
Sleep Products for a Baby – Checklist for New Parents

Many times, parents visit their doctors asking for ways and means to make their baby sleep throughout the night and most of the times, the doctors state that it is very common for a small baby to have an erratic sleeping schedule. They may also advise the parents to adjust their schedule as per their baby’s schedule. So, does that mean that you should bid goodbye to your peaceful sleep? Worry not! Here we shall discuss some sleep products that may not only help your baby sleep better but, also help your baby stay safe and cosy. Read the following article to have detailed information on the various sleep products that you may require for your newborn baby.


Essential Baby Sleep Products

Sleep is essential for your infant as comfortable and cosy sleep helps your baby to grow better. So, what all sleep products you may require for your little bundle of joy or what is the checklist of sleeping with baby in bed products? Well, here we have listed some essential sleep products that you may get for your baby:


1. A Waterproof Mattress Cover

This is a must-have accessory to keep your baby mattress safe from getting wet. Your baby pees and poops multiple times in a day and if you are a mom who uses cotton nappies for her baby, then investing in a good waterproof mattress cover is a must. Make sure the mattress cover is big enough to cover the entire mattress, or else it will keep slipping and may get all coiled up. These mattress covers are usually made of plastic or rubber, and some may even have a fabric covering on top.

2. A Cosy Swaddle Blanket

Swaddling imitates the feeling of being inside the mother’s womb. To help your baby feel warm and cosy, you need to get a swaddle blanket for your little one. Babies may feel startled in their sleep, and this may wake them up but keeping them wrapped up in a blanket may help them sleep better. Newborns may take time to adapt themselves to the new surrounding. Thus they may not be able to keep themselves warm; however, swaddle blanket does the trick and helps your baby feel comforted. There is a proper technique of swaddling, and you may ask your doctor or midwife to help you learn the correct way of swaddling. Also, not all babies are a fan of this technique and if your baby seems to be cranky and irritable, get the cue.

3. Comfortable Cover Sheets

If your baby does not like being all swaddled up, then you may have to use cover sheets to keep your baby warm and cosy. You can get sheets in any natural fibres that feel soft and comfortable against your baby’s skin and also does not keep him over-heated or uncomfortable. You can opt for soft cotton, flannel or other natural fibre sheets. Also, we suggest that you do not buy oversized ones as they may get all coiled up on your baby and may suffocate him. Buy the right size sheets, and if you are unable to find the correct size, you can stitch it yourself or get it stitched from your tailor.

4. A Comfortable Baby Mattress

A polyester or cotton mattress is a complete no-no and should be avoided because it tends to bunch up and the lumps thus formed may cause discomfort to your baby. Your doctor may recommend putting your baby on his back on a flat and firm surface to sleep. Therefore, coir, spring or firm mattress may work for your baby. Your baby’s cot may come with a mattress. However, it is important that you check whether it is comfortable for your baby or not. If you are not satisfied, you may buy a mattress of your choice and place it in your baby’s cot. Waterbeds, beanbags, fleeces or any such surfaces should be avoided too as they may not be appropriate for your baby’s comfortable sleep.

5. Cosy Baby Blanket

Blankets are essential to keep the babies warm in colder conditions. Just the way you should buy the right size sheets for your baby, you should get right size blankets too. However, refrain from using bleeding rolls, duvets or quilts for your baby until one year of age. As parents, it is very normal for you to feel concerned for your baby and you may want him to feel cosy and warm. However, you should not forget that your baby may need just one extra layer than you.

6. A Comfy Baby Bedside Sleeper

Where some parents may want to sleep all snuggled up with their little munchkin, others may find it uncomfortable, and thus for such parents, it will be a good idea to get a baby sleeper. There are many options available in the baby stores; however, we recommend that you pick the one that fits comfortably next to your bed so that you can quickly check on your baby at night. However, you will need to switch on to a bigger cot as your baby grows.

7. Sleep Sacks, Wearable Blankets or Sleeping Bags

This is an excellent option for your baby to stay warm and cosy because babies cannot kick it off and get out of it. Also, your baby may not get tangled up in a wearable blanket, and this will also help him keep him cosy throughout the night. Pick the one suitable for your weather conditions. If you are using a wearing blanket, you should avoid using any other kind of cover as it may overheat your baby’s body.

Other Sleep Accessories for Baby

Here are some other sleep products to help baby sleep through the night:

1. A Baby Mosquito Net

Instead of putting any mosquito repellent product on your baby’s sensitive skin, the best way to save your baby from mosquitoes is by making him sleep inside a mosquito net. However, if your baby is not sleeping on the same bed and you are breastfeeding at night, then there may be a risk of mosquitoes entering the net. Therefore, you should wait to use this product until your baby stops getting up for night feeds.

2. A Soft Night-Light

You may have to get up quite a few times at night to change, feed or soothe your baby and a soft night-light may help. It is good for your baby too as most babies may feel very uncomfortable in the dark. You can choose from various varieties available in the market.

3. Baby Monitor

It is a great device that can help the parents to tend to their baby’s needs as soon as he starts crying. This transmitter can be placed close to your baby as he sleeps, and the mother can have the receiver with her. You can do your household chores comfortably, and when the need arises, you can come to your baby within no time. There are various high-tech models available; you can choose the one that fits your budget.

4. Soothers or Pacifiers

Sometimes it may not be hunger that may wake your baby up at night, but he may need to satiate his sucking instincts, which are very comforting for the baby. However, during such times pacifiers csn come to the rescue and can help your baby go back to sleep. Do not use a pacifier until your baby’s breastfeeding routine is well-established.

5. Stuffed Toys and Pillows

If your baby is less than one month of age, there is no requirement of a pillow as it may cause suffocation hazards for your baby. However, for an older baby, you can get a small and flat pillow so that your baby can rest his neck and head comfortably. Stuffed toys are a complete no-no till six months of age as they can suffocate your baby.

6. Soft Cot Bumpers

These are soft cushions that are used to line up on the sides of your baby’s cot to protect your baby from bumping against the wooden or steel railing of the cot. Refrain from using these until your baby has good head control and stop using them once your baby can pull himself up and stand up in the cot.

7. Colourful Cot Mobiles

This can be attached to the cot and a great way of keeping your little one engrossed in observing the bright moving objects. You can get the ones that play lullabies or rhymes.

Above mentioned are some of the products that will help your baby sleep better. However, if you have concerns or queries regarding using any product for your baby, you should get in touch with your doctor.

Published by
Mahak Arora