Saturday, March 1 2025
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Baby Names
Meaning of Hara
Meaning of Hara
Remover of sins, Princess (Hebrew), Seizer (Sanskrit)
Karka (DD, H)
Punarvasu (Ke, Ko, Ha, Hi)
Similar Names For Hara
The first Vedas, Lord Ganesh, Knower of the arthara Vedas, One of names of Lord Ganesha, Knower of Vedas, Knowledgeable One
King bharats son, Eyes like a Pigeon, Chopping, To make from wood
Letters, Goddess Saraswati, Letter, Syllable, Sound, Unalterable, Not perishable, One of many names of Lord Vishnu, Name of Lord Brahma
God gift, Inherent, Inscribed into something, Within something, Essential, intrinsic, characteristic, natural.
Name of one of the Pandavas, Son, A musical instrument, The fourth Pandava Prince from the Mahabharata, Mongoose, Another name for Shiva, A mongoose, A sharp-minded
A king from the epic Mahabharata, Husband of Shakuntala who destroyed evil
Person with a strong character., Person with a strong character.
Charming, Pleasant, Ploughman, Grass, A sweet girl in Persian. Also, name of the characted from the Resain and Turkish legend
splendor, radiance, brilliance Girl - Irish Aahan, Aahna, Aamani, Aanan, Aayam, Ahaan, Ahan, Ahim, Ahnay, Ahnna, _x000D_ Ainhoa Refers to the Virgin Mary. Girl - Germanic Aahan, Aahna, Aamani, Aanan, Aayam, Ahaan, Ahan, Ahim, Ahnay, Ahnna, _x000D_ Aini Spring. Flower. Source Girl - English Aahan, Aahna, Aamani, Aanan, Aayam, Ahaan, Ahan, Ahim, Ahnay, Ahnna, _x000D_ Aino Finnish - The only one, Unique Girl - Finnish Aahan, Aahna, Aamani, Aanan, Aayam, Ahaan, Ahan, Ahim, Ahnay, Ahnna, _x000D_ Ainslee Variant of AINSLEY Girl - Germanic Aanchal, Amshul, Angele, Angelia, Anjal, Anjali, Anjul, Ankal, Anookul, Ansell, _x000D_ Ainsleigh Old English - Wood, Clearing, Meadow, Hermitage, Solitary, A derivative of the name Ainsley Girl - English Angelic, Angelus, Anjalika, Ansleigh, _x000D_ Ainsley From Ann's meadow Girl - British Aanchal, Amshul, Angele, Angelia, Anjal, Anjali, Anjul, Ankal, Anookul, Ansell, _x000D_ Aintik Wise and powerful Girl - English Amitatej, Amitesh, Amitoj, Amitosh, Anitej, Aniteja, Antek, Antosha, _x000D_ Ainu Goddess of Fertility, Human like, Girl - Japanese Aahan, Aahna, Aamani, Aanan, Aayam, Ahaan, Ahan, Ahim, Ahnay, Ahnna, _x000D_ Aio Peace Girl Christianity Maori Aayu, Ahi, Aiyah, _x000D_ Airianna Chaste, Very holy one Girl - Greek Aaranay, Aaranyan, Aarman, Aaron, Aarunya, Aaryaman, Aaryan, Aeryn, Aharon, Ahriman, _x000D_ Airini Peace, a woman of a peaceful nature. Girl Christianity Maori Aaranay, Aaranyan, Aarman, Aaron, Aarunya, Aaryaman, Aaryan, Aeryn, Aharon, Ahriman, _x000D_ Airlia Ethereal, Delicate, intangible Girl - Greek Arely, Arial, Ariele, Arla, Arley, Arly, Arul, Aruloli, Aurel, Aurele, _x000D_ Airlie a variant of the name Airleas Girl - Irish