Meaning of Norman

  • Name :norman
  • Meaning :the man of the north,norman how a young man name is pronounced still claim. it is of old german origin, and the importance of norman is "aurora borealis". the name was in england before the norman conquest, and maybe you know a person, that of norway or some other northern region of britain. the normans, who conquered england in the year 1066 were originally from scandinavia, but had stopped about a century, to conquer and colonize, in the north of france, in the region known as the region of normandy, before crossing the english channel to attack the uk from the south. after the middle ages, uses, and, later, to neglect the name of strong revived in the 19th century. authors norman mailer, norman vincent peale; artist norman rockwell; television producers norman lear; the american general norman schwarzkopf.,aurora borealis, norseman,nordmann (vikings)
  • Gender :Boy

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