Big Kid

Raising an Introvert Child – Tips to Bring Out the Best in Your Kid

As parents, we do everything to raise our children in the best possible manner to prepare them to face the world. However, sometimes parents may face various challenges in raising their child as not all kids are extrovert or talk about their problems openly. Personality traits of children help parents in nurturing them. However, raising an introvert child can be difficult. An introvert child is often mistaken for being shy, but their personality traits are not the same. If you think that your child is an introvert, you must know how to raise her. Read this article to get a clear idea of introvert kids and how to raise them.


Who are Introverted Kids?

How do you establish that you have an introvert child? Almost all kids are shy in front of strangers, so how will you identify that your kid is an introvert? Well, if you have these questions in your mind, then worry not. Here we shall discuss some common signs of an introverted child to help you identify if your child is an introvert too:

  • An introvert child may get hassled when exposed to a lot of activity, novelty, or noise. Sse may throw tantrums in such situations.
  • Your kid may be curious to know about the things around her but may be sceptical in exploring the same. She will observe and will think prior to speaking anything.
  • Your kid may exhibit a quiet nature and may take some time to open up to strangers. She may feel conscious and uneasy in front of unfamiliar people.
  • Your child may live in her own world.
  • Your kid may struggle in expressing her emotions and feelings, and you may often find her pausing during conversations in search for the right word.
  • According to a study it was observed that preterm or low birth babies turn out to be introverts as they grow up.

Challenges of Introvert Children

All kids have different personalities and they have their share of challenges too. By looking at their personality, you cannot say that one child is better than the other. If a child talks less or keeps to himself, you cannot say that she is arrogant or rude, she just may be introvert. Introvert children find it difficult to talk about their challenges or problem freely. If your child is an introvert too, you must try to understand the kind of challenges she may face to help her deal with them.

  • While working on group projects in school, an introvert child may find it challenging to contribute her ideas. Though she may have many ideas, she won’t be able to express them in front of her group members and will settle for whatever others say.
  • Your child may fear attending social gathering or parties, where she may have to interact with people. Being a part of a large group is difficult for introverts, as they may only get along with a few members.
  • If you have sent your child to a camp or workshop, she may get overwhelmed as she will have to interact with new kids.
  • If your child has shifted their school, it might be difficult to make new friends quickly.
  • During family reunions, an introvert child may become uneasy while getting acquainted with the extended family.
  • Making friends and maintaining a friendship is hard for introvert children.

The above-mentioned points are some of the challenges that your kid may have to face if she is an introvert; however, as a parent, you should help your kid in dealing with such situations in an effective manner. Let us find out how you may do so in the following section.

How to Raise an Introvert Child

Before we discuss how to help an introvert child, it is important for parents to understand that being an introvert is not a flaw or any kind of psychological disorder for which you may have to seek treatment or other cautionary measures. It is just a personality trait that some kids are born with, and there is nothing wrong with being an introvert. But sometimes parents may not be able to understand how to deal with an introverted child, and for that, we have the following tips for you:

1. Appreciate Your Kid’s ‘Alone Time’

Introvert kids love to spend time alone, in their own dreamy world. As a parent of an introvert child, you should understand and respect it, and let your kid have a little me-time to process her thoughts and recharge himself.

2. Assure Your Child

Your kid may be under constant scrutiny for being quiet and shy. But as a responsible parent, you must realise that there is nothing wrong in being an introvert. You need to make your child understand this too. You must assure your child that she is perfect the way she is and that she need not worry about what others perceive of him. There are many famous personalities such as J.K Rowling, Mother Teresa, Bill Gates and many others, who are or were introverts. So, give your child examples of these personalities and she will feel better.

3. Introduce Your Kid to Strangers Gradually

Introvert kids find it difficult to be around people they do not know. Therefore, don’t expect or force your kid to start a conversation with unknown people as soon as she meets them. Give her some time to mingle with people around.

4. Encourage Your Kid to Follow Her Passion

You may notice that your child may show interest in unique or intense things. Not all kids love to be outdoors or engage in softball or volleyball. Your kid may want to invest her time in a science camp or writing classes. Therefore, appreciate your child’s choices and help her pursue her passion.

5. Encourage Your Kid to Stand for Herself

Your kid may get bullied in school for being the way she is. Tell her to fight and stand for what she feels is right and do not let other children take advantage of him. By encouraging her to fight for himself, you instil confidence in a child.

6. Help Your Kid Express Her Feelings

Introvert kids may find it difficult to express their feelings and emotions. If your kid finds it difficult to express her feelings directly to you, encourage her to write a journal, indulge in art activities, free play and other such activities that help her convey her emotions.

7. Tell Her That It is Alright to Have Few Friends

The quantity of friends is not indicative of how well or successful your kid is in achieving various aspects of life. If she does not feel fine to be around many people, it is absolutely fine that she surrounds himself with a few good friends only. Being popular and having loads of friends is not important, however, having a good understanding friend is important. Make her understand that having 100 friends does not make anyone popular. If she has one good friend who will support her in times of trouble, then she has everything.

8. Talk to Your Child’s Teachers

Sometimes your kid’s introvert personality trait may be taken as being shy or lazy by the teachers. However, if you talk to your kid’s teachers in advance, then it may help them in understanding and deal with your kid in a better way.

9. Appreciate Your Child’s Efforts

Sometimes you may notice your kid taking the initiative to talk to strangers. Make it a point to appreciate and encourage your kid whenever you observe such behaviour.

10. Understand When Your Kid Needs Help

An introvert kid may not like to ask for help and may keep fighting with her problems on her own. It is very important for you as a parent to take a cue and ask your kid if she is facing any problem. However, do not interrogate or pry but simply ask questions, if she does not wish to share, give her some time. She will come around in some time, then you can help him.

Every child is special and unique in her own way and all children have different personalities. It is okay to be an introvert and if your child is one, do not force her to be someone she is not. Understand and empathise with your kid and help her make an identity of her own.

Published by
Anisha Nair