Meaning of Illyria

Meaning of Illyria

  • Name :Illyria
  • Meaning :the name illyrian is a girl name . illyria can keep track of all its various associations with the name of an ancient place in the western part of the balkan peninsula, also called illyrian. its inhabitants, the conquest by the romans, 168 a. c., were the illyrians. their ancestors mythological was illyrius, a demigod and the son of the king cadmus and goddess harmonia. iliria also plays a role in the literature, both as the place, the name and the name of the character. shakespeare their games twelve of the night a fictitious illyrian. more recently, joss whedon, created a (female) character named iliria, a powerful "old", for their exhibition, in los angeles. and there is a (male) illyrio in game of thrones. despite illyria sounds like the italian ilaria, which means joyful, has another root.
  • Gender :Girl

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