
Weight Gain After Miscarriage – Reasons and Tips for Weight Loss

Miscarriage can not only be an emotionally draining experience but also physically draining. Amongst other challenges that you may have to face, one could be losing the extra weight. Let’s avoid hitting the panic button as we will be discussing weight gain after a miscarriage, why it happens, and we shall also share some effective weight loss tips, in the following article.


Is it Normal to Gain Weight After Miscarriage?


It is very normal for a woman to gain weight after a miscarriage. It has been observed that a woman may register a substantial increase in her weight in a couple of weeks after the miscarriage. However, in some cases, the surge in weight can be seen soon after the miscarriage too.


What Causes Weight Gain After Miscarriage

Are you wondering what may be the reason for this weight gain? Well, the following are some of the reasons that may put our view in perspective:

  • The most common reason for weight gain after miscarriage is depression. A grieving mother may get so depressed that she may look for solace in food. Hogging on calories after calories may result in a substantial amount of weight gain.
  • The fluctuating levels of your hormones following a miscarriage may result in a condition called hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism may affect your metabolism and make it sluggish and thus may cause weight gain and fatigue. Thus fluctuating hormones after miscarriage may lead to weight gain.
  • Most women may still be in the habit of eating a more calorie-rich diet as they may have been consuming when they were pregnant. Till the time they do not make the transition to eating a non-pregnancy diet, they may keep noticing an increase in their weight.
  • Before you may even come off the shock of losing your baby, you may start ovulating again. Sometimes, women may not even realize, but they may be pregnant again. Thus pregnancy after a miscarriage may lead to weight gain too.

Tips to Lose Weight After Miscarriage

As you recover emotionally from your loss, we recommend that you adopt some of the following tips for the weight loss after miscarriage

1. Take Care of Your Calorie Intake

When you are pregnant you are required to include extra calories in your diet, however, after your miscarriage, it is important to reduce your calorie intake. It is recommended that you cut down approximately 500 calories from your diet. However, it will not be a good idea to drop your calories drastically to lose weight as the lost weight may bounce back. Go for a gradual decrease.

2. Add More Nutritional Foods

Your body becomes weak after a miscarriage, and in order to regain the lost energy and reduce that extra pregnancy weight, it is recommended that you include more nutritious food in your diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole wheat, eggs, meat etc. are some of the inclusions you should make instead unhealthy, fried, oily and sugary foods.

3. You May Begin Exercising

Exercising is a great way of losing weight, and the same holds true for losing the weight you have gained after your miscarriage. You may begin exercising as soon as you start feeling strong and healthy. Instead of doing strenuous workouts, it is suggested to take it slow and begin by doing moderate walks, cycling or swimming. However, before you plan to take up any kind of exercise to lose weight, it will be a good idea to take your doctor’s permission for the same.

4. Take Smaller and Frequent Meals

Instead of gobbling down bigger and fewer meals during the day, you should consume smaller and frequent meals. Doing this may help you feel less hungry, which means fewer calorie intakes. Make sure you eat three main meals that should include all the essential nutrients and include two small mini-meals that may include fruits or salads.

5. Meet the Specialist

Many times self-help does not work, and you may fail in your endeavours of losing weight, this could be because of some glitches on your part or some underlying medical condition. Therefore, it is recommended that you meet a specialist in the field who may help you with losing the extra weight.

How to Prevent Weight Gain after Pregnancy Loss

Here are some tips that you may follow to prevent weight gain after miscarriage:

  • Take adequate amounts of water as it keeps toxins at bay and helps you in losing weight.
  • Do not worry much as more worry means more stress, which can make losing weight more difficult.
  • Refrain from emotional binging and if you feel the urge, eat something healthy instead.
  • Switch to your pre-pregnancy diet soon after your miscarriage.
  • Begin exercising as soon as you start feeling healthy.
  • Try and surround yourself with family and friends to feel loved. This may help you in dealing with your emotional stress and may help you in losing weight too.
  • Take a well-balanced and nutritious diet.
  • Let your body recover and heal. Weight loss doesn’t happen in a dayt, and you may have to be patient and persistent with your efforts.

Why Some Women Are Not Able to Lose Weight Even If They Exercise

Some women may experience trouble losing weight after a miscarriage, and this may happen because of a number of reasons such as hormonal disturbances, depression, maintaining pregnancy diet or if a woman may conceive again. However, if you experience difficulty in losing you should seek medical advice. Your doctor may help you establish the real cause your inability in losing weight and may guide you on how to do it in the best possible way.

Miscarriage is a heart-wrenching experience that any woman may dread going through; however, it also comes with certain drawbacks such as excess weight. You may adopt any of the above-mentioned suggests to lose weight but it will be a good idea to take your doctor’s advice for the same.

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