
Your 11 Week Old Baby – Development, Milestones & Care

11 weeks is simply one week shy of completing 3 full months. That’s quite an achievement for your baby and for you, too. Many relatives and family members will start telling you that your baby either looks like you or your spouse since his facial features will start getting prominent by now. This is quite a wonderful time to be in.


11 Week Old Baby Development

On the verge of completing about 3 months of the life’s journey since birth, your baby would have grown quite a lot since then. An 11 week old baby’s weight gain is more than half a kilo by now since birth and might start finding it comfortable to sleep on a normal cot instead of their crib.


Most babies start getting strength in their limbs and fat in their cheeks making them chubby and extremely adorable. On lying down on their tummy, your kid might be even able to push himself up a bit by using his arms. Reaching out and grasping for things will be ongoing, although the hand-eye coordination will still need quite some development. Their perception of sound and space will sharpen further and can be compounded by using toys that make sounds such as dangling flutes or rattles. With enhanced listening skills, hearing your voice from even the doorway will cause them to respond positively to you.

Eleven Week Old Baby Milestones

With increased strength in the upper body now, your baby might do his best to support himself using his arms, when he lies down on his tummy. This can be quite a good marker to understand when he can start crawling about. On lying down in their beds, if there are toys dangling above or on the bars of the crib, he will spend a lot of time in being engaged and trying to grab them.

This also means that it is important to keep any objects that are harmful to your kid out of sight. It won’t be long before you see something random in your child’s crib and wonder how he got his hands on that. Leaving anything unsanitary near your kid even for a few moments could end up in him picking it up and putting it in his mouth. This is quite natural for kids as they try to explore each object by feeling it first and then by attempting to chew on it. This helps develop the muscular strength required to chew on solid food, too.


Around the completion of 3 months, your baby might end up being one of those who is always dissatisfied and constantly hungry at any point in time. He could be the one who needs to be sucking on something or the other object all the time, and may cry to be fed shortly after a feeding cycle has been completed. Again, this isn’t a cause of worry since every baby tends to behave in a different manner. Biological markers are important to note in this case and weight gain is the most important one. If that’s fine, then everything else is fine. Certain parents feel like introducing their kid to light solids just to keep their stomachs full. Do not attempt to do so since your baby’s stomach is still not strong enough to digest solids and could also manifest in medical complications in cases of allergy. If your breasts fail to supply enough milk, always opt for formula and feed that to the baby instead.


An 11 week old baby’s sleep signs are very evident and can be spotted easily. If your baby is tired, he will start yawning or tend to not stare at anything for a long time and have red eyes, too. Too much extension of tiredness could cause him to get cranky so it is important to get him to sleep the moment you notice these signs.

Around this age, your baby will start developing a fixed time of sorts when he will be able to sleep quite easily. All these behaviours are signs of that and it’s best to put them to sleep right away. In case the sleeping window is missed, your baby will stay awake and be irritated throughout. Fortunately, your baby might start understanding the difference between night and day and tend to sleep a little more at night. This will give you the sleep you require as well.

If your baby goes to sleep by himself, he might wake up within half an hour or so but still be a little groggy. In such cases, cuddle him or pat him gently so that he is lulled into sleep again and then continues to do so without interruptions.


All the previous noises and smiles and grunts get amplified and your baby starts responding confidently. He will also understand the concept of playing peek-a-boo and revel in laughter when he sees your face at the end. Listening to music or even saying nursery rhymes is important since their memory can then remember the tunes to be recalled later as a learning technique. Mimicking actions or repeating a simple sound like “boo” or “yaa” in the middle of the rhyme are easy ways to make the game exciting as well as an educational experience.

As excited and eager for interaction as he might be, at times, let your baby be by himself and engage in other activities. His mind is a playground of curiosity and imagination and who knows what goes on inside it while they are busy playing with toys. Allow that time of self to him as well.


With growing age, the volume and intensity of your baby’s cry start growing as well. His demands will start becoming sharper and precise and he will do his best to cry in a different way to convey something else. Around this age, your baby’s personality will be more evident and you will begin to realise certain behavioural patterns of being stubborn or being calm. This can make it easier for you to know what he really wants. You might be lucky to have a baby that calms down quickly once he is rocked or soothed in arms. You might be unfortunate to have a baby that cries to no end for no reason at all.

11 Week Old Baby Care Tips

  • Ensure your baby gets enough food that satiates his increased appetite. Make the switch to formula milk as a supplementary means if your breasts don’t produce enough.
  • Keep the lights off at night and all stimulus away to start enforcing a night-time sleeping schedule on the baby.
  • Make use of a lot of sounds and colours to interact with your baby and help his development.

Tests and Vaccinations

Once the important vaccines of the 8th week have been administered properly, there is no vaccination required at this week at all.

Games and Activities

Your baby’s perception of shape and colour has improved and so has his capability of recognising who you are. You could put them both together to the test by playing a game of peek-a-boo with a twist. Get a few leaves that are bright green in colour, yellow or red, too. You can then tie those to the baby’s pram and then let him observe them while you stroll around the park. With larger leaves, you can use them to hide your eyes or your mouth and make funny impressions with it.

Babies do not roll over at this age but they do start making some attempt towards achieving it. You can give a push in the right direction by making him realise how it feels to roll over in the first place. Use a soft blanket and lie down your kid on his back. Try clapping on one side and making sounds until he starts to tilt his head and make attempts to turn over. Once that happens, lift the blanket gently or push slightly to help him roll over. That first time when he rolls over will be quite an experience for him. If he is excited and make happy sounds, use the blanket to roll him over back onto his back. Keep doing that for a few more times and make sounds of encouragement when he does.

Consult A Doctor If

Many times your baby might end up having gas due to drinking a lot of milk than required or because you ended up eating something that caused gases for the both of you. But even after burping him or helping him pass the air, your baby starts crying and seems to have signs of stomach ache, you can let your doctor know about it.

If your baby starts demanding more milk and your breasts cannot provide them, let your doctor recommend the best formula to switch to.

Most babies at this age are already very physically active and communicative. If your child still does not show any signs of interaction or response to sounds and moving objects, a doctor’s examination is highly suggested.

With 3 months of growth for your baby, you can start bringing some focus to yourself and try exercising to start getting back to a fit shape. Staying healthy in the long run is beneficial for you since, within no time, you might be running behind your baby to take care of him.

Published by
Mahak Arora