12 Most Effective Ways to Improve Your Child’s Concentration

12 Ways to Improve Your Child's Concentration

As grown-ups, it is easy for us to apply different techniques to improve our concentration levels, but it becomes difficult for a child to focus on a task for more than a few minutes. This happens primarily because of their natural exuberance and high curiosity levels. But as they grow, they will need to focus on their studies and other important tasks.


How to Improve Child Concentration?

If you want to know how to make child concentrate on studies and focus better, check out these 12 proven methods of doing so:


1. Divide Large Tasks Into Smaller Ones

Since a big task needs better focus and discipline, try dividing it into smaller, manageable tasks. This can be helpful while doing homework, learning new skills and doing housework. Small projects need lesser time to complete and provide the satisfaction of having made progress. This makes focus easier. As compared to this, a larger task can seem daunting to the child since it takes more time and you can expect some reluctance from your child to take it on.

2. Mix Pleasure With Work

Young kids can get overwhelmed if they are involved in a number of tasks at the same time. Too many tasks can tire their little brains so give them enough time to enjoy themselves and have fun. This way they do not get pressurized and are open for work or study without any fuss. Any activity that has the potential to tire them out quickly or seems uninteresting for their age should be avoided.

3. Reduce Distractions

As parents, it is important to create an environment where children can learn or carry out their tasks with minimum distractions. Unless kids are engaged in activities they really like, it is difficult for them to keep even tiny distractions away. Television, loud music, noise and mobile phones are major distractions for a child. Keep them from reading messages or browsing the internet while studying. These precautions can be helpful in improving focus in a child as the concentration interrupters are reduced.

4. Set Time Limits For Goal Completion

Make sure you set a time limit for completion of a specific goal as this will gently force your child to complete the task in the given time. However, ensure that the time limit you have set is not too short or too long as this could make them anxious. Setting rigid time limits could also affect their ability to focus. Time limits of 15 minutes or 20 minutes will keep them focused on the task and their attention will not waver too much. A longer time limit may promote inattentiveness and distraction and the purpose could be defeated.

5. Provide Enough Physical Activity

Kids are full of energy and are bursting with life. In order to help them vent out additional energy, you should plan for playtime that includes running or playing some kind of sports. It helps in focusing better, reduces boredom and restlessness in the child.

6. Repeat The Same Activity At The Same Time

Ask your child to get down to studies and do his homework every day at the same time. This will help him to build a habit since the activity is repeated and he will not need an effort to focus. Our mind is prepared for the homework or study when that time of the day comes and is more willing to study.

Child doing homework

7. Provide A Time Gap Between Activities

While your child is engaged in carrying out one task, inform him that there is another one coming up. However, give him some time in between tasks before he begins the next activity. Usually, if a kid is doing something that he loves, he will probably be reluctant to move on to a new one.

8. Get Games That Need Focus

There are many games available on the market that need thinking. These concentration games for kids are great to help you build and strengthen your child’s capability to focus for longer time periods. Check online or in your nearby toy store for such games. By providing them with games that need detailed planning and use of memory, you can help them to have fun along with a good dose of concentration and focus.

9. Encourage Rest

Ensure that your child does not stay up too late during weekdays and is getting enough sleep during the night. Resting the active body and brain is important if you want to improve the child’s concentration. Encourage rest during the day too as he or she is probably busy with a host of activities.

10. Breathing Exercises

If the brain receives adequate amounts of oxygen, it helps the brain to function at its optimum level. Ask your child to perform some basic breathing exercises to help their brain and if he seems uninterested, you can join him too. Blowing soap bubbles or playing musical instruments like the harmonica are fun ways of encouraging breathing.

11. Give Daily Tasks Or Responsibilities

Give your child a few daily chores to carry out to help improve your child’s focus. Parents often worry about how to increase concentration in kids but often the answer lies in many of our daily activities. Ask him or her to arrange his storybooks or your book collection in an alphabetical order. Sorting out his cupboard, making an ice lolly or helping you in preparing a sandwich are a few examples which will help.

12. Read Out Stories

This is a great way of helping your child focus on one task at a time. Get some interesting story books appropriate for his age and read the stories aloud while the child is resting. Keep introducing new books as his interest grows. This will enhance his listening skills and encourage him to focus. Ask simple questions at the end of every session to ensure he is listening carefully but keep it fun and interactive. Remember to keep your volume low as it helps the child to focus on listening and also promotes concentration.

Lack of concentration and wavering attention are the cause of many a problem when a child attends school. By encouraging simple activities, you can help your kid to enhance his/her attention levels. Keep him motivated through appreciation and this will help him to do well at school and in adult life too.