Mood Swings while Pregnant: Reasons & What You Need to Do


Pregnant and moody? Well, join the club! Mood swings are one of the primary symptoms of pregnancy and occur commonly but do you know everything about it and how can it be better managed? If you find yourself in such a state and you’re looking for more information, search no more. Whether it’s recognizing mood swings or learning to deal with them in effective ways, here’s some information that will be of help to you.


What are Mood Changes in Pregnancy

Mood swings, essentially are abrupt changes in your feelings and behaviour. You may find yourself overjoyed at the idea of becoming a ‘mother’ on some days while on others you may feel overwhelmed by the same thought. Being happy and bursting out in tears within seconds is what mood swings are like. And no, they don’t make sense at all!


Are Pregnancy Mood Swings Normal?

Pregnancy is a time when drastic changes take place in a woman’s body and hormonal fluctuations are one of them. . With hormonal changes, you’re bound to experience a surge in emotions often. This is especially aggravated for women known to suffer from PMS. However, there is no need to worry or panic at all as these mood swings are as normal as your off-beat pregnancy cravings. It’s your body’s way of adjusting to all the internal changes.

What Causes Mood Swings During Pregnancy?

Mood swings are a result of constant hormonal changes in your body and these hormonal mood swings during pregnancy can take you on an emotional roller-coaster at any time of the day. . However contrary to popular belief, only hormonal changes isn’t the only reason why these mood changes occur. Following are some reasons why you may be experiencing mood swings.

1. Surge in Hormonal Level

One of the primary causes of mood swings during pregnancy is the surge in levels of the female hormones (responsible for female reproductive cycle) Progestrone and Oestrogen. These hormonal changes affect the neurotransmitters (the chemicals that carry messages) in your brain. When there is an increase or decrease in the amount of these neurotransmitters, it directly affects how you emote. You may become anxious, grumpy, or irritable all of a sudden.

2. Stress Related Changes

Worrying about the future and your baby’s health or delivery could also cause a fluctuation in your hormones and can in turnaffect your mood.

3. Common Health Changes

There are other common changes that your body may experience during pregnancy as a result of which you could also observe changes in your mood. Common issues associated with pregnancy such as heartburn, frequent urination and fatigue could be such changes.

4. Emotional and Physical Stress

Women, during this time, can become particularly sensitive and even the smallest thing may tick them off. Emotional stress is another huge factor responsible for mood swings. Similarly, physical stress and too much activity are equally responsible. Metabolism, too, can impact your mood.

In effect, your emotions can run helter-skelter for a whole lot of reasons.

When Do Mood Swings Occur in Pregnancy?

Women usually experience mood swings in the first and the last trimester of their pregnancy although you could experience them through all stages. Mood swings in the first week of pregnancy set the stage for the first trimester and the rest of the pregnancy Let’s see how these mood swings affect the three trimesters:

Pregnancy Mood Swing Per Trimester

As pregnancy is divided into three trimesters, you may find it meaningful to know what each phase is like in order to be prepared and experience the different stages of pregnancy in a better way:

1. Mood Swings During the First Trimester

The initial phase of pregnancy may be slightly difficult to deal with, especially for women who experience conception for the first time as they are not accustomed to experiencing such sudden changes. Pregnancy mood swings in the 1st trimester seem to be quite prominent in most cases. However, some women may experience them at a later stage. Morning sickness to irritability will all come at once and make sure you cut yourself some slack as it is alright to behave the way you do.

2. Mood Swings During the Second Trimester

The second trimester seems to be the calmest phase of pregnancy. If you’ve already experienced mood swings in the first phase, it’s time to relax. Pregnancy mood swings in the 2nd trimester are are not that prominent as it is quite likely you have come to terms with the hormonal roller coaster your body is going through. This holds true for most women, however, some women may start having mood changes in this phase as well.

3. Mood Swings During the Third Trimester

Mood swings in 3rd trimester of pregnancy are expected to peak and often worsen. This is especially difficult because women tend to experience heartburn and insomnia and also feel very tired at this stage. As a result, it’s possibly the hardest phase of pregnancy to cope with.

What If Your Pregnancy Moods Swings Don’t Stop?

Mood swings are extremely common during pregnancy. However, if you feel that they seem to overwhelm you beyond your capacity to manage them, you could consider some effective ways to deal with them. Alternatively, you could also consult your doctor.

How to Control Your Mood Swings During Pregnancy?

Controlling your mood swings may not be as difficult as it may seem. Each person can explore different options and choose the one that works the best for them. So, how to handle emotions during pregnancy? You could consider any of the following ways:

1. Getting Adequate Sleep

Growing a baby inside you is a tough job and your body needs all the rest it can get. Make sure you are sleeping well and getting adequate rest.

2. Regular Physical Activity

Mild exercises during pregnancy is usually advised by all doctos. Physical activity releases endorphins, which help you feel relaxed and happy. Consult your doctor to find out which physical activity suits you the best and shake a leg!

3. Spending a Lot of Time with Your Partner

Talking about how and what exactly you feel is all the therapy you need. You must be vocal about your emotions and discussing with your partner always helps. After all, it is a team effort!

4. Eating Nutritious Meals

You must be very careful about what you put in your tummy as it may directly affect your mood. It is observed that high calorie foods are usually high in glycemic index which affects the sugar levels in the body. As a result of this you may experience sudden mood swings. Therefore having a well balanced nutritious diet is highly recommended.

5. Indulging in Fun Activities Like Watching a Movie With Your Friends

Some fun time with your buddies can never go wrong. Don’t be so hard on yourself and indulge in a little fun once in a while. Some change in your daily routine is quite essential.

6. Getting a Massage

Nothing like a spa treatment. Your body is undergoing physical stress and to help relieve some, a massage always helps.

7. Taking a Walk

Some ‘me’ time is essential to. Taking a walk can help calm you, get a breath of fresh air and also induce some physical activity in your day.

When to Take Professional Help?

Most of the time you will be able to handle these changes well. However, When your mood swings seem to get out of control, you should see your doctor. This is especially true if you’re dealing with anxiety, health problems or any other issues. Also, if depression sets in, it’s very important to let your doctor know right away. Your well-being is critical because it affects the health of your child.

Depression, in fact, can be very harmful if untreated or talked about and can increase your risk of pre term labour and postpartum depression – a mood disorder after childbirth. Although every new mother is at risk due to such depression, look for predictors to identify them. These include anxiety during pregnancy, stressful life events, traumatic childbirth experience, and lack of support and so on. Consider talking to your doctor when your mood swings seem difficult to manage or if the remedies you’ve tried don’t seem to work.

While there are different remedies to suit any sort of mood swings, you might have to test a few options to see which one works for you.

Published by
Romita P