Western Baby Boy Names
a descendant of the ancestors,of the eleven, warrior,elb-army; ancient relic, olive tree (peace),olive tree,oliver as a girl's name is pronounced ah-lih-states. it is of latin origin, and the importance of oliver is "olive tree". name of one of the knights of charlemagne, in the century of 12th poem "chanson de roland". in your case, also alfihar (alt-english) "host of elves" or olafr old norse) "ancestors". biblical: the olive tree is a symbol of fertility, beauty, and dignity. today, extend an olive branch" traditionally signifies an offer of peace. literary: the main character of dickens' "oliver twist". director oliver stone, actor oliver platt.
achilles as a name of children, which is pronounced a-kill-eez. it is of greek origin. of achilleus. mythology: the name of the hero of the trojan war, celebrated in homer ' s of the "iliad", famous for its value and beauty male. he was invulnerable, after which he was dipped in the river styx by his mother, the nymph thetis. she stopped, however, the heel, was his weak point: the ending of "achilles' heel". also a holy name.,pain,warrior
Heat, Penance, Fervour, Fire, Worth, Austerity, Meditation worth, Bird, The Sun the Moon, Another name for Agni, Sun
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