Getting Pregnant

Using Evening Primrose Oil for Fertility

Evening primrose oil (EPO) is commonly used for inducing labour in women during pregnancy. It is used as a tonic for the brain and for regulating menstruation in women. If you’ve been facing issues related to eczema, PMS, impotence or chronic fatigue syndrome, then using evening primrose oil will be very beneficial to you.


What is Evening Primrose Oil?

Evening primrose oil is a type of cold-pressed oil derived from the plant Oenothera Biennis (evening primrose). Also known as the ‘King’s Cure-All’ since medieval times, this plant has various healing properties and helps in inducing fertility in women. It is rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, linoleic acid (LA) and gamma linoleic acid (GLA).


Benefits of Using Evening Primrose Oil for Fertility

The following are the benefits of evening primrose oil for fertility and pregnancy:

1. Improves cervical mucus production

The prostaglandins regulate fertility hormones in the pituitary gland. The evening primrose oil has been used as a fertility tonic for inducing labour in women near to the end of pregnancy. The gamma linoleic acid (GLA) is converted into prostaglandins hormones when ingested through primrose oil, making it one of the best types of fatty acids for internal healing and increasing cervical mucus production in women who are trying to conceive. Fertile cervical fluid keeps sperm alive beyond ovulation days, which means you can use evening primrose oil to get pregnant.

2. Treats premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Premenstrual syndrome is recognized by symptoms such as irritability, bloating, depression, and breast tenderness. These symptoms are linked to excess prostaglandins hormones circulating in women. Evening primrose oil restores hormonal balance by reducing prostaglandins, when found in excess, thus improving and treating premenstrual syndrome in women.

3. May reduce hot flashes

Hot flashes are common in pregnancy and typically affect women at night. A clinical trial report revealed that women who took 500 mg of evening primrose oil every day experienced hot flashes but of lower frequency and shorter periods. In terms of other health markers, social activity, sexual activity, and mood also improved in women.

4. May regulate blood pressure levels

High blood pressure is a dangerous complication in women during pregnancy. Although research is not quite clear in this area, a 2013 study showed that intake of evening primrose oil lowered the systolic blood pressure by up to 4%. The fact that wasn’t clear was whether evening primrose oil reduces blood pressure levels directly or whether it treats preeclampsia which is responsible for high blood pressure. Regardless, it is a beneficial supplement that must be considered during pregnancy and administered under the supervision and guidance of a doctor, where dosage is concerned.

5. Treats alcohol addiction

If you are pregnant, then you must be knowing by now how harmful alcohol is for a baby. If you’ve struggled with alcohol addiction and can’t seem to quit, we’ve got some good news for you. If you have been consuming alcohol for a long time now, the chances are that prostaglandin E in your body will be depleted. Primrose oil stimulates the brain to secrete prostaglandin E, which is responsible for your self-control centres and improves confidence, thus treating withdrawal symptoms. Taking a few drops of primrose oil can treat your alcohol addiction an improve your health.

Besides pregnancy and fertility, evening primrose oil is also used for treating eczema, acne, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, high cholesterol, heart disease, and various other medical conditions. The herbal remedy is an excellent source of dietary fatty acids and aids in reducing inflammation, treating nerve damage in diabetic patients and solving mood-related disorders, including ADHD and depression. It also improves the health of the heart as well as improves fertility in men by boosting blood circulation and reducing plaque in the genital arteries.

When and How Much EPO You Should Take

If you’re trying to conceive, it is best to take 1500 mg to 3000 mg of primrose oil every day until the first day of your ovulation since the time of your last period. Please note that it may take up to one to two months to start noticing any desirable effects. However, avoid taking evening primrose oil without medical supervision. If you are on medication for blood pressure, blood thinning agents, SSRIs etc., consult with your doctor before taking this. Talk to your doctor about the evening primrose oil dosage for fertility if you’re currently on any prescription drugs or medications.

How to Use Evening Primrose Oil for Improving Fertility

Here are some tips on how to take evening primrose oil for boosting fertility in you:

What you will need

  • Evening primrose oil supplements (capsules)
  • Water
  • Omega 3 fish oil supplements


  • You need to first know that primrose oil is primarily used for inducing labour in women. To use primrose oil effectively, mark the first day of your last period on your calendar.
  • Take a 1500 mg to 3000 mg capsule with a glass of water starting from Day 1. Ovulation typically begins from Day 14 and if you’re trying to conceive, it’s this 13-day mark you have to take note of.
  • Stop taking the supplement on the 14th day since the ovulation phase begins from that day. Continuing to take the supplement beyond day 14 will lead to uterine contractions in the luteal phase which will make it harder for the fertilized egg to implant in the womb.
  • Substitute with omega-3 fish oil supplements from day 14 of your ovulation to get your daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids.

If you are not comfortable taking capsule supplements or primrose oil pills, you may consider using evening primrose oil drops. Check with the doctor and manufacturer regarding the dosage and the quality of ingredients used in supplements. You may use evening primrose oil in the form of cosmetics and soaps as well.

Side Effects of Using Evening Primrose Oil for Fertility

Using EPO during pregnancy comes with a list of side effects, which are as follows:

  • Headaches
  • Gastrointestinal Upset
  • Diarrhoea
  • May cause hypoglycaemia as a result of low blood sugar levels
  • Increased bleeding in patients with blood disorders
  • May lead to thinning of blood or cause low blood pressure
  • May interact with blood thinners, antipsychotic drugs, and other prescription medications
  • May cause other allergic reactions when taken in huge doses
  • Premature childbirth

It is recommended that you talk to a healthcare professional or your midwife before deciding to take matters into your own hands and using evening primrose oil for supplementation. The best way to naturally induce labour is through exercise, relaxation, nutrition, and sexual intercourse prior to delivery. It is best to avoid supplementing evening primrose oil until the 39th week of your pregnancy or at least until your baby fully matures inside your womb.

Supplementation may prove to be beneficial on a case-by-case basis which is why we recommend you follow-up with to your doctor or midwife throughout all stages of your pregnancy if you choose to supplement it.

Published by
Aliya Khan