Meaning of Ashton

  • Name :ashton
  • Meaning :fresno venue,fresno, tree, village protection, ash city,ash place,ashton as a young man by the name (less often girls in the name of ashton) is very ash-ten. it is the old english origin, and the meaning of ashton is "ash tree town". surname used as first name. occurs occasionally as a boys' - name in england from the 1600 years, but now it is mainly for girls, perhaps due to the vogue for ashley. the choreographer sir frederick ashton; the museum executive ashton hawkins, the actor ashton kutcher. also the shape of ashby.,ashton as a girl' name (also more frequent than kids his name ashton) is very ash-ten. it is the old english origin, and the meaning of ashton is "ash tree town". place name used from time to time, such as the name of a child, in the england of 1600 years, but is now used mostly for girls, maybe due to the popularity of ashley.,city of los fresnos
  • Gender :Unisex

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