Meaning of Christian

Meaning of Christian

  • Name :Christian
  • Meaning :christian as a young man by the name (less often girls in the name christian) is very kris-chen. it is of latin origin, and the importance of christian is "follower of christ". from the latin christianus, a girl 's name in the middle ages it was used as a male name, possibly due to the success of john bunyan' s "pilgrim' s progress" (1684), whose hero is called christian. the name of christ is from greek khristos, that is to say, it translates the hebrew term "messiah" means "anointed". in denmark, the name was used by the ten kings since the 15th century. century. a famous institution was the author danish hans christian andersen (1805-1875). actor christian slater; french fashion designer christian dior, christian lacroix, dr. christiaan barnard.,christian man,christian as a girl' name (also more frequent than kids his name christian) is very kris-t'-ynn. it is of latin origin, and the importance of christian is "follower of christ". from the latin christianus. christ is from greek khristos, a translation of the hebrew term "messiah" means "anointed". christian and christiana, is for the woman in the middle ages, but through the 18th century, christina was the most common form..,followers of christ, anointed
  • Gender :Unisex

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