Getting Pregnant

You Need to Know THIS to Maximise Your Chances of Conception + 4 Ways to Prevent Infertility

For women who wish to conceive, it is important to know about their most fertile days. They need to be updated with their menstrual cycle and keep a check on the ovulation days. Additionally, there are certain measures to be taken in order to avoid infertility.


Getting pregnant is all about the timing. Women must be well informed about the time period in which they are most fertile and thus are able to conceive. It is important that they are aware of the ‘fertile window’ and have intercourse accordingly. Note that on an average, it takes around 4 months for a woman to conceive and in one month there is a 15-20 percent chance of getting pregnant. So you do not have to emphasise too much on fast results, but if you are really trying for a baby then follow some basic things that can help you get an approximate idea of the most fertile days.


Know About Your ‘Fertile Window’

Getting pregnant is all about the timing. It is important that women are aware of the ‘fertile window’ and have intercourse accordingly. Note that on an average, it takes around 4 months for a woman to conceive and in one month there is a 15-20 percent chance of getting pregnant. So you should not emphasize too much on fast results, but if you are really trying for a baby then study some basic things that can help you get an approximate idea of the most fertile days.

Menstrual Cycle & Pregnancy

Stay updated with your menstrual cycle and the time lapse between your periods. The best way to know this is by marking the first day of your period on a calendar. Then mark all days and see when the next period begins. Continue this exercise for 2-3 months in order to get an accurate measure of your menstrual regularity. The usual cycle is 28 days, but it can vary from 23-35 days.

Ovulation Period is the Best Time for Intercourse

The best time to have an intercourse is during the days of ovulation when your mature egg is liberated from the ovary and moves into the fallopian tube. The easy way to find out is by checking your menstrual cycle.

  • Ovulation is 14 days before your periods arrive or on the 14th day of 28 days cycle. If you minus 14 days from your monthly cycle, you will get the approximate dates of ovulation.
  • In cases where your cycle is not regular, you can try other methods such as tracking your body temperature. You can check your temperature each day before getting up from bed and start charting it to discover a pattern. It tends to increase 24-36 hours after ovulation, so you can know if you are ovulating.
  • Another way is to test with an OPK (Ovulation Predictor Kit). This is more accurate and measures the LH Level (luteinizing hormone) in your urine. A rising level indicates your body is preparing for ovulation.
  • Some women also check their fertile days by noticing changes in their cervical mucus. It gets stretchy, slippery and clear like egg whites during the fertile days. As your ovulation days end, it becomes thicker and then finally dries up.

WATCH: Signs of Ovulation

Four Tips to Prevent Infertility

Here are the main precautions you need to take to prevent infertility.

  • Make sure you give up any kind of substance abuse. Limit smoking or alcohol intake. They decrease the chances of fertility and in case you deliver a baby, chances are the baby may develop birth defects.
  • Avoid medications that can increase your chances of infertility. Talk to your doctor about any daily medicines that you take and know about its side effects.
  • Excessive caffeine is not only a threat to your fertility, but is, in general, unhealthy for your body. Ask your doctor for guidance if you are too addicted to your coffee. You can try replacing your habit of morning caffeine with some other beverages like an herbal tea.
  • Avoid being in the extreme weight category. Being too thin or too heavy can impact the hormones in your body and in turn cause infertility.

Now that you know how you can avoid infertility and spot the most fertile days, use these tips effectively to increase your chances of conceiving.

Published by
Tian C