Frequent Urination During Pregnancy

Going through a pregnancy can get a little confusing with the amount of information made available on which remedies to try and which ones to avoid? We have put together some trustworthy information that will help to clear your doubts. In this article, we are addressing one of the most common symptoms that every pregnant mother worries herself with – frequent urination. It is around the 6th week of pregnancy (first trimester) that this starts to occur and can get alarming as the pregnancy progresses.


What Are The Causes Of Frequent Urination?

The reason for frequent urination during pregnancy is the hormone hCG which increases the blood flow to the woman’s kidneys by up to 35 to 60%. The kidneys produce up to 25% more urine after conception due to the extra blood flow. The excess production of urine peaks for about 9 to 16 weeks only after which it settles down.


While the increased blood flow is one of the main reason for frequent urination, it can also be affected by the increasing pressure on the woman’s bladder due to the growing uterus. This pressure is the primary cause for rather frequent urination by pregnant women during their final three months of pregnancy. This increase in pressure is caused as the baby grows in size and moves down into the mother’s pelvis, just weeks before the birth.

Is Frequent Urination An Early Sign Of Pregnancy?

The early symptoms of frequent urination are quite common among other multiple symptoms of pregnancy. Frequent urination is bound to occur during the first and third trimesters of pregnancy. The increase in hCG hormone levels along with the increase in body fluids will push every pregnant woman to run towards the toilet day and night.

Urination In Each Trimester

A woman’s urinary system will go through various changes during the nine months of pregnancy. These changes are explained below by each trimester:

First trimester

One of the first signs of pregnancy is frequent urination and the increased hormone levels are the primary cause. The expansion of the uterus which presses into the bladder contributes to the cause too.

Second trimester

You might get some relief from frequent urination during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester. This is because the uterus which continues to expand will rise higher in the abdomen and away from the bladder, thereby reducing the pressure on the bladder. Remember though that this is temporary!

Third trimester

You will see a spike in this symptom during the third trimester. Frequent urination during the 8th month of pregnancy is mainly because the baby drops lower in the woman’s pelvis in preparation for delivery. This, in turn, puts pressure on the bladder resulting in frequent visits to the bathroom.

I Leak Urine While Laughing Or Sneezing. Why Does This Happen?

Leaking urine when you sneeze, exercise, cough, or even laugh during your pregnancy is a common symptom and occurs especially during the eight month of the pregnancy. This urinary incontinence or unintentional passage of urine is a result of stress inertia. Stress incontinence occurs during any physical activity (mentioned above) which puts stress or pressure on your bladder.

How To Ease Frequent Urination During Pregnancy?

Every pregnant mother out there is looking for a remedy to reduce their urination frequency. We have mentioned below some remedies that will certainly help:

  1. Leaning forward during urination will help empty out the bladder. If you ensure that your bladder is empty each time you pee, your frequency of trips to the bathroom might reduce.
  2. Beverages which have a diuretic effect, like coffee, tea, soft drink, etc. can be avoided. These will only increase urination and the number of trips you take to the bathroom!
  3. You can reduce the nighttime visits to the bathroom by cutting back on fluids for a few hours before sleep, although plenty of fluids need to be consumed during the day, as the fluids are an essential for you and your baby. Also, do not excessively reduce the fluid intake, just cut down a little.
  4. Kegel exercises strengthen the muscles of the urethra and gain control over the organ. This will, in turn, help you have better control over your urination. The exercise can be done about three times a day. Keep your muscles contacted for about 10 seconds and do this 10 to 20 times in a row.
  5. Urinary tract infection can also, occasionally be the cause of frequent urination. This will need medical attention. Visit your doctor to rule out this possibility.
  6. Urinary incontinence pads can be used by pregnant women to reduce the number of trips to the bathroom. These can be used during workout times and if you have caught a cough.

How Can You Avoid Frequent Urination During Pregnancy At Night?

Your visits to the bathroom during the night can be avoided by completely emptying your bladder every time you urinate and also by cutting down on the fluids a few hours before you go to bed. Do make sure to take more fluids during the day. Less consumption of the fluids will keep you out of the bathroom. However, it will lead to dehydration and eventually, urinary tract infection. Both, your body and your baby, require a sufficient and steady supply of liquids.

Is Frequent Peeing A Sign Of Worry?

Although frequent urination is a symptom during pregnancy, mainly owing to changes in hormone levels and urinary incontinence. However, other factors could also be involved. Urinary tract infection can also lead to frequent urination. It is better to consult with your doctor to rule out the possibility.

When will you get relief from frequent urination in pregnancy?

Pregnancy and urination go hand in hand and are a subject discussed quite often by pregnant mothers. Even after delivery, the body continues to eliminate excess fluid that was gained during pregnancy. The urge to urinate frequently will not reduce for at least the first few days after the delivery. Only after elimination of the extra fluid you will get some relief as your system reverts to normalcy.


Do remember that these urinary inconveniences are just minor issues that are sure to fade away when the baby is born.

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