Arely, Arial, Ariele, Arla, Arley, Arly, Arul, Aruloli, Aurel, Aurele, _x000D_ Aisa Another spelling of the name Aysa which means Moonlike Girl - Urdu Aagyey, Aahish, Aaish, Aakaash, Aakash, Aakesh, Aasha, Aashay, Aashi, Aashish, _x000D_ Aischa Āʾisha, also spelled Aisha, She who lives or womanly Girl - Arabic Aagyey, Aahish, Aaish, Aakaash, Aakash, Aakesh, Aasha, Aashay, Aashi, Aashish, _x000D_ Aisha the one who is characterized by success or having favorable outcome, in some cases it also means 'living' Girl Islam Arabic Aagyey, Aahish, Aaish, Aakaash, Aakash, Aakesh, Aasha, Aashay, Aashi, Aashish, _x000D_ Aishaanya beautiful life Girl - Hindi Aachman, Aagam, Aagman, Aagney, Aagneya, Aakhyaan, Aasamana, Aashman, Aashna, Aayushmaan, _x000D_ Aishah Different spelling of Aisha, A wife of Islamic prophet Mohammed Girl - Arabic Aagyey, Aahish, Aaish, Aakaash, Aakash, Aakesh, Aasha, Aashay, Aashi, Aashish, _x000D_ Aishani Hindu Goddess Durga Girl - Hindi Aachman, Aagam, Aagman, Aagney, Aagneya, Aakhyaan, Aasamana, Aashman, Aashna, Aayushmaan, _x000D_ Aishatou Alive, she who lives, Life in Swahili Girl - Arabic Aaget, Aaquid, Aasit, Aastha, Acchoda, Achit, Achyut, Achyuta, Achyuth, Acyuta, _x000D_ Aishatu Alive and well, Spell as Aisha Tu Girl - Arabic Aaget, Aaquid, Aasit, Aastha, Acchoda, Achit, Achyut, Achyuta, Achyuth, Acyuta, _x000D_ Aishi God,s gift Girl - Hindi Aagyey, Aahish, Aaish, Aakaash, Aakash, Aakesh, Aasha, Aashay, Aashi, Aashish, _x000D_ Aishia One who is lively Girl - Arabic Aagyey, Aahish, Aaish, Aakaash, Aakash, Aakesh, Aasha, Aashay, Aashi, Aashish, _x000D_ Aishiah A friendly, sociable, charming nature Girl - Arabic Aagyey, Aahish, Aaish, Aakaash, Aakash, Aakesh, Aasha, Aashay, Aashi, Aashish, _x000D_ Aishini Goddess Lakshmi Girl - Hindi Aachman, Aagam, Aagman, Aagney, Aagneya, Aakhyaan, Aasamana, Aashman, Aashna, Aayushmaan, _x000D_ Aishla Derived from the Arabic 'Āisha (alive and well) Girl - Arabic Aakil, Achal, Achille, Ackley, Aekley, Aisley, Akil, Aksel, Akul, Asalah, _x000D_ Aishwa Prosperity, wealth in Sanskrit Girl - Sanskrit Aagyey, Aahish, Aaish, Aakaash, Aakash, Aakesh, Aasha, Aashay, Aashi, Aashish, _x000D_ Aishwariya Prosperity, Richness. A famous Indian actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Girl - Sanskrit Aacharya, Aakaar, Aakar, Aasra, Acarya, Acer, Acharya, Achir, Aeker, Aghor, _x000D_ Aishwarya Richness. An Indian actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Girl - Sanskrit Aacharya, Aakaar, Aakar, Aasra, Acarya, Acer, Acharya, Achir, Aeker, Aghor, _x000D_ Aisia A derivation of Asia, a place name Girl - English Aagyey, Aahish, Aaish, Aakaash, Aakash, Aakesh, Aasha, Aashay, Aashi, Aashish, _x000D_ Aisiah Alive and well. Aisiah is an alternate spelling of Aisha (Arabic)
Noble, Generous, The person who is having the quality of elevation of mind and exaltation of character.
