Meaning of Djuna

  • Name :djuna
  • Meaning :the name djuna is a girl name . the writer djuna barnes, who was introduced to this interesting and unusual name with an arty, bohemian feel in the mix. he explained that it was invented by his father, they say, it was like a combination of his little brother in the pronunciation of the word in the moon as "nuna" and a character in a book his father was reading, was the prince of djalma, and for him ", the dj in the 'a'." result: the silence-d-e-pronunciation (as in django) of joon-a. a fellow of the writer anais nin, suppose that the name of a character in his 1950 novel the four chambered heart, and woody allen had a young woman named djuna in his film, shot in 1996, everyone says i love you-a nickname of dj. all-in-one, an exotic and fascinating possibility.
  • Gender :Girl
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