
Eating Jamun During Pregnancy

Jamun, also known as java plum or black plum, is a popular Indian berry that is known for its numerous health benefits. Is you are craving for jamun during pregnancy, you may be wondering whether or not it’s safe to eat when expecting. Jamun is one of those fruits that do your little one a world of good and are low in calories. Although you might not be able to indulge yourself in your favourite dishes, you’ll be happy to know that you’re allowed to eat jamun when you’re expecting.


Read on to find out its numerous benefits and when it’s suitable to eat black jamun during pregnancy.


Is It Safe to Eat Jamun When Pregnant?

Yes. It is safe to eat jamun when you’re pregnant. Jamun contains a lot of antioxidants and boasts of a dense nutrient profile which is beneficial for foetal development and well-being.

Health Benefits of Eating Jamun During Pregnancy

Here are the health benefits of eating jamun (black plum) when you’re pregnant. 

1. Nutrient Profile

Jamun boasts of a nutrient profile that comprises of calcium, vitamin C, iron, potassium, and antioxidants. These vitamins and minerals strengthen the bones and boost immunity.

2. Improves Digestion

Consuming jamun regularly helps with diarrhoea and ulcers. It also helps in dealing with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. These ailments will improve naturally, and you’ll feel the benefits of having a healthy stomach pretty soon.

3. Reduces the Risk of High Blood Pressure

Since jamun is high in potassium and antioxidants, you’ll be surging with energy throughout your pregnancy. It will also help with reducing the risk of high blood pressure. If you’re wondering how much potassium does jamun have, you get 50 mg of potassium from a 100g serving of jamun.

4. Improves Immunity

Since jamun boosts immunity and is rich in antioxidants, your body is protected against infections and diseases. The RBC (red blood cell) count also increases, thus preventing diseases like anaemia.

5. Develops Baby’s Vision

Jamun is popular for its high vitamin A content. Vitamin A is an essential nutrient required for promoting the development of the baby’s vision. 

6. Maintains Oral Health

Jamun is well known for its anti-bacterial properties and is effective in preventing various dental problems. Eating jamun during pregnancy helps maintain your oral health.

7. Promotes Cardiovascular Health

Let’s not forget the heart-healthy benefits of eating jamun. It regulates blood pressure level, which in turn, substantially lowers your risk of heart attacks in the future. Jamun also reduces inflammation, thus, protecting the heart vessels.

8. Prevents Premature Delivery

Jamun has high magnesium content which is essential for avoiding premature deliveries, thus ensuring complete foetal growth and development.

How Much Jamun Can You Eat Daily During Pregnancy?

Having a serving of jamun every day will help you and your baby gain all its health benefits. Do not eat more than two servings a day or aim to eat moderate portions daily, exceeding no more than 2 bowls of these berries. Consult your dietician or healthcare specialist to confirm your dietary requirements before adding jamun portions to your diet.

What Precautions to Take While Eating Jamun During Pregnancy

Although jamun is safe to eat during pregnancy, there are a couple of precautions one must take.

  • Do not drink milk immediately after consuming this fruit.

  • If you have diabetes, don’t eat too much jamun, as it has a hypoglycemic effect and causes clotting of blood

When Should Pregnant Women Avoid Jamun?

Jamun is often collected by shaking trees and picked from the ground. If the jamun is too damaged, not fresh, or not packed properly, please do not consume it.

How to Select Jamuns

We come across jamun growing on trees in our surroundings quite often. It might be tempting for you or your kids to pick these up and bring a few home. As pregnancy makes you vulnerable, you need to avoid anything that can cause too much damage. Here are some guidelines for selecting handpicked jamun for consumption during pregnancy.

  • Avoid damaged, deformed, discoloured, or ‘odd-looking’ jamun.
  • Do not buy this fruit if it hasn’t ripened or if it has a hard texture.
  • Jamun has a short shelf-life of two days at room temperature. Make sure to pack them in mesh bags and refrigerate. Refrigeration extends its shelf life up to two weeks.

How to Consume Jamun During Pregnancy

Like any other fruit, jamun can be consumed in raw. Make sure your properly wash the fruit before eating it. Another way you can include this nutritious fruit in your diet is by making a jamun smoothie. Here is a simple recipe of making jamun smoothie that can be prepared in a few minutes.


  • Jamun– 3/4 cup (deseeded)
  • Yoghurt- 2 cups
  • Honey- as per taste
  • A few ice cubes


In a blender, add the jamun, yoghurt, and honey and blend it well. In a glass, add a few ice cubes and pour the delicious jamun smoothie.

A high nutrient profile, zero calories, and packed with antioxidants- jamun (black plum) is defined by these qualities. Pregnancy requires eating foods that provide nourishment to the little one, and if you have a disciplined diet, you can consider adding java plum to your meals during pregnancy.

Published by
Mahak Arora