Goddess Parvati, It is another name of Goddess Sharada, As Shrut Devi
ËœThe one they cried for', a person with strong mind who is charismatic as well as inspiring Boy - - Alvar, Alvarie, Alvera, Alvira, _x000D_ Alveva Master of authentic, compassionate, influential and dramatic personality, they influence the masses Unisex - - Aalap, Ailbe, Alaap, Alabhya, Alap, Alev, Alf, Alfy, Alop, Alvi, _x000D_ Alvie A noble friend of the elves who enjoys practical arts and systematic schedule Boy - - Aalap, Ailbe, Alaap, Alabhya, Alap, Alev, Alf, Alfy, Alop, Alvi, _x000D_ Alvin A noble companion and friend loved by all having a independent, resourceful and practical attitude Boy Christianity United States Albano, Alfina, Alpine, Alvina, Alvyn, _x000D_ Alvine They prove to be a wise companion, sentimental and inclined towards the business of education Unisex - - Albano, Alfina, Alpine, Alvina, Alvyn, _x000D_ Alvino A white and fair noble friend who is attracted to the mysteries of the nature Boy - - Albano, Alfina, Alpine, Alvina, Alvyn, _x000D_ Alvis An all knowing wise person who is brilliant in every way possible and have strong emotional desires Boy - Norse Alpesh, Alpheus, _x000D_ Alviss A wise, determined born leader possessing individuality and confidence Boy - - Alpesh, Alpheus, _x000D_ Alvon Insult in Hebrew; an elf who is a defender of mankind attracted to the mysteries of nature Unisex - Hebrew Albano, Alfina, Alpine, Alvina, Alvyn, _x000D_ Alvord Derived from the old ford; bold, energetic and iron willed Boy - - Ailfrid, Alburt, Alford, Alfreda, Alfrid, Alfrida, _x000D_ Alvredus An elf counsel with a highly imaginative, happy-go-lucky and voluntary personality Boy - - Albertus, _x000D_ Alvy Variant of Alvin who is an intelligent friend of the elves and guardian of all Boy - Latin Aalap, Ailbe, Alaap, Alabhya, Alap, Alev, Alf, Alfy, Alop, Alvi, _x000D_ Alvyn Teutonic: Loved by All; German: Friend; English: Noble,Wise Friend; A variant of name Alwin Boy Christianity English,German,Greek Albano, Alfina, Alpine, Alvina, _x000D_ Alwan Another name of Alwin, they are aristocratic friends who are colorful, lofty, noble and easy-going Boy - Arabic Ahilan, Ailean, Ailin, Ailne, Alam, Alane, Alani, Alann, Alen, Alian, _x000D_ Alwar Gothic: Guard for all; A derivative of name Alvaro Boy Christianity German,Greek,Spanish Alara, Aler, Allaire, Allura, Alora, Alura, Alurea, _x000D_ Alward A variant of Alwardt often satisfying restlessness, freedom and personal growth Boy - - Alard, Allard, Allred, Aylward, _x000D_ Alweo A diplomatic peacemaker with a good natured personality who are a lover and a dreamer at heart Boy - - Aelle, Aili, Ailia, Ailiyah, Alaya, All, Alla, Alley, Allu, Ally, _x000D_ Alwin Old German - Elf Friend; English - Noble friend; A derivative of name Aelfwine,Aethelwine Boy Christianity English,German,Greek Ahilan, Ailean, Ailin, Ailne, Alam, Alane, Alani, Alann, Alen, Alian, _x000D_ Alwinus Blessed with tolerance, people's skills and diplomacy they are self evolving beings Boy - - Alanis, Alenka, Allanagh, Almas, Alonso, _x000D_ Alwold A master builder with persistent and leadership qualities who turn their dreams into reality Boy - - Aahlaad, Aahlaadith, Aalhad, Ahalad, Ahaladit, Ahlad, Ahladit, Ahladith, Ailidh, Aldith, _x000D_ Alwyn Teutonic: Loved by All; German: Friend; English: Noble,Wise Friend; A derivative of name Alwin Boy Christianity German,Greek,Welsh