Getting Pregnant

Using Vitex (Chasteberry) for Improving Female Fertility

Vitex is native to Italy and Greece and has been used as a medicinal herb for many years now. In Europe and other western nations, it is considered to be the leading herb that can help with gynaecological problems. So, find out what is this miraculous herb and how it works.


What is Vitex

Vitex is a herb used since ancient times to treat hormonal imbalance and to improve fertility. Vitex is also known as Chasteberry, and its scientific name is Angus-Castus. It primarily aids in relieving the symptoms associated with menstrual cycle, such as depression, mood swings, cramps, water retention, weight gain, and more.


Benefits of Vitex for Women with Fertility Issues

Here are some ways in which vitex can treat fertility problems in you:

1. Increases Progesterone Levels

Vitex can play a huge role in optimizing progesterone levels to prepare you for pregnancy by stimulating the luteinizing hormone (LH) which is responsible for promoting ovulation. It also encourages the production of corpus luteum.

2. Re-establishes Cycles

Women who have been on the hormonal birth control will find vitex very useful whilst they transition off it.

3. Reduces Cysts

Vitex helps in healing fibroids, uterine cysts, and endometriosis.

4. Lengthens Short Cycles

The second half of the menstrual cycle is called the luteal phase. It is at this time when progesterone production is stimulated. Short luteal phases in women can be caused when women are not ovulating or when their progesterone levels are very low. By increasing the luteinizing hormone, ovulation is promoted, and progesterone levels are improved as a result.

5. Prevents Miscarriage

Due to the properties that enable the herb to boost progesterone levels, it can be very helpful in preventing miscarriages.

6. Balances Menstrual Cycles

Vitex herb can be used to control and treat irregular menses.

How Does Chasteberry Work in Increasing Fertility in Women

Vitex or chasteberry increases luteinizing hormone and inhibits the release of Follicle-stimulating hormone, which thus boosts the levels of progesterone production and improves the chances of getting pregnant and maintaining the pregnancy.

Though the prolactin hormone stimulates milk production and promotes breast growth during pregnancy, high levels of it are linked to fertility issues. High levels of prolactin can also lead to “hyperprolactinemia” in women which can lead to the problem in conceiving. Vitex can decrease the levels of prolactin being produced in the body and increase your chances of pregnancy. Vitex also helps normalize menorrhagia (heavy menstrual flow), amenorrhea (absent menses) and decreases polymenorrhea (very frequent periods). As it is capable of reducing inflammation of the uterus or the ovaries, it works well for women who are prone to painful fibroids and cysts.

How to Use Vitex for Improving Fertility and Regulating Cycle

Herbal remedies take their own time to show results, but when you do start seeing them, they are long-lasting. Also, these herbs have fewer side effects. Vitex works in such a manner. Here is how to take vitex for fertility and to regulate the menstrual cycle:

1. To improve fertility

In order to give the herb some time to optimize the hormonal levels, it is best to begin taking it three months before you would like to conceive. The time can be utilized to slowly change your diet, if needed, and develop healthy eating habits. A balanced diet along with this herb can help you conceive and maintain your pregnancy.

2. To regulate the menstrual cycle

You will need to take the herb for at least six months to regulate your menstrual cycle. After six months, it is recommended that you evaluate your condition and see for any kind of improvement. If there is no improvement, take a break for a month and then continue to take the herb.

How Much Vitex Should You Take

To see the best results, take vitex on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning. When taking the capsules, go for 900-1000mg per day and if taking the tincture, go for about sixty to ninety drops every day.

When Should it Be Taken During the Cycle

The last half of the cycle or the luteal phase is the period between ovulation and the beginning of the next menstrual cycle. This is often the best time to take this herb. However, some women can also take the herb throughout the month.

How Long Does it Take to Show the Expected Results

You will have to take the herb for at least three months to notice any changes. It may work slower than usual in some women, hence, they may have to take it for up to six months to see any changes.

Which Form of Vitex Is Best to Take

Vitex comes in numerous forms like dried herbs, capsules, and tincture. The capsules are the best to take and tincture comes second. This is because the herb is very bitter and making a tea from the dried herbs will not go down well unless blended with other herbs. Capsules are very convenient as they can be swallowed in one go. Alcohol brings out the needed properties in vitex much better than water does, which is why tincture is better than chasteberry fertility tea.

Who Should Avoid Using Vitex

Though Vitex has amazing benefits, not everyone should take it, as it will not work on just anyone. Some women will need to change their lifestyle before taking this herb. Following women should avoid vitex:

  • Women who usually eat processed or junk food.
  • Those who have low energy.
  • Women with weak immunity.
  • Those who are on steroids or antibiotics.

Does Vitex Work for Women of All Ages

Women who are in their reproductive stage can take vitex; women from about eighteen years of age until perimenopause can derive benefits of this herb. However, vitex may not treat fertility issues in women over forty, as women of this age reach perimenopause age.

What Are the Side Effects of Chasteberry

Vitex for fertility has been used for a long time now, and there have been very few side effects. The side effects of this drug are as follows:

  • Nausea
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Skin reaction
  • Headaches

You may be having doubts about using vitex after reading its side effects, but worry not. Consult a doctor first, and then opt for this remedy. There are other medications that work better, this one works best and its side effects are also less. Vitex has been used to treat fertility issues in women for a long time now. There are some women who respond very quickly to the herb, but for others, it takes a while for it to show any effects. Have patience and ensure to stick to a healthy and balanced diet in order to ensure that you are doing your best to help the herb work.

Published by
Anisha Nair