Meaning of Ellaria

  • Name :ellaria
  • Meaning :the names of ellaria is a girl name . ellaria sand is a little dark character of hbo, "game of thrones", part of the notoriously ill-conceived mandrels plot, which loaded later seasons of the show. she was paramour to oberyn martell, the mother of several of the so-called "sand-snakes", and the murderers of myrcella baratheon. it is not precisely a cousin namesake, in spite of an excellent power of indira varma. and, however! it is in reality a "game of thrones" - a name, we can think of have legs. in part, because ellaria sand is not a very well known character. and your name in the fashionable area of ellery and add the feminine "-ia" to give a touch of exotic romance. place name illyria is another good option in the same direction.
  • Gender :Girl
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