Meaning of Marco Name : marco Meaning : god of war, macho, male,marco as a young man by the name pronounced mar-koh, mar-ku. it is of latin origin. in italian and portuguese variant of marcus. italian explorer marco polo. also the spanish form of mark.,represents mars, warlike,warring Gender : Boy Similar Names For marco
god of war, macho, male, ross, horse,also how a young man name is very next to him. it is of latin origin, and the importance of the brand is "dedicated to mars". anglisierte version of marcus. biblical: the roman surname of john mark, a missionary companion of peter and paul and writer, one of the four evangelienberichte of jesus. the famous writer mark twain (actually samuel clemens) has its name from the call of mississippi boatman: "mark twain!", this means that the water was two fathoms deep. explorer marco polo; the choreographer mark morris; new york governor mario cuomo; swimmer mark spitz; baseball player mark mcgwire; fashion designer marc jacobs, actor mark harmon, mark wahlberg.,represents mars, warlike,warring
the name of tullia is a maiden name irish, in latin origin. the unusual and fascinating tullia already since the roman times, as a woman from the famous family name tullius, as in the philosopher marco tulio cicero. modern parents, who, like tallulah or lillia, but want something more unusual would be, well, almost unknown tullia, which can also vary for tulia, reimend with julia. tullia can be shortened to tully, more correctly, an irish surname with a number of possible meanings.