
Raspberry Leaf Tea in Pregnancy – Benefits, Side-effects and more

Raspberry leaf tea has been used for its medicinal value since the sixth century. It is rich in nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants and alkaloids. It has many health benefits and is essentially known to help in labour and childbirth. To learn more about the wonder berry, read on and get an insight of its benefits and side-effects.


What is Raspberry Tea?

Raspberry tea is a cool and refreshing beverage with antioxidants properties and vitamins. There are two types of Raspberry tea – Raspberry fruit tea and Raspberry leaf tea. The Raspberry fruit tea is made with fresh Raspberry fruit juice, tea, lime juice and sugar syrup and is served with ice. On the other hand, a raspberry leaf tea is bitter in taste and has a floral aroma. Both the types have their own benefits. While raspberry fruit tea is loaded with essential nutrients, minerals and has several health benefits, Raspberry leaf tea aids in easy labour and childbirth.


Benefits of Raspberry Leaf Tea for Pregnancy

Raspberry leaf tea is highly beneficial during pregnancy in more ways than one.

1. Easy Delivery

The tea contains an alkaloid called fragrine which strengthens and tones the muscles of the uterine wall thereby making labour less painful and childbirth easy.

2. Forceps Delivery

Studies have shown that taking raspberry leaf supplements can reduce the incidence of forceps delivery.

3. Improved Infant Mortality/Maternal Mortality

As drinking the raspberry leaf tea tones uterine muscles, which prevents miscarriage and postpartum haemorrhage.

4. Skin Benefits

The tea has anti-inflammatory properties which reduce the chances of the common rash and skin problems in pregnant women.

5. Aids Breastfeeding

The nutrient-rich beverage also ups the flow of breast milk post-delivery due to its high levels of iron.

When Can You Start Drinking Raspberry Leaf Tea during Pregnancy?

Some women claim to have started taking the beverage from the 14th week, and some say much later. According to medical caregivers, pregnant women should start taking Raspberry leaf tea only after reaching the 32nd-week mark in pregnancy. This will allow the body to take in all the rich nutrients and vitamins that are required during labour and childbirth. However, one should be cautious enough not to start drinking it before the said week since it is believed that taking it much earlier could lead to miscarriage.

How Much Raspberry Tea You Can Take When Pregnant?

You can initially start with a cup of Raspberry leaf tea on the 32nd week of pregnancy and gradually raise the number of cups to 3 a day until the time you go into labour. There have been women who say have taken more than 3 cups daily without any side effects. So it is probably your body which has to decide how much it can take in. However, during pregnancy, caution should be taken without going much into experimentation.

Possible Side-Effects of Consuming Raspberry Herbal Tea

Just as Raspberry herbal tea is rich in antioxidants, nutrients and vitamins, on the hind side, it has its share of downsides too. Listed below are the side effects of Raspberry leaf tea in pregnancy.

  • During a vaginal birth, it puts a stress on the baby since the raspberry leaf tea makes contractions even more strong and severe.
  • Taking Raspberry leaf tea in the early stages of pregnancy can lead to a miscarriage or could cause preterm labour.
  • It may also have some influence on the oestrogen level which may have a negative impact on
  • It is not recommended for people who want to have a caesarean delivery.
  • The tea is also said to have diuretic effects resulting in frequent urination and laxative effect leading to frequent motions.
  • You can experience few complications if you are into anti-anxiety or sleep inducing medication.
  • Raspberry leaf tea is also said to have sedative and muscle relaxant properties. Therefore, people who are into anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication should avoid it.

Does Raspberry Tea help in Labour Induction?

Although there isn’t much scientific proof to back up the claim that Raspberry tea induces labour, it is said to help in making labour easier by strengthening the uterine muscles. Therefore, caution should be taken before you start taking the herbal tea. It is advisable to start taking it from the 32nd week of pregnancy onwards and not before it. Pregnant women have also been asked to start taking it a few weeks before labour starts rather than just a few days before it. Consulting a doctor before starting with the beverage should be considered as mandatory.

Quick Raspberry Tea Recipes

Red raspberry leaf tea is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. To-be-moms generally stick to the organic raspberry leaf tea in pregnancy since it is devoid of any pesticides thereby making it healthier and safer. Here are some quick Raspberry Tea recipes which are not just healthy but refreshing too.

1. Raspberry Iced Tea

It works as a coolant, just the right thing to quench your thirst and make you feel refreshed on a hot summer afternoon.


  • Water: 4 glasses
  • Sugar syrup: 1/2 of a glass
  • Tea bag: 1
  • Raspberries (fresh or frozen): 2 cups
  • Lime Juice: 1/2 cup
  • Mint leaves (roughly crushed): 4-5 leaves (optional)


  • In a pan, boil 2 glasses of water.
  • Switch off the stove and add the tea bag.
  • After 2 minutes remove the tea bag and keep the tea aside.
  • In another pan, pour the other 2 glasses of water.
  • Put the raspberries in and simmer till the raspberries become pulpy.
  • Strain it and keep it to cool.
  • Once it is cool, mix the raspberry juice, tea, lime juice, and the sugar syrup together.
  • Add the crushed mint leaves (optional) and stir it.
  • Then refrigerate it and serve it chilled.


4 – 5 glasses

2. Raspberry Tea Lollies

These low-fat, low-calorie and super delightful, bright red colour lollies are just the kind to bring a bright smile on your face.


  • Raspberry (chopped): 200 gms
  • Raspberry Tea (hot): 4 glasses
  • Sugar syrup: 1/2 cup (you can add more of this if you want it sweeter)
  • Lime juice: 1/4th cup


  • In a large bowl, mix chopped raspberries, raspberry tea, and sugar syrup together. Let all of it souse in together for about 10 – 15 minutes.
  • Once cool, put the lime juice.
  • Pour in the liquid into lolly moulds and freeze it for 5 – 6 hours.


6 – 8 lollies (depending on the size of the moulds).

Without undermining the goodness of Raspberry tea and its benefits during labour and childbirth, it is advisable to take caution before taking it. Remember to consult your Gynaecologist before taking the herbal concoction. Experimenting during pregnancy won’t fetch you any cookie points, but a safe, healthy pregnancy and childbirth will make your life happy and content.

Published by
Aarohi Achwal