
Twin Foetal Movement – Feeling The Babies Move

When you find out that you are expecting twins, you are obviously happy but nervous too. The thought of how the pregnancy will progress leaves you anxious. You will also wonder about the movement of your babies move in the womb. Do you want to know how it feels like when your twins move in your womb? Read this article to find out. The following article outlines what to expect when it comes to twin pregnancy in terms of movement, at various stages.


How Early Can You Feel Twins Moving?

Early foetal movement or quickening in case of a twin pregnancy cannot be felt until you reach the 18-20 weeks, which is the same average for a singleton pregnancy. In case this is not your first pregnancy, or you have a lean body, then the flutterings are likely to be felt faster. Placenta positioning also plays a role in this. Front facing (anterior facing) placentas may inhibit the flutterings from being felt.


Difference in Movements between Twin and Singleton Pregnancies

In case of a twin pregnancy, babies quickly run out of space in the womb. In a twin pregnancy, you will be able to detect individual kicks, elbow jabs, punch, a pressing sensation in your abdomen as the babies move around in a limited space. You will also be able to sense these movements towards the end of the second trimester. But the mothers who are expecting a single baby will not be able to feel the foetal movements up until the third trimester.

Is It Possible to Feel Twins Kick or Move Separately?

Early in the second trimester, some mothers can feel their twins kick or move separately, as there is space in the uterus. The chances for this increases provided the babies are settled on different sides, or one below the other in a sandwich position. However, there is an equal possibility that mothers are not able to distinguish between their twins as they spend most of the time huddled together, and a set of 8 limbs (4 hands and 4 feet) are intertwined.

How to Count Twins’ Kicks in the Womb?

Once you start sensing foetal movements, your gynaecologist will advise you to keep track of it. This phase is very exciting for an expectant mother as she can observe the baby’s general pattern of movement. The following are the steps to calculate the number of kicks:

  • Observe the movements twice a day. It should be checked both in the morning and in the evening. Make a note of the time when you feel movements such as flutters, kicks, rolls etc.
  • You can stop counting when you reach 10 movements.
  • If you observe that it takes an interval of more than an hour to reach 10 movements, go for a walk, munch a snack or drink some fruit juice and then count again.
  • If you don’t feel any movements for two hours or more, get in touch with your doctor.

With twins, there is a space restriction compared to single babies, so it is even more important for the mother to note the movement patterns. Keep a tab of the movements, in vis-à-vis daily activities such as while having meals. If deviations are noted, contact your practitioner.

Should You Worry If Twin Foetal Movement Stops?

Towards the later stages of pregnancy, you reassure yourself by counting the foetal movements. However, there may be a period of lull, when the babies go silent. However, this is not a matter of immediate concern. It may just be a case when there is less room for their acrobatics. But if you notice a marked decrease in the movements, you should see a doctor immediately. The doctor will check if there is a discordant growth-a case when one baby outgrows the other. Another case could be a low level of amniotic fluid. Again, discordant growth need not signal a problem and is quite common. Only in case of a significant difference in size between the twins, it is a matter of concern. This can be caused by:

  • Nutritional deficiency due to a problem with the umbilical cord or placenta.
  • Twin to twin transfusion syndrome.

How to Make Sure That The Babies Are Fine

When you are expecting twins, you will be anxious about the health of your babies. In case you have trouble feeling baby movements, your healthcare provider will suggest numerous ways to ensure the safety of your twins.

Your doctor will have you scanned more often if you are pregnant with twins. The ultrasound may be used to assess foetal growth. Another common way of assessing foetal health is Non-Stress Test (NST). It is a simple procedure in which the heart rate of the foetus is monitored to get an understanding of its health.

Once you reach the 16th week of your pregnancy, you will experience movements (flutterings) in your womb. These will be the first movements of your babies. It is known as ‘quickening’. If you are prima, you may not feel the movements this early. The early detection of foetal movements depends upon numerous things.

By 24 weeks, your twins will look like newborns and their sense of hearing will have developed. The movements of twins by 24 weeks may become one-sided at times, depending on the position of the babies which could change often. If the movements are felt for a period of 2 hours or more, then you must see a doctor immediately.

Pregnancy is one of the most wonderful experiences in a woman’s life. In the case of a twin pregnancy, it is normal for a woman to get worried but you must not let those fears impact your health. If you face any problem, consult a doctor and you will have a happy pregnancy.

Published by
Aarohi Achwal