Meaning of Madison
- Name :madison
- Meaning :madison as a girl's name is used less often than kids his name madison), is very mad-a-son. it is the old english origin, and the meaning of madison is "son of the mighty warrior". it is also possible variant of madeline (hebrew) "woman from magdala", or surname derived from matthew (hebrew) "gift of the lord" or "matilda" (alt-english) "mighty in battle". the siren, the heroine of madison in the hit movie "splash" probably affects the use of the name, and boy ' s name as a maiden name.,madison as a boy's name (also more extended, the names of girl madison) is very mad-ih-sun. it is derived from the medieval town of the woman called magdalene (greek, french), "woman of magdala". the surname arose from madde, it was a nickname for madeleine. use of madison's name is influenced by james madison, an important contribution to the american constitution and the bill of rights, as well as the president of the united states during the war of 1812. the writer madison smartt bell.,matthew ' s child,and that a mighty battle,son of matthew,the son of maud
- Gender :Unisex
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