Boy Baby Names by New Starting with S
crown, garland, the reward,the crown, the crown,the man with a crown,stephen w how to a girl's name is pronounced stee-ven, stef-en. it is of greek origin, and the importance of stephen is "crown, the crown". of stephanos. biblical: stephen was the first christian martyr. together until the end of the 18th century. the actor stephen colin, steve martin, steve mcqueen, steve buscemi; songwriter stephen foster; physicist stephen hawking; author stephen king; filmmaker steven spielberg; musician stevie wonder; at the end of the computer entrepreneur steve jobs; film director stephen daldry.
of sebastos,people of the ancient city, sebastian,sebastian as a young man by the name is pronounced se-bass-tian. it is of greek origin, and the importance of sebastian is "worshipped". the original form of this name is known to those of a particular city or region of asia minor, whose greek name was taken from the latin imperial title of "augustus". saint sebastian, who probably was a native of this place, was a third of a century martyred, the captain, became the patron saint of soldiers. shakespeare gave him the name, the twin brother of viola in "twelfth night". the british, who since the 1940s, can be affected by a character in evelyn waugh ' s popular, "brideshead revisited". track celebrities, and sebastian coe.,venerable
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