Ahilan, Ailean, Ailin, Ailne, Alam, Alane, Alani, Alann, Alen, Alian, _x000D_ Alwyne Feminine form of Alvin meaning a magical friend filled with practicality and determination Unisex - German Ahilan, Ailean, Ailin, Ailne, Alam, Alane, Alani, Alann, Alen, Alian, _x000D_ Alwynn A noble Friend with inclination to personal gain and attaining success and independence Boy - - Ahilan, Ailean, Ailin, Ailne, Alam, Alane, Alani, Alann, Alen, Alian, _x000D_ Alyan The one accomplishing impossible dream and have high status, sublime and lofty personality Unisex - - Ahilan, Ailean, Ailin, Ailne, Alam, Alane, Alani, Alann, Alen, Alian, _x000D_ Alycesone A son of all embracing compassion and ability to influence to masses Boy - - Alagesan, Alcuin, Alexina, Alexine, Alisanne, Alson, _x000D_ Alykhan A lovely spirit from heaven who is extremely handsome and great Unisex - - Alagesan, Alcuin, Alexina, Alexine, Alisanne, Alson, _x000D_ Alyosha A noble defender of mankind, they are eccentric and honourable having split personality Unisex - Hebrew Aalekh, Aalok, Alak, Alake, Alaqua, Aleece, Aleesha, Alek, Aleko, Aleks, _x000D_ Alyque A saviour who is power seeking, practical, sensitive and status oriented person Boy - - Aalekh, Aalok, Alak, Alake, Alaqua, Aleece, Aleesha, Alek, Aleko, Aleks, _x000D_ Alyssum One appearing like a carpet of snow and is worth beyond beauty and sanity Unisex - - Alagesan, Alcuin, Alexina, Alexine, Alisanne, Alson, _x000D_ Alyx A healer and protector of mankind Unisex - - Aalekh, Aalok, Alak, Alake, Alaqua, Aleece, Aleesha, Alek, Aleko, Aleks, _x000D_ Amaan The one who is fearless, calm, trustworthy and loved of all Boy - - Aahan, Aahna, Aamani, Aanan, Aayam, Ahaan, Ahan, Ahim, Ahnay, Ahnna, _x000D_ Amaanat A prized possession, filled with versatility, faithfulness and creativity Unisex - - Aahwaanith, Aamod, Aanand, Aananda, Ahwanith, Amada, Amadeo, Amadeu, Amado, Amanath, _x000D_ Amaar Immortality; the one who prays 5 times and fasts a great deal leading a very prosperous long life Boy - - A'marie, Aamir, Aiyenar, Amanar, Amara, Amer, Amri, Anaar, Annamaria, Annamarie, _x000D_ Amabilis Beautiful, loving people who are spontaneous and happy-go-lucky Unisex - Roman Anooplok, _x000D_ Amable Lovely beings who are sociable, attractive and good natured Unisex - - Amabilia, Amanpal, Anabela, Anabella, Anabelle, Annabell, Annebell, Annebelle, _x000D_ Amacker Topographic name from 'am Acker', meaning by the field. Boy Christianity German,Swiss Angaar, Anjor, Ankira, Ankur, Ankura, Ansgar, Anugra, Anugraha, Anusree, _x000D_ Amad Name of Prophet Muhammad; a highly praised individual who is the love of god Boy - Biblical Aahwaanith, Aamod, Aanand, Aananda, Ahwanith, Amada, Amadeo, Amadeu, Amado, Amanath, _x000D_ Amadana Name of Lord shiva and who is free from worldly desires and passion Boy - - Ameyatma, Amodin, Amuthan, Anandamaya, Anandan, Anandini, Anandmohan, Anantim, Andeana, Andena, _x000D_ Amadarm They are self expressive, outgoing, forgiving and optimistic being Boy - - Anantaram, Anantharaman, Anantram, Andreanna, Andreina, Andrian, _x000D_ Amadeo Love of God; A variant of name Amadeu which is derived from Latin Amare to love" and Deus "God"., ËœThe one they cried for', a person with strong mind who is charismatic as well as inspiring Boy - - Alvar, Alvarie, Alvera, Alvira, _x000D_ Alveva Master of authentic, compassionate, influential and dramatic