Meaning of Emily

Meaning of Emily

  • Name :Emily
  • Meaning :the rival, the rival,emily as a girl's name is pronounced em-i-ee. it is of latin origin, and the importance of emily is "rival; laborious; eager". female emil, from its latin name aemilia, the feminine form of the ancient city, the roman surname aemilius (probably from aemulus). literary: the way of emelye was used in the 14th century of chaucer ' s "the knight ' s tale", which was a translation of emilia, the form in chaucer 's source, boccaccio' s teseida. there is overlap in the use between the variations of emily, amelia, emma and emmeline. 19th-century writer and poet emily bronte; poet emily dickinson; ettiquette maven emily post; actress emily watson.,rival,to strive or excel or rival
  • Gender :Girl

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