
Your 20 Week-Old Baby – Development, Milestones & Care

When in their 20 weeks, babies show signs of growth and development. This is also the time when you will start noticing quite a few behavioural changes in your little munchkin. You are sure to enjoy this stage of your child, but at the same time, you got to be aware of how your child is developing. Even when your child wanders away, make sure to watch as children start to do things out of your control by now.


A 20 Week-Old Baby’s Development

There are many things that you need to know when your little one has hit 20 weeks. The many changes that you notice are just part of their growth and development so don’t fret. Your little one is set to give you many more surprises quite soon.


Your 20 weeks old baby weight will be between 5.6 to 6.5 kgs. This is in most cases, but it can vary as well. However, if you are concerned about your child’s underweight or overweight, you can visit the doctor who will help you figure out what can be done, or if anything needs to be done at all.

On this note, here is a quick guide to help you identify how to help your little baby during this phase of life.

A 20 Week-Old Baby’s Milestones

Here are some of the milestones that 20 weeks baby will undergo:

  • You might have noticed how she has started passing toys around, pushing it and doing other little things. This is a huge step in your baby’s life.
  • You can notice behavioural changes that you never saw before. Sometimes you can notice how your little one is completely anti-social to other people; you might also notice how your baby is suddenly playing around with other kids.
  • Eating habits will slowly start changing, and this will influence your little one’s growth and developments as
  • Sometimes your baby will go through teething at this stage, and so it is important to watch out for the changes as well.
  • Your 20-week old baby fussy nature will start hitting in by now. Your baby will start being a little grumpy at times, and you might find her crying and even yelling. But that’s ok; it’s absolutely normal at this time in life.


A lot of things will start changing for your little baby during this phase in her life. One most prominent aspect that you can notice is the eating habits of your little one. This is the time when you slowly notice her interest in solid food. She might even grab some stuff from your plate while eating. The one thing you can do is introduce her to small chewable food items. There are certain things that you need to be careful about as they can choke your little one. However, this is the time for your baby to experiment but also make sure whatever she is having is safe for her.


Your baby will now start turning and rolling slightly. You will notice how there are a few changes in her sleep patterns as well. Again you will notice how your little child is slowly moving around and experimenting these things. One thing you need to do is make sure that you watch out for her movements. There are times she can get into awkward positions and will need some help from you. 20-week old baby sleep regression is a common problem that parent find when their little one is suddenly changing sleep patterns. You will even notice that your baby is suddenly not sleeping on time and it can also get difficult to put her to sleep. If you face these issues, you could start by making a sleeping schedule which will help overcome the struggling pattern.

Sometimes parents get worried about how the child changes position, and so they wake you many times during the night to put the baby back in her original position. However, that is not needed. You could check once in a while, but also remember that if your child is moving around quite a bit, she knows how to get back to a comfortable position as well.

A 20-Week Old Baby’s Care Tips

When your baby hits this phase in her life, there are so many things to watch out for.

  • Your little one will even start interacting with other people and babies as well. So watch out as she will be running around even when you are in public.
  • Make sure to give her food that she can eat only.
  • This is a time when your little one even starts making her own choices, and might not be doing as you say or want. Well, you have to Keep your cool and learn to be patient with her.
  • Feed her healthy food and do not stop the breastfeeding. Since this is the time your baby is growing the most, you will notice how she is craving for more food.

Tests and Vaccinations

If you are thinking about vaccinations and test, you have to reach out to your doctor and make sure that you are updated with all the information regarding vaccinations. By now most parents would have already gotten most of the prescribed vaccinations. In fact, by the 18th week of the baby, a lot is done.

However, you can take a check to figure out if you are on the right path. Some of the tests you would have taken over the last few months are MMR:(measles, mumps, and rubella), Hepatitis A and MMR (Booster Dose). Just make sure to stay updated on your vaccinations and tests with your doctor. During the period of vaccinations, your child might be down with a fever. This is seen in many children; however, it is good to consult your doctor if you think your baby is struggling too much.

Games and Activities

By now your little wonder will want to start playing and having a good time. It is important to allow your child to spend time playing at this stage. During these days, you will be surprised to see how creative and playful your little one truly is. Some of the things you can give your little bay are paper, big blocks, and toys that aren’t too small. Make sure that your little one can hold it easily and at the same time it shouldn’t be too small as they can choke on it. One thing you can do while your baby is playing is making sure you are around, or an elder is around just to help out and make sure she is not diving into anything dangerous.

You must not deny your little one the freedom to play around and roll around. This is the stage when she starts to enjoy doing things on her own so allow her to identify things she likes and let her be as creative with her games and activities.

When to Consult a Doctor

When you have a little baby, there are chances of visiting the doctor quite a few times. Even if the baby is healthy, you cannot avoid the cuts and bruises that come by. All babies are prone to falling sick faster than adults as their bodies are still developing. Some of the things that you need to watch out for are allergic reactions. Babies can allergic too, and you might not even know. So just make sure to test new food on your baby before feeding her with it. When your little one is running a temperature, you need to meet the doctor soon. At times, you can find rashes and skin allergies, and you aren’t sure how that happened. Well before giving your child medicines, please make sure to consult with the doctor. A few other things that you need to watch out for are diarrhoea, infections, breathing problems and any other unusual behaviours in your little one.

When your baby is 20 weeks old, there are quite a few things that you will start noticing. On one side you will be so happy to notice how far you have come. Just 20 weeks ago, you were trying so hard to get your little one out into the world, and now you are watching her laugh, play, cry and even make you angry. This development is a huge milestone for you and your baby. So make sure to celebrate your success as a parent. Also, it is the time when your child is slowly developing and adapting to patterns and routines around you. Make sure to protect and safeguard your child, but at the same time give her a little space to play around.

Published by
Aliya Khan