry.
  5. When dry, assemble the animals.

4. Paper Caterpillar

This caterpillar will have your kids competing for who can make the longest one.

What You Need

  1. Two or three construction papers of different colours.
  2. Scissors
  3. Glue
  4. Black marker
  5. Wiggly eyes

How to Do

Cut paper into fifteen one inch wide and ten inches long strips.

  1. Cut out a bigger strip for the head and small strips for the antennae.
  2. Make a ring out of one of the strips of paper. Glue the ends together.
  3. Take another strip and take it through the previous ring. Form the second ring the same way and continue until kids are happy with the length.
  4. Add the head.
  5. Take antennae strips and fold small bits at the ends of antennae. Glue onto the head.
  6. Stick the eyes on. Draw a mouth.

5. Page Corner Bookmarks

For the bookworms, this one is not only simple and fun to make, but also useful.

What You Need

  1. Envelopes
  2. Decorating materials

How to Do

  1. Cut out one of the corners of the envelope in a triangular shape.
  2. Decorate it as you please.

6. Paper Mosaic Place Mats

Who said the children’s art should only be displayed on walls?

What You Need

  1. A large piece of thin cardboard
  2. Pencils and erasers
  3. Coloured paper
  4. Glue

How to Do

  1. Take the cardboard and sketch out a design.
  2. Cut the coloured paper into smaller pieces and use them to colour in the design, using glue to stick them on.
  3. Laminate.

7. Elegant Paper Fans

This is a great paper craft for kids with folding paper.

What You Need

  1. 12 by 12-inch cardstock paper
  2. Ribbon

How to Do

  1. Trim the paper to eight by twelve inches.
  2. Fold the paper accordion style.
  3. Gather at the bottom edge and make a hole through all the folds. Put a ribbon through it.

8. Paper Heart Wreath

This paper art for kids will look great on any wall or door.

What You Need

  1. Strips of craft paper
  2. Craft glue
  3. Ribbon
  4. Scissors

How to Do

  1. Cut the craft paper into strips and then fold them in half.
  2. Fold strips into hearts and glue together.
  3. Once all hearts are made, glue to each other.
  4. Place one end of the ribbon between two hearts and glue it in place. Take the other side and do the same after two hearts.

9. Paper Roll Owls

These make cute decorations for the kid’s room.

What You Need

  1. Toilet paper rolls
  2. Scissors
  3. Pencils
  4. White and black foam pieces
  5. Craft paper
  6. Glue

How to Do

Make a semi-circle at the top of the paper roll and cut it out.

  1. Use the cutout piece as a template to draw the semi-circle on the opposite side and cut that out. These will be the wings.
  2. Cover the outside of the paper roll with glue and roll it onto the craft paper. Trim the paper accordingly.
  3. Cover one side of each semi-circle with glue. Place it on craft paper. Trim accordingly.
  4. Cut the white and black foam into eyes and yellow craft paper into beaks.
  5. Stick everything onto the main body.

10. Paper Bunny Hat

This is an easy paper cutting art for kids.

What You Need

  1. Paper plates
  2. Paint

How to Make

  1. Fold the plate in half
  2. After this, cut a hole for the head make sure to leave some of the plate uncut around the head opening.
  3. Shape the bunny ears from the centre part of the plate.
  4. Paint the ears how you choose.

11. Autumn Leaf Crown

This will make your kids feel like autumn royalty.

What You Need

  1. Fresh leaves
  2. Brown paper bag
  3. Glue
  4. Scissors

How to Do

  1. Cut the paper bag to fit your child’s head.
  2. Gather some freshly fallen leaves in different shapes and sizes and stick them onto the hat.

12. Super Hero Cuffs

There is a hero in every child. Bring them out with these nifty superhero cuffs.

What You Need

  1. Toilet paper rolls
  2. Metallic paint
  3. Scissors
  4. Glitter
  5. Glue

How to Do

  1. Paint the toilet paper rolls.
  2. If your children like glitter, now are the time to sprinkle it on.
  3. When dry, cut a slit on one side and round the corners.
  4. Add some stickers and shapes.

13. Paper Fish Ceiling Décor

If your children love to fish, this is a great one for decorating the ceiling.

What You Need

  1. Coloured construction paper
  2. Stapler
  3. Scissors
  4. Glue
  5. Hole punch
  6. Googly eyes
  7. String

How to Do

  1. Take two sheets of the same colour.
  2. Fold each of the sheets in the accordion style.
  3. Line the papers up by placing the last accordion fold of one sheet against the first of the second.
  4. Gather together both the sheets in the accordion fold and staple them together in the centre.
  5. Start fanning out the folds until you have the form and then glue the ends together.
  6. Cut a triangle for the tail and stick it onto the fish. Stick the googly eyes on each side of the head.
  7. String it by making a hole with the punch.

14. Paper Roll Race Cars

This will be a lot of fun for little car enthusiasts.

What You Need

  1. Toilet paper rolls
  2. Cardboard sheet
  3. Paints
  4. Scissors
  5. Glue
  6. Milton clamps

How to Do

  1. Paint the paper rolls.
  2. Draw the wheels and steering wheel onto the cardboard, cut them out and paint them.
  3. Cut a “U” shape into the centre of the roll and carefully peel the flap back to make the back of the seat.
  4. Glue the steering wheel in place.
  5. Make holes for the wheels to be fixed onto using the scissors.
  6. Fix wheels on with Milton clamps.
  7. Allow kids to decorate them as they please.

15. Newspaper Swirl Frame

Newspaper craft for kids is fun and a good way to use up old papers.

What You Need

  1. Newspapers
  2. Glue stick
  3. Scissors
  4. Toothpick
  5. Cereal box
  6. Tape
  7. Glue

How to Do

  1. Cut the frame from a cereal box, taping all but one side together.
  2. Cut into strips across the paper.
  3. Take the toothpick and roll the paper along, starting from the corner.
  4. Add glue to secure.
  5. Flatten the roll.
  6. Curl paper again and glue.
  7. Continue until you have enough to cover the frame making them different sizes.
  8. Glue onto the frame.

Not only do paper crafts keep your children occupied and away from all types of screens, but it also helps them develop more creative skills and is a great opportunity for you to bond with your children.