Getting Pregnant

Infertility Risk Factors: Should You Go for Evaluation

Infertility refers to the inability of a couple to conceive. If a woman is not able to get pregnant even after unprotected intercourse for a year, the couple should consult a specialist and get their fertility evaluated.


According to a recent survey by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, there are more than a million couples facing reproduction problems. While there may be a single or a combination of factors that may result in infertility, it is recommended that a couple should get themselves evaluated and begin the treatment at the earliest. There are separate tests for men and women to detect the problem.


Evaluation for Male & Female Infertility

A couple may opt for infertility evaluation in the following cases:

1. Age

It plays an important role in determining fertility. A woman’s body undergoes certain changes after 35 that may reduce the chances of a normal conception. Even for men, age is an important determining factor as their sperm count decreases considerably after 35.

2. Smoking

It significantly reduces fertility in both men and women. If a woman conceives and continues to smoke, she is at a greater risk of miscarriage, and her baby can be born with birth-defects.

3. Irregular Menstrual Cycle

If a woman has irregular or painful mensuration or has a history of abdominal or pelvic surgery, miscarriage or was exposed to DES (Diethylstilboestrol), she is likely to turn infertile sooner.

4. Being Overweight

It is difficult for an overweight male to produce the desired amount of sperms. Similarly, an overweight female is also likely to face infertility as compared to a healthy and fit woman.

5. Sperm Count

Low sperm count, poor mobility or irregular sperm shape may also result in fertility issues in men. They should get an infertility evaluation done.

6. Mental Stress

It affects your body in multiple ways. Mental stress impacts both female ovulation and sperm production in males. If either of the partners is under stress, it may result in infertility.

It is important for you to know the general guidelines on who should get evaluated and what should be expected during the infertility consultation. These tips will help you in this.

Published by
Tian C