
How To Get Baby To Sleep in Crib – 6 Effective Ways

Training your baby to sleep separately in the crib can be a challenging task as he might cry excessively on being separated from you. Also, you will feel sad on seeing your baby cry. But you know that you have to make him sleep in a crib some day or the other. So, what’s the delay for? Making a baby sleep in a crib can be done using a variety of techniques, but we have noted down some of the most common ways of doing it. But before doing that, it is important to know if it’s the right time to let your baby sleep in a crib alone.


When Can Your Baby Start Sleeping in Crib?

There is no direct answer to this question. It would very likely depend on how old your child is and also on how comfortable you are with him sleeping away from you.


You will probably be more worried than the baby when making him sleep separately. It is better to place his crib in your bedroom for the first few weeks. This will help you understand his sleeping patterns, breathing noises, and nals. All this will help you to monitor the baby when he is sleeping in a different room.

However, there are some parents who are comfortable with the baby sleeping in a separate room, only after a few months. If you are one of them, there is nothing to be worried about. If the baby’s sleeping pattern allows it, you can put the crib in a separate room. But make sure that you install monitoring devices to make sure that baby is safe while sleeping in the crib.

6 Tips to Make an Infant Sleep in a Crib

Here are 6 tips on how to put the baby to sleep in a crib:

  • Start with naps: Of course, you will be worried while putting your baby to sleep in a crib. So, a better idea to start the transition to the crib would be with a few short naps. This will allow the baby to get familiar with the new surroundings.
  • Make the baby’s crib a happy place: Put some toys in the baby’s crib during the day. It will make the crib a ‘fun’ and ‘safe’ environment in the baby’s mind. But you should do this during playtime and not at the nap time.
  • Read a book to your baby: The serenity of your voice can easily help your kid to sleep peacefully in a new environment. Ensure that the book you choose is specifically for babies and you read it in a calm and gentle way. Even though young kids won’t understand what you are reading, but your soothing voice will definitely ease them into sleep.

  • Give your baby a bath before sleeping: A bath before sleeping will ease your baby into sleep. However, if your baby is very active, the bath is only going to freshen him up. In this case, you should do it a bit earlier in the day and not before the bedtime routine.
  • Include a snack: Sleeping on an empty stomach is never recommended. You can give your baby some formula or breast milk before you put him to sleep. Make sure you don’t overfeed him as it might cause him discomfort.
  • Create a bedtime routine: Sometimes a sudden change in your daily routine induces stress. If you want to make the transition of your baby sleeping in a crib a smooth one, try to create a routine that he can understand. It will help him anticipate the crib and will not bring stress.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is It Safe to Make Transition from Cosleeping to Crib?

Yes, it is perfectly safe to make the transition from co-sleeping to crib. The comfort level of you and your baby is the most important factor that is to be considered if you want to make your baby sleep in a crib. You should definitely sleep with your baby until you are familiar with his sleeping patterns. The transition to the crib should happen slowly after you get used to all of his sleeping patterns.

It is best for the baby to sleep in a crib in your bedroom for about a year. He will probably adapt to the sleeping environment. After that, you can place the crib in a separate room.

Note: Don’t forget to install baby monitoring devices to keep a check of your newborn sleeping in the crib.

2. Why Does My Baby Start Crying When Shifted to Crib?

There may be many reasons for why your s crying at night when he is shifted to the crib. Firstly, the baby refuses to sleep in a crib because he is not used to it. He is used to sleeping in your bed for months, and that’s where he feels comfortable. The new surrounding might seem new to the baby, and as a result, he cries.

Another major factor could be ‘you’. Most parents punish their babies by putting them in the crib when they fail to behave. This creates a perception in baby’s mind. This can also be a reason that your baby cries when you put him in the crib.

Getting your baby to sleep in a crib should be done gradually so that the baby is comfortable with the new environment. You should also be aware of his sleeping pattern before you put the crib in a separate room.

Published by
Aarohi Achwal