
Home Remedies for Colic in Babies

If your baby cries for more than three hours for three consecutive days, she may have colic. Babies suffering from colic arch their back and draw their knees back while crying. Their abdominal muscles are usually tense, and they pass a lot of wind.


Colic starts at about 3 weeks and goes away by the time the baby is 4-6-months-old. The exact cause of colic is unknown although gas or indigestion are common triggers. It may also happen due to intolerance toward substances in breast milk. Here are some natural remedies you can use to treat colic in your infant:


23 Effective Natural Remedies to Treat Colic in Infants

These natural remedies guarantee relief from colic.

1. Give a Warm Bath

Giving a warm bath is a natural remedy for colic in babies, that has been practised for centuries. Warm water relieves the pain. You can also gently massage her abdomen.

2. Apply a Warm Compress

A warm compress provides relief from gas. Dip a towel in warm water and squeeze it. Place the cloth on your baby’s tummy or gently rub her tummy with it.

3. Massage Your Baby

Massages not only soothe babies but also aid digestion. Take olive oil or coconut oil on your palms. Massage her tummy in a clockwise direction.

4. Try the Pedaling Exercise

This is a simple but effective exercise. Place your baby on her back. Hold her knees together and gently push her legs back, toward her tummy. Hold this position for a few seconds. However, if your baby resists this exercise, stop it immediately.

5. Burp Your Baby

You should always burp your baby after feeding. This helps to relieve gas and prevents the development of air pockets in the stomach . After you feed your baby, put her on your shoulder. Supporting her neck and shoulders, gently rub or pat her back till you hear a burp.

6. Use Hing

Hing (asafoetida) relieves flatulence and gas, and aids digestion. It is a popular Indian home remedy for colic in infants. Add a pinch of hing to one teaspoon of water, and boil it. Apply this concoction around your baby’s navel. For babies who have started solid foods, mix some asafoetida in their water or food.

7. Longer Feeding on Each Breast

Ensure that your baby feeds longer on each breast rather than alternating between each breast. The hindmilk that comes out after the baby has sucked on a breast for a while is more nutritious than the foremilk that comes out at the beginning. Hindmilk contains more fat, this promotes digestion and soothes the stomach. Too much foremilk can cause digestive distress.

8. Place Her in a Rocking Chair

Rocking the baby in your arms or a rocking chair, and carry her around in a sling. These movements can calm and soothe an upset baby.

9. Make a Concoction of Tulsi Leaves

Tulsi (basil) leaves have antispasmodic properties. Therefore, they can help your infant deal with gastrointestinal problems. Add a few basil leaves to water, and bring to a boil. After it cools down, give it to your baby to drink. Alternatively, you can make grind the leaves and apply the paste around the navel, keep it on till it dries and then remove with water and a cloth.

10. Use Fennel Seeds

Add a teaspoon of fennel seeds to a cup of boiling water. Let it sit for 10 minutes and strain the seeds out. Give this water to your baby.

11. Feed Probiotics

Colic can be caused by gas, a sluggish digestive track or acid reflux. A particular strain of probiotics called Lactobacillus reuteri has been found to be effective in dealing with colic. It helps to reduce gut inflammation, kills bacteria and inhibits E. coli bacteria that is present more in babies with colic than in babies without colic. Seek a doctor’s advice in deciding the probiotic to be given to your baby.

12. Peppermint

Peppermint has calming and antispasmodic properties.

  • Add a drop of the oil in a teaspoon of baby massage oil and rub it between your palms to warm it up.
  • Now gently massage the baby’s tummy with the oil.

13. Watch What You Eat

Your diet affects breast milk. So, pay attention to what you eat. Avoid dairy products, foods that contain gluten, citrus fruits, caffeine and spicy foods if your baby suffers from colic.

14. Cut the Chaos

Don’t soothe your baby by talking or singing loudly to her. Create an environment that is calm and quiet.

15. Change the Feeding Bottle

Well, this may be causing the colic, too. Changing the feeding bottle alters the amount of air that your baby swallows while feeding. This, in turn, affects digestion.

16. Gripe Water

100% natural gripe water has been effective in treating colic. The water is usually a blend of chamomile, fennel, ginger and lemon balm. While buying the water make sure it is completely natural and does not contain any preservatives. Also, ask your doctor for recommendations.

17. Change the Formula Milk Brand

If your baby is colicky all the time, changing the formula milk brand may help. Also, try out homemade formulas that are rich in bioavailable nutrients and are easier to digest.

18. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider helps to reduce heartburn and fights yeast infections, Therefore trying out apple cider might solve your baby’s colic.

  • Apply about a teaspoonful of apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water.
  • Feed the baby a few teaspoons of the drink.

19. Mint Tea

Mint provides relief from intestinal cramping.

  • Add a teaspoon of mint into a cup of hot water.
  • Let it sit for 10 minutes, then strain.
  • Feed a few teaspoons of this tea to your baby.

20. Ask for Help

Colic is a health condition that does not have any specific cause or treatment. If the situation becomes unmanageable, take the help of your partner or a grandparent.

21. Initiate Tummy Time

Place your baby on her tummy, across your lap. Rubbing the back also helps to pass gas. Remember to initiate tummy time only when your baby is awake.

22. Hold Your Baby Upright After Breastfeeding

If you put your baby to sleep immediately after breastfeeding, the milk may flow back into the esophagus and cause heartburn. Hold your baby upright to prevent the symptoms of acid reflux.

23. Try Antigas Drops

Antigas drops break up the gas into bubbles and relieve colic. Ask your paediatrician before giving this to your infant.

Colic is not a condition that needs to cause any sort of worry in the parents. The constant crying can be hard to deal with, but it rarely lasts longer than the initial six months. If you feel that the situation is out of control always seek your doctor’s advice.

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