Name : wade Meaning : in the crossing of the river,to the ford, walking,near a ford,travelers,wade as a boy's name is pronounced wayde. it is of old english and scandinavian origin, and the importance of the calf is able to go; ford. also medieval is specified the name, taken from the scandinavian mythology. confederate general wade hampton. Gender : Boy Similar Names For wade
woman virgin,virgin, virgin,virgin, pure,virginia how to a girl's name is pronounced vir-jin-yah. it is of latin origin, and the importance of virginia, is virgin. the name was originally spelled verginia, and was the feminine form of an ancient roman name of clan verginius. with time, its spelling changed due to its association with the latin term virgin, which means virgin. this meaning for the name since then. popular in america since the mid-19th century, century; the first child born in america, virginia dare, in the year 1597. the state of virginia was named as homage to the virgin queen elizabeth i. writer virginia woolf; tennis player virginia wade.
from the people of the city,hampton as a girl's name is pronounced hamp-do. it is the old english origin, and the meaning of hampton is "home-town". the location, the name. beach of hampton, virginia, is the oldest settlement in english in continuous existence in the united states, and hampton roads, the channel is one of the great natural harbours. south carolina planters of wade hampton important was a soldier in the war of independence and his grandson (same name) was a prominent confederate general and later governor of south carolina. music of lionel hampton.,home town,a hamlet, in a development