personality, they influence the masses Unisex - - Aalap, Ailbe, Alaap, Alabhya, Alap, Alev, Alf, Alfy, Alop, Alvi, _x000D_ Alvie A noble friend of the elves who enjoys practical arts and systematic schedule Boy - - Aalap, Ailbe, Alaap, Alabhya, Alap, Alev, Alf, Alfy, Alop, Alvi, _x000D_ Alvin A noble companion and friend loved by all having a independent, resourceful and practical attitude Boy Christianity United States Albano, Alfina, Alpine, Alvina, Alvyn, _x000D_ Alvine They prove to be a wise companion, sentimental and inclined towards the business of education Unisex - - Albano, Alfina, Alpine, Alvina, Alvyn, _x000D_ Alvino A white and fair noble friend who is attracted to the mysteries of the nature Boy - - Albano, Alfina, Alpine, Alvina, Alvyn, _x000D_ Alvis An all knowing wise person who is brilliant in every way possible and have strong emotional desires Boy - Norse Alpesh, Alpheus, _x000D_ Alviss A wise, determined born leader possessing individuality and confidence Boy - - Alpesh, Alpheus, _x000D_ Alvon Insult in Hebrew, an elf who is a defender of mankind attracted to the mysteries of nature Unisex - Hebrew Albano, Alfina, Alpine, Alvina, Alvyn, _x000D_ Alvord Derived from the old ford, bold, energetic and iron willed Boy - - Ailfrid, Alburt, Alford, Alfreda, Alfrid, Alfrida, _x000D_ Alvredus An elf counsel with a highly imaginative, happy-go-lucky and voluntary personality Boy - - Albertus, _x000D_ Alvy Variant of Alvin who is an intelligent friend of the elves and guardian of all Boy - Latin Aalap, Ailbe, Alaap, Alabhya, Alap, Alev, Alf, Alfy, Alop, Alvi, _x000D_ Alvyn Teutonic: Loved by All, German: Friend, English: Noble,Wise Friend, A variant of name Alwin Boy Christianity English,German,Greek Albano, Alfina, Alpine, Alvina, _x000D_ Alwan Another name of Alwin, they are aristocratic friends who are colorful, lofty, noble and easy-going Boy - Arabic Ahilan, Ailean, Ailin, Ailne, Alam, Alane, Alani, Alann, Alen, Alian, _x000D_ Alwar Gothic: Guard for all, A derivative of name Alvaro Boy Christianity German,Greek,Spanish Alara, Aler, Allaire, Allura, Alora, Alura, Alurea, _x000D_ Alward A variant of Alwardt often satisfying restlessness, freedom and personal growth Boy - - Alard, Allard, Allred, Aylward, _x000D_ Alweo A diplomatic peacemaker with a good natured personality who are a lover and a dreamer at heart Boy - - Aelle, Aili, Ailia, Ailiyah, Alaya, All, Alla, Alley, Allu, Ally, _x000D_ Alwin Old German - Elf Friend, English - Noble friend, A derivative of name Aelfwine,Aethelwine Boy Christianity English,German,Greek Ahilan, Ailean, Ailin, Ailne, Alam, Alane, Alani, Alann, Alen, Alian, _x000D_ Alwinus Blessed with tolerance, people's skills and diplomacy they are self evolving beings Boy - - Alanis, Alenka, Allanagh, Almas, Alonso, _x000D_ Alwold A master builder with persistent and leadership qualities who turn their dreams into reality Boy - - Aahlaad, Aahlaadith, Aalhad, Ahalad, Ahaladit, Ahlad, Ahladit, Ahladith, Ailidh, Aldith, _x000D_ Alwyn Teutonic: Loved by All, German: Friend, English: Noble,Wise Friend, A derivative of name Alwin Boy Christianity German,Greek,Welsh Ahilan, Ailean, Ailin, Ailne, Alam, Alane, Alani, Alann, Alen, Alian, _x000D_ Alwyne Feminine form of Alvin meaning a magical friend filled with practicality and determination Unisex - German Ahilan, Ailean, Ailin, Ailne, Alam, Alane, Alani, Alann, Alen, Alian, _x000D_ Alwynn A