Name : mochan Meaning : mochan, as a young man by the name its origin is gaelic, and the importance of mochan "early". the name also derives from the french "machun, macon" or in english "mason", a professional name of a mason. Gender : Boy Similar Names For mochan mason
mason,mason as a girl, the name is used (also, in general, as boys' name mason) is the old english origin, and the meaning of mason is "called". last name as first name in the mid-19th century.,mason as a young man by the name (with a lower frequency, such as the names of girl mason) is accused of the may sun. it is of english origin, and the importance of mason is "one who works with stone". name professional. used as a given name since the mid-19th century. see also mace. the actor james mason. the shape of the mochan.,the stone workers, brick-layer, stone worker,to the workers of the stone