Pregnancy Symptoms After Missed Period – Am I Pregnant?

Undeniably, pregnancy is one of the most beautiful and exciting phases in a woman’s life. Reasonably, the hope starts as soon as a woman misses her periods, But it is important that you identify certain symptoms beforehand to confirm the news. Although missed periods are a sign of pregnancy, there are other noticeable symptoms as well which you should look for before taking a pregnancy test.

How Soon Can I See the Pregnancy Symptoms?

Doctors say that in some cases, symptoms can be seen as early as one day after conception. How soon you notice the symptoms also depends on how aware you are of your body and the situation. It takes about 6 days for the egg to travel up to the fallopian tubes and get implanted in the uterus, but the body starts sending signals as soon as the egg is fertilised.

This phase is a little painful, especially for first-timers, and feeling anxious is perfectly normal.

One of the common symptoms of pregnancy is a missed period after sex. However, a missed period is not necessarily a sign of pregnancy, but it is possible that you may have conceived. At such times, it is helpful to take a home pregnancy test to confirm the news.

Most Common Symptoms of Pregnancy After a Missed Period

Here are the most commonly experienced early symptoms of pregnancy:

1. Nausea and Digestion Problem

Nausea is one of the most common signs of pregnancy. Nausea or morning sickness varies from individual to individual. In some cases, it starts two-three weeks after conception while in other cases, it may start after a month or two. A woman can experience it anytime – be it morning, afternoon, evening or night. For some, nausea continues throughout the pregnancy while for others, it lasts only for the first few months. There may also be a few who don’t face it at all.

Nausea and Digestion Problem

Nausea and other digestion related problems like acidity and constipation usually occur because of changes in the hormones and belly structure of the body. To prevent or reduce morning sickness, doctors prescribe medicines that are free from side-effects. It is advisable to not consume alcohol or tobacco during this period. If you are experiencing morning sickness, it is better to increase your fluid intake as it will prevent the formation of acid in the stomach.

Also, staying away from oily, spicy, heavy and fried foods or foods with a strong aroma can help. Take small meals and keep snacking in between. Ginger and Vitamin B6 supplements may also help reduce morning sickness.

2. Tender Breasts and Sore Nipples

Breasts show significant changes even in early pregnancy, like:

  • Developing varicose veins
  • Enlargement
  • Tenderness and pain
  • Protruding nipples and darker, bigger and spotted areolas

Because of changes in hormones like oestrogen and progesterone,the supply of blood to the breasts increases,making them very sensitive.

Sometimes, the breasts may become itchy and develop stretch marks in the later stages of pregnancy.You may also notice bumps around the areola.

As your breast size goes on increasing, it is advisable to go for bigger-sized bras.You should always wear bras that provide good support and are made of breathable material, like underwire and cotton bras.

3. Mood Swings and Irritability

A woman’s body undergoes many hormonal changes during pregnancy, making her mood fluctuate frequently. Other effects of pregnancy include nausea, physical discomfort, stress, pain, and difficulty in sleeping, which can also add to the pregnant woman’s irritability.

Mood Swings and Irritability

To avoid this Problem, you should:

  • Get adequate sleep and rest
  • Eat healthy
  • Live stress-free
  • Breathe fresh air
  • Do light exercises
  • Stay positive

4. Frequent Urination

Due to hormonal changes and increase in blood circulation, the rate of blood flowto the kidneys increases, causing the filling up of the bladder frequently. The frequency of urination and blood flow to the pelvis increases as the pregnancy progresses.

Another reason for frequent urination during the later stages of pregnancy is the baby applying pressure on the urinary bladder. In addition to this, the ligaments of a pregnant woman stretch and the uterus expands because of which less space is left for the bladder.

5. Food Cravings and  Aversions

While some women develop food cravings during pregnancy, others develop strong food aversions. Sometimes, pregnant women start hating foods they used to love and do not even want to look at it. This is believed to be due to the rapidly changing hormones that have an impact on appetite and outlook towards food.

6. Fatigue

One of the most common pregnancy signs after a missed period is fatigue. If you start getting exhausted or feeling tired all the time, you should take some rest The first trimester is very risky so do not overexert or carry heavy weights. Learn to relax, call for help, and let go of the stressful things.

In the first three months, the development of the placenta consumes a lot of energy, which causes fatigue. Moreover, the blood sugar level decreases, making the body lethargic. However, you should not worry about being tired because it is completely normal to feel that way all the time in the first trimester.

7. Increase in Body Temperature

You will notice an increase in your body temperature like it does before your periods. You will also feel hot all the time. It is the hormonal changes in the body that cause the rise in body temperature – the level of progesterone and the rate of metabolism increase considerably. So, if you notice a rise in body temperature for two consecutive weeks, it’s probably good news.

8. Lower Back Pain

There are many factors that lead to pain in the lower backduring early pregnancy. Some of thefactors are the increasing weight and expansion of the uterus. The ligaments of the body loosen up, because of which the torso and posture change considerably, leading to back pain.

Lower Back Pain

You need to be very careful with your posture during pregnancy because many women end up harming their back, which alters their body structure permanently. Take care to prevent getting droopy shoulders,a sagging neck or a double chin. Not all women face this problem, but many do, which makes it essential to be careful.

9. Implantation Bleeding

Some women face the issue of slight bleeding and spotting when the fertilised egg starts to implant itself in the uterus. Usually, this sort of bleeding occurs three to six days after the fertilised egg has been implanted.

You will also notice that the colour of your vaginal discharge is light pink and not the usual dark red colour of menstruation. Some women might face an increase in discharge as well as stomach cramps because of the egg implantation. However, if the bleeding persists, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

10. Bloating

Hormonal changes and nausea cause gastric problems,making many women feel bloated all the time. The muscles in the digestive tract begin to relax as the pelvis stretches and prepares itself for delivery. The implantation of the egg may also cause swelling in the uterine wall, leading to a bloated feeling.

When to Take a Pregnancy Test?

If you are wondering when to take a pregnancy test after a missed period, just wait for a week after missing one. For that, all you need to do is to buy a pregnancy kit from a trusted brand and collect your urine in a bottle. Using a dropper, place some urine on the stick and wait for some time to check the results. Most kits ask you to wait five minutes for the results. If it shows a positive result (two pink lines), then your pregnancy is confirmed.

Pregnancy Test

HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which is a hormone produced by the placenta after implantation, is high in a pregnant woman’s urine. It is because of this that you get a positive result. When the test is confirmed, it is time to see a doctor for pre-pregnancy testing and begin the journey to a fulfilling pregnancy.