noble Friend with inclination to personal gain and attaining success and independence Boy - - Ahilan, Ailean, Ailin, Ailne, Alam, Alane, Alani, Alann, Alen, Alian, _x000D_ Alyan The one accomplishing impossible dream and have high status, sublime and lofty personality Unisex - - Ahilan, Ailean, Ailin, Ailne, Alam, Alane, Alani, Alann, Alen, Alian, _x000D_ Alycesone A son of all embracing compassion and ability to influence to masses Boy - - Alagesan, Alcuin, Alexina, Alexine, Alisanne, Alson, _x000D_ Alykhan A lovely spirit from heaven who is extremely handsome and great Unisex - - Alagesan, Alcuin, Alexina, Alexine, Alisanne, Alson, _x000D_ Alyosha A noble defender of mankind, they are eccentric and honourable having split personality Unisex - Hebrew Aalekh, Aalok, Alak, Alake, Alaqua, Aleece, Aleesha, Alek, Aleko, Aleks, _x000D_ Alyque A saviour who is power seeking, practical, sensitive and status oriented person Boy - - Aalekh, Aalok, Alak, Alake, Alaqua, Aleece, Aleesha, Alek, Aleko, Aleks, _x000D_ Alyssum One appearing like a carpet of snow and is worth beyond beauty and sanity Unisex - - Alagesan, Alcuin, Alexina, Alexine, Alisanne, Alson, _x000D_ Alyx A healer and protector of mankind Unisex - - Aalekh, Aalok, Alak, Alake, Alaqua, Aleece, Aleesha, Alek, Aleko, Aleks, _x000D_ Amaan The one who is fearless, calm, trustworthy and loved of all Boy - - Aahan, Aahna, Aamani, Aanan, Aayam, Ahaan, Ahan, Ahim, Ahnay, Ahnna, _x000D_ Amaanat A prized possession, filled with versatility, faithfulness and creativity Unisex - - Aahwaanith, Aamod, Aanand, Aananda, Ahwanith, Amada, Amadeo, Amadeu, Amado, Amanath, _x000D_ Amaar Immortality, the one who prays 5 times and fasts a great deal leading a very prosperous long life Boy - - A'marie, Aamir, Aiyenar, Amanar, Amara, Amer, Amri, Anaar, Annamaria, Annamarie, _x000D_ Amabilis Beautiful, loving people who are spontaneous and happy-go-lucky Unisex - Roman Anooplok, _x000D_ Amable Lovely beings who are sociable, attractive and good natured Unisex - - Amabilia, Amanpal, Anabela, Anabella, Anabelle, Annabell, Annebell, Annebelle, _x000D_ Amacker Topographic name from 'am Acker', meaning by the field. Boy Christianity German,Swiss Angaar, Anjor, Ankira, Ankur, Ankura, Ansgar, Anugra, Anugraha, Anusree, _x000D_ Amad Name of Prophet Muhammad, a highly praised individual who is the love of god Boy - Biblical Aahwaanith, Aamod, Aanand, Aananda, Ahwanith, Amada, Amadeo, Amadeu, Amado, Amanath, _x000D_ Amadana Name of Lord shiva and who is free from worldly desires and passion Boy - - Ameyatma, Amodin, Amuthan, Anandamaya, Anandan, Anandini, Anandmohan, Anantim, Andeana, Andena, _x000D_ Amadarm They are self expressive, outgoing, forgiving and optimistic being Boy - - Anantaram, Anantharaman, Anantram, Andreanna, Andreina, Andrian, _x000D_ Amadeo Love of God, A variant of name Amadeu which is derived from Latin Amare to love" and Deus "God".
Name of a Hindu month, Name of a star, A character in Ramayana, A devoted son, Listening or hearing, Monsoon season
Name of a Hindu month, Name of a star, A character in Ramayana, A devoted son, Listening or hearing, Monsoon season (Son of blind parents; known as an idol of service to parents), A hindu month
Enthusiastic, Talented person, Like to live with good characters, They dont fear for anything, Successive person & angry when irritated
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